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Posted on April 29, 2022 By Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Series: | Level:

Each and every one of us is subject to this system– as a rule.

But the influence of the stars can be undone by a power greater than their own 1 .That’s the import of the expression, “The People of Israel aren’t dependent on the (influence of the) constellations” (Shabbat 156a) ­­2.

And that’s because G-d’s decrees and His emanations overrule the influence of the stars ­3. As a consequence, events can be a result of higher forces than the constellations 4.


1 See 1:5.5 above about the place of human free will in all of this. Also see Rashi to Genesis 15:5 who addresses Abraham’s status in the face of the influence of the stars.

2 See Tosephot Ein” there.

3 The ancients would surely reason that since there was a huge sky over their heads that contains the weather system and has such a great influence over their lives, a vast array of stars and constellations in the heavens that controlled much of that reality on a deeper and greater level, it stands to reason that G-d who dwelt in the endless heavens was above all of that and in charge. They thus came to realize that G-d’s say was final in the face of everything – including those stars

4 See Zohar Chadash 32c which discusses the place of our own actions and spiritual status in all this.