Mishna Berura
This class follows the order of the Code of Jewish Law. The Code of Jewish Law, or Shulchan Aruch (lit. “Set Table”) was written by Rabbi Yosef Karo. Notes in curly brackets {} are the glosses of Rabbi Moshe Isserles, and they often indicate where Ashkenazic custom differs from that of the Sephardic or Eastern congregations.
The writers contributing to this list change frequently, each having volunteered to complete a particular section. This class is moderated by Stephen Phillips.
The Laws of Arising in the Morning
The Laws of Tzitzis
- Siman 11: The Laws of Tzitzis The Laws of the Tzitzis Strings
- Siman 12: Things that Invalidate Tzitzis [Fringes]
- Siman 13: The Laws of Tzitzis on Shabbos
- Siman 15: Whether to Transfer Tzitzis from Garment to Garment and the Law of a Ripped Talis
- Siman 17: Who is required to Wear Tzitzis
- Siman 19: The correct time for [reciting the] Blessing over the Tzitzis
- Siman 20: The Laws of buying and selling a Tallis
- Siman 22:
- Siman 23: Laws of Tzitzis in a Cemetery
- Siman 24: The Manner of Wearing the Tzitzis and its Reward and Punishment
The Laws of Tefillin
- Siman 25: Hilchot Tefillin – The Laws of Tefillin in Detail
- Siman 26: The Law For Someone Who Has Only One “Tifila.”
- Siman 28: The Laws of taking off the Tefillin
- Siman 29
- Siman 30: The Time for Laying T’fillin
- Siman 31: The Laws of Tefillin on Shabbos & Yom Tov (Holidays)
- Siman 32: The Procedure of Writing Tefillin
- Siman 33: The Laws of Repairing Tefillin and the Laws of the Straps
- Siman 34: The Order of the Parashiyot* in the Tfillin, and the M’hadrim* who Have 2 Pairs of Tfillin
- Siman 35: The Law Concerning the Number of Lines (in the Torah Passages of Tefilin)
- Siman 36: The Exact Details of Writing the [Tefillin]
- Siman 37: The Time for putting on Tefilin
- Siman 38: Laws of Obligation in the Mitzva of Tefillin
- Siman 39: The Law as to who is Obligated in Tefillin, vs. Those who are Exempt
- Siman 40: The Laws of How to Treat Tefillin in Holiness
- Siman 41: The Law of One Who Bears a Burden ヨ How He Should Behave with Tfilin
- Siman 42: Whether It is Permitted to Change Hand-Tfillin to Head-Tfillin
- Siman 43: The laws of tefillin when entering a bathroom (cont.)
- Siman 44: The prohibition on Sleeping while wearing Tefillin
- Siman 45: The Laws of Tefillin in a graveyard and bathhouse
The Laws of Prayer
- Siman 46: The Laws of the Morning Blessings
- Siman 47: Laws Concerning the Blessings for Learning Torah
- Siman 50: The Reason that We Say the Mishnah “Eyzehu Mkoman [What is the place…]”
- Siman 51: The Laws of Prayer from “Baruch She’amar” to “Yishtabach”
- Siman 52: The law regarding one who waited to come to the Synagogue until [they were already saying] “Yishtabach”
- Siman 58: The Laws of Reading the Shema and its Blessings
- Siman 59: The Laws of the first blessing, “who created…”
- Siman 60: The laws of the blessings for Shema, and whether proper intentions are required
- Siman 61: The law concerning precision and concentration while reading the Shema
- Siman 62: One who did not pronounce the Shema properly or did not read it audibly
- Siman 63: To sit while reading Shema, and not to sleep
- Siman 64: Laws Concerning One Who Makes a Mistake in the Reading of the Shema
- Siman 65: One Who Comes to Shul and Finds the Congregation Saying Shema, or One Who Stops in the Middle of Shema
- Siman 66: In which place may one interrupt [one’s reading of the Shema] and in which place may one not interrupt
- Siman 67: When in doubt whether one has read the Shema
- Siman 68: That one should not interrupt the blessings of the Shema with Piyutim [liturgical poems]
- Siman 70: Who is exempt from reading the Shema
- Siman 71: A mourner and those involved with the deceased are exempt from reading the Shema (cont’d)
- Siman 73: How one who sleeps with his wife and children should act
- Siman 75: One should be careful about [a woman’s] uncovered hair and a woman’s [singing] voice when reading the Shema, and also not to read it in the presence of nakedness
- Siman 76: To Be Careful of Excrement While Saying the Shema
- Siman 79: One who comes across excrement when reading the Shema (continued)
- Siman 89: The Laws of Prayer and Their Proper Time
- Siman 90: The appropriate place for praying with a congregation, and the Laws of someone going on a journey
- Siman 100: One must prepare the prayers for holidays
- Siman 101: One must concentrate upon all of the blessings, and one can pray in any language
- Siman 102: One should not stop opposite one who is praying [Shmoneh Esrei]
- Siman 103: Someone who needs to flatulate in the middle of praying
- Siman 104: Concerning the prohibition against interrupting the Amidah [Silent Prayer]
- Siman 105: The law of a person who is praying two Amidos [Silent Prayers]
- Siman 106: Who is exempt from [the requirement of] Prayer
- Siman 107: One who is in doubt if he said the Amidah and the Law regarding voluntary prayer
- Siman 108: The Laws of Prayer One Who Didn’t Pray Because Of Error, Unavoidable Circumstances, or Deliberately
- Siman 109: The law of how a person should conduct himself so that his silent Amidah coincides with that of the congregation
- Siman 110: What workers, travellers and one who enters a Beis Hamedrash should pray
- Siman 111: The Law of the juxtaposition of the Redemption to the Amidah
- Siman 112: Not interrupting in the first three or final three blessings of the Amidah
- Siman 113: The Deferential Bowing During the Shmoneh Esrei
- Siman 114: The law of mentioning the wind, rain, and dew