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<span>The Living Law</span>

The Living Law

The 613 Commandments in Jewish Thought

Our journey through life is an exciting yet hazardous experience. The greatest danger we face is to travel without a map. The key to navigate every step of the way and to successfully arrive at our destination, it is essential that we read, study and understand the map’s instructions and symbols.

Torah is the “map of life” whose laws are the “Taryag Mitzvos, 613 Commandments”.

Jewish living as practiced in mitzvah observance is the primer for living in this journey.

“THE LIVING LAW” giving by the “living G-d”, Torah is the life-force of the Jewish people that has sustained them through the ages.

What is the meaning of each mitzvah? What reasons and insights lie within the Torah laws? Are how will observing the commandments enable us to forge an eternal relationship with our Creator?

THE LIVING LAW is a thought-provoking class that will investigate, research, and “taste” the profound depth of the 613 commandments. Discovering the inspirational meaning of theses laws, we will discover how each mitzvah speaks to the contemporary twenty-first century Jew. The inner messages of our holy practices are there to define and enrich our lives – forever.

The course is presented by Osher Chaim Levene, author of SET IN STONE (2004: Targum) about the meaning of mitzvah observance and PEOPLE OF THE BOOK(2007: Targum) about the biblical personalities. A London-based writer and educator whose website explores the wisdom of the commandments, he learned at the Gateshead and Mir Yeshivas, holds a Bachelor of Science (Honors) business degree from London’s City University, and is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

For any comments, questions or specific mitzvah requests, please contact Osher Chaim Levene.

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