Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
1st Aliya: Noach, a righteous man, is introduced in contrast to a generation that “has perverted its ways”. Hashem instructs him to build, and outfit the Ark.
2nd Aliya: Noach is told to enter the Ark along with all the animals. On Cheshvan 17, 1656 – October 27, 2106 b.c.e the flood began.
3rd Aliya: For 40 days and nights the waters increased, destroying all living things. The water raged upon the surface of the earth for 150 days, and then diminished for the next 150. On Nissan 17, May 23, the Ark rested upon Mt.Ararat. Noach sends out the Raven and then the Dove, and on Cheshvan 27,October 27, exactly 1 solar year after it began, the earth was dry.
4th Aliya: Noach and his family exit the Tayvah, and offer sacrifices to Hashem. They are commanded to keep the 7 Noahide mitzvos.
5th Aliya:Hashem promises to never again destroy the world and designatesthe rainbow as the symbol of that covenant.
6th Aliya:The story of Noach, the vineyard, and the subsequent blessings and curses is related. The descendants of Cham, Yefes, and Canaan are listed.
7th Aliya:The story of the Tower of Babel in 1996 and Nimrod’s world dominance is told. The 10 generations of Shem, culminating in the introduction of Avram and Sarai, are listed. The year is 2023. Note that Avram was 48 years old when the Tower of Babel took place and he was 56 years old when Noach died.