The Three Weeks
The fast days of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av, and the time between them, commemorate the tragic process of the destruction of the two Holy Temples in Jerusalem.
The fast of the 17th of Tammuz, the day of the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem, marks the beginning of the
Three Weeks”. The fast of the 9th of Av, commemorates the day of the actual destruction by fire of the Holy Temple, and is the last day of the Three Weeks. The three weeks is a period of mourning over these destructions.
- A Hopeful Mourning By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Harnessing Powers By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Hidden Yet Loving – Mourning the Destruction By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The Breaking of the Luchos – A Judgement Call< By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- 17th of Tammuz: Why We Fast – Part 1 By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- 17th of Tammuz: Why We Fast – Part 2 By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Our Father, Our Light By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- How We Suffer By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Rebuilding the Temple with Devotion By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Points to Ponder By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Why Do We Mourn? By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Silver, Barley and the Exile Experience By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Father Knows Best By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Mourning on the 9th of Av: The Reasons By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Manifestations of Mourning By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- A Lesson About Our Psyche By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- 9th of Av: Reasons for Fasting – Part 1 By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- 9th of Av: Reasons for Fasting – Part 2 By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- In the Eye of the Beholder By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Rejoicing in a Month of Misfortune: Part 1 By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Faithful Contentment By Rabbi Naphtali Hoff
Other Classes on The Three Weeks by Torah.org's Parsha Authors
- Days of Fasting
- Kibbutz Conversation
- Maintaining Memory
- Rewriting History
- The Mourning Light
- The Stones of Wisdom
- The Universal Relevance of Tisha B’Av
- Ultimate Consolation Perceptions (5780)
- Why Cry?
- Why I Like Tisha B’Av
- A Weeping for Generations: The Spies and Tish’A B’av Mikra (5780)
- Facing Facts & Avoiding Destruction Perceptions (5775)
- Forgotten Oaths Rabbi's Notebook (5764)
- Recognizing Prophets Hamaayan (5779)
- The Red Heifer Reality Rabbi's Notebook (5765)
- The Three Weeks and Parshas Balak Haaros (5779)
- Bein Ham’tzarim (The “Three Weeks”) Mikra
- Can You Be Trusted? Hamaayan (5777)
- Fake News a Sign? Perceptions (5777)
- Start Building Now Lifeline (5782)
- Fight to Love, or Love to Fight? Lifeline (5781)
- ABBA-ABBA Dvar Torah (5784)
- Appreciation Perceptions (5772)
- Before You Rebuke Hamaayan (5777)
- Devarim – Chazon Perceptions (5782)
- Eichah – How Did This Happen? Lifeline (5781)
- Enough is Enough Drasha (5779)
- How? Parsha Insights (5761)
- In Other Words Hamaayan (5764)
- In Our Best Interest Kol HaKollel (5783)
- Learning How to Cry Hamaayan (5780)
- Murphy’s Day Perceptions (5761)
- Only the Shadow Knows Rabbi's Notebook (5764)
- Personal Judge Lifeline (5762)
- Prohibitions Of Tishah B’Av Weekly Halacha (5773)
- Rebuilding the Temple Perceptions (5768)
- That’s Not What Friends Are For Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha (5784)
- The Darkest Corner Dvar Torah (5763)
- The Eye Generation Perceptions (5763)
- The God Experience Perceptions (5777)
- The Pandemic, Disaster and the Churban Bais Hamikdosh Haaros (5781)
- They Can Assure a Cure Dvar Torah (5773)
- We Can Be Closer Dvar Torah (5783)
- What Are We Mourning on the Ninth of Av Beyond Pshat (5765)
- When Tishah B’Av Falls On Shabbos Weekly Halacha (5758)
- When Tishah B’Av Falls On Sunday Weekly Halacha (5761)
- Tisha B’Av Lessons Perceptions (5781)
- A Day of Rebuilding Dvar Torah (5761)
- A Great Day Dvar Torah (5782)
- A Mistake is Made Holy! Dvar Torah (5780)
- About This We Cry! Dvar Torah (5780)
- “We Are Here -Entirely!” Dvar Torah (5778)
- Body Language Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha (5774)
- Class 56ᅠ- Tisha B’Avᅠ Jerusalem Views (5760)
- Direction Not Perfection Dvar Torah (5778)
- Everything Humanly Possible Dvar Torah (5779)
- Exile – What Can We Do About It? Community Contributions (5778)
- Fix the World Lifeline (5759)
- From Ayekah to Eichah Perceptions (5777)
- From Rock Bottom to Bottoms Up Edutainment Weekly (5781)
- Hope to Be Found Dvar Torah (5777)
- In a Month We Call -“Av” Dvar Torah (5765)
- Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza Parsha Insights (5780)
- Kinah for Tisha B’Av Revised Dvar Torah (5774)
- Learning to Love What Is! Dvar Torah (5767)
- May We All Cry Lifeline (5781)
- One Heart Dvar Torah (5771)
- The Birthing Room of History – Inspiration for Tisha B’av Dvar Torah (5780)
- The Nine Days of Mourning Dvar Torah (5758)
- The Relevance of Tisha B’Av Rabbi Wein (5779)
- The Seventeenth Day Of Tammuz Weekly Halacha (5771)
- The Three Weeks: Introduction to Megillat Eikhah (II Mikra
- THIS Is THAT Perceptions (5781)
- To My Very Last Breath Dvar Torah (5772)
- Torah Study on Tisha B’av, Teshuva and Tears Haaros (5779)
- Unquestioned Answers Drasha (5761)
- What Are We Missing On Tisha B’Av? Dvar Torah (5764)
- When Moshiach Comes Dvar Torah (5768)
- Where Are You? Dvar Torah (5781)
- Notes On The “Nine Days” Sfas Emes (5765)
- The Nine Days Sfas Emes (5763)
- Rebuilding Through Mourning Nesivos Shalom (5768)
- The Three Weeks: Kernel of Rebirth Nesivos Shalom (5769)
- Tisha B’Av as a Holiday Nesivos Shalom (5769)