Parsha Summary
By Rabbi Aron Tendler
The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an “Aliya” [literally: “going up”] since, for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading. Join Rabbi Aron Tendler in this series as he summarizes the contents of each Aliya in about 3-5 sentences.
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BereishisNoachLech LechaVayeraChayei SarahToldosVayeitzeiVayishlachVayeishevMiketzVayigashVayechi
ShemosVaeraBoBeshalachYisroMishpatimTerumahTetzavehKi SisaVayakhel-Pekudei
VayikraTzavSheminiTazria-MetzorahAcharei Mos-KedoshimEmorBehar-Bechukosai
DevarimVaeschananEikevReehShoftimKi SeitzeiKi SavoNetzavim-VayeilechHaazinu
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- An AWE AYN SOF Rabbi Label Lam (5784)Level: Beginner
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- The Spiritual Link / Mordechai's Powerful Concern Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5778)Level: Intermediate
- The Breastplate and the Apron Rabbi Berel Wein (5772)Level: Beginner
- Sin and Atonement, Korban and Tefilla Rabbi Yaakov Bernstein (5782)Level: Advanced
- The Mitzvah Of Mishloach Manos Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5771)Level: Advanced
- Drawing Close to... You Rabbi Yisroel Ciner (5778)Level: Intermediate
- Darling, Your Clothes are Divine Rabbi Aron Tendler (5759)Level: Beginner
- The Genesis of the Shmatta Business Rabbi Label Lam (5784)Level: Beginner
- The Shir -- Hallel at Purim and Pesach Rabbi Yaakov Bernstein (5782)Level: Advanced