This weeks Haftorah is from Malachi (1:1-2:7) The Navi declared Hashem’s love for the Bnai Yisroel by reminding them that they, the children of Yakov, had been chosen over Esav to be His “holy nation.”
The Navi continued by reprimanding the children of Yakov for their lack of appreciation in having been selected as the Chosen People. The nation acted as if they were true servants of Hashem, but in truth they were only acting. Taking a closer look at the quality of the service in the Bais Hamikdash revealed a disgracing lack of deference on the part of Kllal Yisroel’s for their singular intimacy with the Creator.
The Navi concluded by stating that the consequences of true devotion to Hashem and His Torah should be Truth, Peace, Uprightness and Life. These must be the values we teach our children and the world through our own life style. Only then can we claim to truly speak in the name of G-d.