Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky of Yeshiva of South Shore offers stories, medrashim, and parables related to the weekly Parsha. The entire family and readers of all levels will enjoy these eye-opening insights on the Torah portion.
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- Ark D'triumph
- Compounded Interest
- Home Alone
- Language Barrier
- The Rainmaker
- Tire of Babel
- Window to the World
- Case Closed
- Count Us If You Can
- Long Distance Call
- Mission Impassable
- Outsiders
- Suicide Moms
- Wake-Up Call
- Blessing In Disguise
- Masked Bandit
- Meting Justice - Meeting Kindness
- Mixmaster
- On Whose Account?
- The Return of Abraham
- Eliezer Rules!!
- On Whose Account?
- Public Offerings
- Soul Trustee
- Take My Money, Please!
- The Rising Waters of Menschlichkeit
- Who's On First?
- Butter Battles
- Death Wish
- From Soup to Nuts
- Soul Food
- Sour Lentils
- The Search for Blessings
- With Death Do Us Apart!
- All... Most
- Animal House
- Ask Me No Questions
- Big Returns
- Jewish Observer
- Landmark Decision
- No News is Jews News
- The Kiss of Dot
- A Higher Calling
- A Tale of Two Pharoahs
- Associated Press
- Dreamers and Doers
- Mercy Filling
- Stuck on Gum
- What A Pity!
- What You See & What You Get
- Balance of Power
- Burning Interests
- Growth Investment
- Pushing the Envelope
- Simply Qualified
- Tough Love
- Guts and Glory
- Hail to the Chief
- Hitting Pay Dirt
- Lost in Egypt
- Proof in the Putting
- Raise the Baton!
- Sour Milk
- Break No Bones About It
- Out of Africa
- Oy Vey!
- Pharoahic or Phyrric Victory
- Pride and Prejudice
- Total Control
- You Are What You Eat
- Clear Instructions
- Input...Output
- Leap of Faith
- Out of Bounds
- Pride and Prejudice
- Words of Remembrance
- Yield Right of Way
- Absolute Control
- Fine Feathered Smells
- Give It While It's Hot
- Selfless Sacrifice
- Sins of Greatness
- Soulful Offerings
- Trickle Down Theory
- A Cut Amongst the Rest
- Background Checkout
- Counted Out
- Love Child
- Numbers Game
- The Little Things Count
- The Starting Count
- Eternal Gifts
- For Him the Bell Tolls
- Pennies From Heaven
- Play It Again, Schloomiel
- Possessive Nouns
- Respectful Repeats
- Small Talk
- Fatherly Rebuke
- Fish & Chip On the Shoulder
- Fishful Thinking
- It's the Real Thing
- Mo' Better Jews
- No One Likes to Be Left Out
- Sweet Memories
- A Different Light
- Cling onto Life
- Don't Forget
- I Have Just Begun to See
- Killer Torah
- Living Proof
- Mountain of Faith
- All Included
- Intergenerational Dialogue
- Killer Torah
- Letting Go
- On Cue
- Perpetual Care
- Steadfast Gratitude
- The Summary of All Fear
- Giving Personally
- Joy of Shlepping
- Needs and Desires
- The Meat of the Matter
- Total Control
- Tough Love
- Action Impact
- Battle Cry of the Jew
- Branches Of The Judiciary
- Just Justice
- Left and Right
- Roadsigns to Eternity
- Royal Humility
- The Gates of Justice
- ...And It's All Small Stuff
- Benevolent Association
- Dead Man Falling
- Diminishing Returns
- Gratitude - A Hereditary Trait?
- Gratitude Attitude
- Hide and No Seek
- Soup Opera
- After the Ashes
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Heartspeak
- Spaced Out!
- To Life!
- Youthful Discretion
- Heard but Not Seen
- School of Soft Knocks
- Sputterless
- Elul / Rosh HashanahPesachPurimShavuosSukkosThe Three WeeksYom Kippur
Articles on Terumah & Purim
- Symbols Shlomo Katz (5772)Level: Beginner
- An AWE AYN SOF Rabbi Label Lam (5784)Level: Beginner
- Torah with a MEM in the Mix Rabbi Label Lam (5785)Level: Beginner
- Parshas Zochor: Seize the Moment Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier (5777)Level: Intermediate
- The First Building Campaign Rabbi Berel Wein (5775)Level: Beginner
- Washing Before A Meal: Questions And Answers (Part 1) The Procedure Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5767)Level: Advanced
- Do We Need a Queen Esther? Torah.org (5779)Level: Beginner
- "I Have Already Written of You Thrice:" Megilat Esther and the Eternal War with Amalek Rabbi Yitzchak EtshalomLevel: Advanced
- Giving from the Heart Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5778)Level: Intermediate
- Crowned Comestibles Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky (5780)Level: Beginner
- Esther Did Not Reveal Her People or Her Kindred Rabbi Yitzchak EtshalomLevel: Advanced
- Use Your Giving Muscles Rabbi Berel Wein (5773)Level: Beginner
- A Place Called Purim Rabbi Label Lam (5778)Level: Beginner
- Connecting with HASHEM Rabbi Label Lam (5778)Level: Beginner
- The Secret of the Mishkan Shlomo Katz (5768)Level: Beginner
- Temples Without Walls Rabbi Naftali Reich (5782)Level: Beginner
- Lessons in How to Take Rabbi Berel Wein (5782)Level: Beginner
- Shabbos Morning Kiddush Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5773)Level: Advanced
- The Perfect Giver Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5771)Level: Beginner
- Megillat Esther: She'Asah Nissim La'Avoteinu Rabbi Yitzchak EtshalomLevel: Advanced