Isaiah 40:27 – 41:16
Hashem’s eternity in relation to all generations is established, “…I am first, and with the last ones I am He.” (41:4) and it therefore makes sense to trust Hashem. This realization mirrors Avraham’s quest for understanding. Natures inherent consistency and order revealed itself to Avraham as absolute proof of a Creator who cares for His creations. “…he says of the cement, “It is good,” and he strengthened it with nails that it should not move.” (41:7)
With the conviction of certainty and truth, Avraham embraces G-d as a true servant. Hashem, in return, bestows upon him the singular accolade as the one “who loved me”. In all of the Tanach, only Avraham is referred to in this manner. To love Hashem means to trust Hashem, and Avraham trusted Hashem more completely than anyone else. In merit for his devotion, Hashem promises to protect his children from the onslaught of the other nations.
As all things are put into perspective, we realize that our nation’s greatness and praise is but a reflection of Hashem’s greatness. (41:16)