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When Yaakov heard that there was food in Egypt, he said to his sons, “Why do you put on an appearance [of being well stocked with provisions]?” (Bereshith 42:1) Yaakov rebuked his sons because their actions revealed to the evil children of Esav and...
Taking a Shower

Taking a Shower

In the times of the Gemara bathing was a major undertaking, and one could get heavily involved with it and miss the time of praying. As a result of this possibility, Chazal decreed that it was forbidden to enter a bathhouse before Minchah. However, bathing before the...
The Davidic Dynasty

The Davidic Dynasty

Last class we reviewed the fourteenth blessing of the Shemoneh Esrai, continuing to review the communal blessings and focusing on our request that we return to Jerusalem. Today we review the fifteenth blessing overall and continue our examination of the prayer’s set...
Chapter 7, Law 4 – Voices in Our Head

Chapter 7, Law 4 – Voices in Our Head

One who has repented (lit., ‘a master of repentance’) should not imagine that he is distant from the high level of the righteous because of the transgressions and sins that he did. The matter is not so. Rather, he is beloved and precious before the Creator...