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By Rabbi Dovid Siegel | Series: | Level:

Melachim I 7:51–8:21

Attributing Credit to its Rightful Source This week’s Haftarah recounts the ecstatic moment when Shlomo Hamelech completed the construction of the Bais Hamikdash. He gathered the prominent members of the Jewish nation and ordered the transport of the sacred ark from its temporary location to its permanent home. The ark was brought into the Bais Hamikdash with abundant joy and celebration and was placed in the innermost chamber of the Sanctuary. Hashem’s cloud of glory appeared above the Sanctuary, and Hashem established a home for His Divine Presence amongst His people.

Dovid’s Yearning for a Home for Hashem Shlomo responded to that spectacular experience by blessing the Jewish people and then thanking Hashem for fulfilling the promise He made to his father, Dovid. Dovid Hamelech had been gravely concerned over the absence of a permanent home for Hashem in this world, and he, therefore, beseeched Hashem to reveal to him the predestined site of the Bais Hamikdash. Hashem responded favorably to Dovid’s plea and informed him, through prophecy and Divine inspiration, of the Mikdash’s designated site along with its intricately detailed plan. In addition, Hashem told Dovid that his son Shlomo would be the person privileged to build the Bais Hamikdash. When Hashem’s cloud of glory filled the Sanctuary, Shlomo immediately responded and said to Hashem, “Hashem declared that His Presence would reside in a cloud of glory. I have built You a home to reside in, a permanent place for Your residence [on earth].” Shlomo then blessed the Jewish people and proclaimed in their presence, “Blessed is Hashem the Hashem of Israel who spoke to my father Dovid and then fulfilled His word.” Shlomo referred with these words that Hashem promised Dovid that his son Shlomo would build the Bais Hamikdash. Shlomo then repeated almost verbatim the entire prophecy that Hashem sent to Dovid regarding building a home for His Presence. Shlomo quoted Hashem saying, “I never chose any site…to build a home for My Presence.” Shlomo continued, “[since] it was in my father’s heart to build a home for the sake of Hashem’s Presence, Hashem therefore told him, ‘Since it was with your heart to build a home for Me, you have done well, because it was with your heart.’” (8:12-18)

The Realization of Dovid’s Dream Malbim explains the repetitive emphasis on the words, “with your heart” in the following manner: Although Dovid did not oversee the physical construction of the Bais Hamikdash, in effect, he accomplished this through his strong desire for it. The background for this is that after Dovid built a palace for himself, he became greatly disturbed over the absence of a “palace” for Hashem in this world. Yet, despite Dovid’s strong desire to build the Bais Hamikdash, Hashem restricted him from doing so, due to his constant involvement in struggle and battle. Malbim explains that the Bais Hamikdash construction mandated that it be done for the singular purpose of housing Hashem’s Presence, without any additional motive. Since Dovid realized that incredible levels of peace and harmony would undoubtedly result from building the Bais Hamikdash for Hashem’s Presence, it was impossible for him to ignore the side benefit that he would receive through building it. Therefore, Hashem waited until Dovid successfully established a peaceful climate for his people before appointing his son Shlomo to bring his father’s plan to fruition. Dovid is therefore appropriately credited with building the Mikdash since he had elicited Hashem’s consent to establish His permanent residence amongst His cherished people, and that goal was met through his son Shlomo’s building of the Bais Hamikdash. (Malbim 8:12)

The Ark’s Miraculous Entry In truth, Dovid’s credit for establishing Hashem’s home was clearly displayed through the Heavenly circumstances that related to the Holy Ark’s entry to its permanent place. We read further in Sefer Melachim about the concluding moments of this gala celebration. Therein it states, “The people returned to their family life happy and content over all the goodness Hashem performed to His servant Dovid and to His people, Israel.” (Melachim I 8:66) Rashi quotes Chazal’s explanation for the specific mention there of Hashem’s goodness to Dovid, although he was no longer alive. They recount that before the ark’s return to its designated inner chamber of the sanctuary, the doors miraculously locked shut and prevented the ark from entry. Shlomo beseeched Hashem to open the doors by mentioning every possible merit he could. Finally, he mentioned his father Dovid’s good deeds and the doors immediately swung open, and the Divine Presence rested in the Sanctuary accompanied by a fire that descended from Above and consumed all the sacrifices offered there. (Rashi ad loc., Moed Katan 9a, Shabbos 30a, Bamidbar Rabbah 14:3) This incident was public testimony to Dovid’s righteousness and perfect relationship with Hashem.

Although Shlomo had efficiently constructed the entire Bais Hamikdash structure for its said purpose, this was not sufficient cause for Hashem to direct the ark that housed His presence to enter its designated chamber. In essence, Hashem’s Presence does not reside in a physical structure; rather, it resides amongst His pious ones who surround the area. The Ark’s miraculous entry clearly displayed that Hashem’s permanent residence in this world was the result of Dovid Hamelech’s consistent relationship with Hashem. Dovid Hamelech devoted his entire life to fulfilling his prophetic directive in Tehillim, “I place Hashem before me always.” (Tehillim 16:8) In actuality, his conviction reached far beyond his personal relationship with Hashem and extended to the entire Jewish nation’s relationship with Hashem. Therefore, Dovid always yearned for that coveted moment when Hashem’s Divine presence would establish permanent residence amongst His people. Now that this moment arrived, Dovid deserved full credit for bringing his life’s yearning to fruition.