Do you gamble? Some people say that they don’t–but they do “bet” against themselves everyday. Out of fear of failure many people avoid taking on challenges and grabbing the opportunities to accomplish great things. They crush their self-image into a small compact size and say “I can’t” even when there is potential that they really ”can”. In order to succeed in life a person must feel that they can succeed. Rabbi Berel Wein says “The defense mechanism of self-denigration cripples us from taking advantage of the opportunities that life constantly presents. A person must choose the right way for oneself and not the easy non- challenging path.”
The truth is there are many things, goals, ideals, and challenges that are beyond our reach. Yes, there are things one really cannot do. It’s o.k. to say I can’t when one of those situations arise. The danger is when “I can’t” becomes an attitude rather than a response to a single set of circumstances. A poor attitude and view of life is what we must avoid.
Today when you are confronted with a difficult challenge–stop. Ask yourself “Can I do it?” If your answer is negative then think again “Do I want to forfeit the game or wouldn’t I rather play and maybe, just maybe, I might win.” It only takes a minute but you will learn that although not everyone can climb to the top of the mountain no one should willingly choose to stay at the bottom of the hill. Success!
DID YOU KNOW THAT the commandment to recite the Shema Yisrael is a positive commandment which has time constraints and therefore women should be exempt.
However, since the concept of acceptance of the sovereignty of G-d is also required of women they are required to say the Shema Yisrael everyday at anytime that they can.
Text Copyright © 2004 Rabbi Raymond Beyda and