113:1. The following are the blessings for which we bow: Avot (the first blessing), both at the beginning and at the end, (1) and the prayer of Thanks (Modim), both at the beginning and at the end. If a person wishes to bow at the beginning or end of any other blessing, we teach him (2) that he should not; (3) (4) it is, however, permissible to bow in the middle of a blessing.
113:2. Those who have the custom of bowing (5) on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur whilst saying (6) “Zochreinu” and “Mi Komocha” (special insertions in the first two blessings during the Days of Awe), must be sure to stand upright when they come to the end of the blessing. {Remo: Despite the fact that we bow at the end of the Avot (first) blessing, one must still stand more upright before the end of the blessing in order to clarify that the bowing at the very end of the blessing is being done (7) in accordance with the Rabbinic enactment (and not the special custom). Tur}.
113:3. To bow at the passages “And every righted being shall prostrate before you” or at “To you alone we are grateful” (both in the Nishmat prayer), or (8) at the thanksgiving section of Hallel or the Grace After meals, is (9) repugnant. {Remo: Meaning, because one should not bow except where our Sages have enacted it}.
Leonard Oppenheimer [email protected]
[One reason that our Sages are so strict about adding to the bowing where not so legislated, is because one can really never praise G-D enough. If one adds bowing in certain places, the implication can be drawn that in the places that he/she did not bow, there was no need to do so. And that of course can be seen as an affront to the honor of G-D. Our sages express this way of thinking with the dictum, “One who adds, diminishes”. See Brachot 33b, where the story is told about the castigation given to a man who dared praise G-D by adding his own praises. — LO]
************************************************************************** Miss Ofra Felix HY”D, daughter of the chief Rabbi of the community of Elon Moreh, was murdered by Arab terrorists in the Shomron on Erev Shabbos. May our learning be an uplift for her martyred soul. **************************************************************************
Siman 113. The Laws of Bowing Down During the Eighteen Blessings [Shmoneh Esreh] (cont’d)
113:4. One who is praying must bow down enough that all the vertebrae in his spine (10) stick out. One should not only bow down at the waist and leave his head straight, but rather one should also bow his head.
113:5. One should not bow down (11) so much that his mouth is at the height of the belt of his pants. If one is old or sick and can not bow down so that the vertebrae stick out, then it is enough just to lower one’s head because it can be seen that he wants to bow down but it hurts him [to do so].
MB 11: So much – Because it seems like he is showing off that he is bowing down more than needed.
113:6. When one bows down, he should do so quickly, all at once, and then when he straightens back up he should do so slowly and gently, first his head and then the rest of his body, all in order that it not appear like a burden to bow down.
Avi Bloch [email protected]
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Siman 113 – Laws of Bowing (Lit., Bending the Knees) During the Silent Prayer (Shmoneh Esrei) (cont’d)
113:7. (12) When one is required to bow [see 113:1], one should bend the knees with the word “Baruch” [Blessed, the beginning word of the formula “Blessed are You, L-ord”] and (13) straighten up with “Ad-n-ai” [“L-ord”].
113:8. If one is praying the Shmoneh Esrei, and someone passes before him (14) holding an idolatrous image at the same moment that one praying is normally required to bow, then one should not do so (15) even though his heart is directed towards Heaven.
MB 15: Even though etc. – Since it appears that he is bowing to an idol.
113:9. One may not add to the list of words used to describe The Holy One, Blessed be He [found in the first blessing of the Shmoneh Esrei]: “The great, mighty, and awesome Al-mighty.” This prohibition applies only during the Shmoneh Esrei, because one is forbidden to change the language formulated by the Sages for the Amidah [lit. “One can not change the coin minted by the Sages”]. But with supplicatory prayers, requests and praises that a person says on his own, there is no such restriction. Nevertheless, it is proper for one who wishes to dwell on the praises of G-d to do so by reciting verses from Scripture [such as Psalms – LC].