The relationship to our Parsha is obvious from the first Pasuk (verse) of the Haftorah that describes Yakov’s journey to Aram in search of a wife. However, the connection is much more profound. As free willed creations, our decisions force Hashem to adjust events so that destiny is best accomplished. The end result will always be as Hashem intended, but the events leading to that moment can be more circuitous and convoluted than necessary. In the case of Yakov vs. Eisav and Yiravam vs. Rechavam, the actions of men forced Hashem to make accommodations. In each instance, a partnership could have been forged that would have strengthened the leadership of the nation and ushered in the Messianic era. Instead, Eisav and Yiravam refused to serve Hashem and distanced themselves and their generation from redemption.
The last Pasuk states clearly that there are many ways for destiny to be accomplished. Man’s way, devoid of G-d, leads to pain, sorrow, and destruction. Hashem’s way, which is righteous, proper, wise , and direct, leads to healing, love, and prosperity. The ways of Hashem are pleasant, loving, caring, and respectful. Imagine how different history would have been, and how wonderful the future should be!