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Kriat Shema 3:12-15

12. In the case of a *re’ach ra’* (pungent odor) that has a [tangible] source, he distances himself 4 Amot and reads [K’riat Sh’ma] – as long as the smell stops (i.e. doesn’t reach there). If the smell doesn’t stop [there], he...

Kriat Shema 3:16-17

16. Just as it is forbidden to read [K’riat Sh’ma] while facing tzo’ah or urine until he moves away from it, similarly, it is forbidden to read while facing an *’ervah* (nakedness – see questions) until he turns his face away. He should...

Kriat Shema 3:18-19

18. If two people were sleeping [naked] under one cover, each one of them is prohibited from reading [K’riat Sh’ma] even if he covers up below his chest, until the cover separates them in such a manner that this one’s flesh doesn’t touch the...

Kriat Shema 4:1-2

1. Women, slaves and minors are exempt from K’riat Sh’ma. We teach minors to read it in its time and they say the B’rakhot beforehand and afterwards in order to train them in [the performance of] Mitzvot. If someone was anxious and concerned about...

Kriat Shema 4:3-6

3. If someone experienced the death of someone for whom is is obligated to mourn, he is exempt from K’riat Sh’ma until he buries him, since his mind is not clear enough to read. If he was guarding the body, even if it wasn’t one of his relatives, he...