by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jul 26, 2007 | Intermediate
Let’s dwell upon the makeup and function of the Transcendent Forces first. We’re told that they’re utterly supernatural entities that are removed from all physicality and beyond our experience, and they’re said to be merged with G-d’s own...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jul 10, 2007 | Intermediate
Now, while the wide variety of life-forms that encompass the spiritual realm each have their own boundaries and properties, the one thing they all have in common is the fact that their makeup is utterly beyond our grasp. We know they exist; we’re aware of some...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jun 27, 2007 | Intermediate
Everything in our experience is comprised of borders. Each and every thing begins at a certain point and only extends as far as its margins will allow. That’s why I’m not you and you’re not me. For I begin here while you begin there, and if I went on...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Jun 14, 2007 | Intermediate
Each and every thing is a phenomenon unto itself, a world of its own. Yet each and every thing also has a relationship with everything else both near and far, by degrees. Let’s take a simple pea in a pod for example. Each one has its own dimensions, a character...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 31, 2007 | Intermediate
It follows then that whenever we speak about G-d we’re forced to use metaphor and simile rather than say things straight out, Ramchal points out. That’s to say, we use words to depict Him, to be sure, but they’re inexact because there’s simply...