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<span>Weekly Mitzvah</span>

Weekly Mitzvah

By Rabbi Moshe Goldberger

When the Children of Israel said “na’aseh v’nishma – we will do and we will listen”, they accepted the Torah with its 613 mitzvos (commandments). The mitzvos that we were given are precious gifts through which we can blossom and grow, and through which our relationships can grow – whether they are between a person and G-d, a person and another person, or a person and him/herself.

Of the 613 mitzvos, there are 248 positive commandments, meaning, “you shall do”, and 365 negative commandments, meaning, “you shall not do”. According to the Chafetz Chaim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen Kagan, 1838-1933), 77 out of the 248 positive commandments are applicable and relevant today.

This class, authored by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger, is taken from his book, “77 Mitzvos for Today”, which is based on the Chafetz Chaim’s “Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar”, and expounds upon these positive commandments, as well as “194 Mitzvos for Today”, which is based on part two of Sefer Hammitzvos HaKatzar .

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