The Omer
- S’firah: The Students of Rebbe Akiva By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
- YomTov, Vol. I, # 16 – What’s an Omer? By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- YomTov, Vol. I, # 18 – The Counting of the Omer By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- YomTov, Vol. I, # 20 – The Students of Rabbi Akiva By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- YomTov, Vol. I, # 21 – Pesach Sheni, The “Second” Pesach By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Yom Tov, Vol. I, #22 – Lag B’Omer By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- YomTov, Vol. II, # 9 – The Counting of the Omer – Our Focus By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- YomTov, Vol. IV, # 7 – The Count of the Omer – A Count of Great Anticipation By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Sefiras HaOmer and Rabbi Akiva’s Students: Torah and Love By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
Other Classes on The Omer by Torah.org's Parsha Authors
- A Mitzva You Can Count On
- Count Up
- Counting the Omer
- Omer: Tragedy and Joy
- Playing It Right
- Rabbi Akiva
- Sefiras Ha-Omer Weekly Halacha (5772)
- Sefiras Ha-Omer: Forgetting To Count One Day Weekly Halacha (5761)
- Counting Sefiras Ha-Omer Unintentionally Weekly Halacha (5770)
- Death of Rebbi Akiva’s Talmidim (Avos 3) Haaros (5780)
- She’ailos U’Teshuvos: Counting Sefiras Ha-Omer Unintentionally Weekly Halacha (5766)
- Class 67 – Emor Jerusalem Views (5762)
- The Omer and Holiness Perceptions (5774)
- The Omer: Only the Beginning Hamaayan (5776)
- Class 6ᅠ- Parshas Emor – Sefiras Haomer Jerusalem Views (5759)
- Counting Sefiras Ha-Omer Unintentionally Weekly Halacha (5780)
- Growth Period Lifeline (5755)
- Jewish Statehood (III) Mikra
- Prisms of Light – Reflections of Shattered Glass Legacy (5781)
- Sefiras Ha’Omer- Why We Count, What We Count The Shmuz on the Parsha (5777)
- Seven Perfect Weeks Dvar Torah (5756)
- The End of the Plague Haaros (5780)
- Analysis of T’hillim 122 Mikra
- Avelut during the ‘Omer Mikra
- Lag B’Omer & The Big Picture Perceptions (5770)
- Significance of the Omer Rav Frand (5757)
- The Fire Within Dvar Torah (5782)
- Sefiras HaOmer: Understanding Rambam’s Approach to The Mitzvah of Counting the Omer Rambam
- Lag Ba’Omer Shem MeShmuel (5764)
- Lag BaOmer – Selflessness Shem MeShmuel (5762)
- The Pri Tzadik on Lag Ba’Omer Sfas Emes (5765)