With the Project Genesis LifeLine you can enjoy a weekly Dvar Torah on the Torah reading (or an upcoming holiday) along with interesting news and information about upcoming programs, new services, and new classes. All subscribers to any Project Genesis classes automatically receive a subscription to the LifeLine as well.
The author is Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Director of Project Genesis.
- Back to the Beginning
- Be Creative
- Conversation Starter
- Evil Without
- In the Bias of the Beholder
- In the Image of G-d
- More than One G-d?
- Proof that G-d Exists
- The Brotherhood and Depravity of Man
- The Children of Parents
- The Origin of Life
- To Rise or to Fall
- Communication Brings Unity
- Don't Shout at Me!
- G-d's Message for All Humanity
- Internal Beliefs Have External Effects
- Noach's Lessons for Our Day
- Not Better or Worse, Just Different
- Not Just Despite, but Because of!
- Stop the Flow Before the Flood
- Sweet Simple Symphony
- The Greatest Thing in the Whole Wide World
- The Truly Good, the Mediocre… and the Evil
- A House or a Home?
- Avraham's Strange Reaction
- Every Drop Matters
- Go Away!
- Jews vs. Judaism
- Nowhere Man
- Once a Jew, Always a Jew
- The Benefits of Being Separate
- The Nation of Israel Lives!
- The Stubborn Independent
- What’s on the Other Side?
- A Next-Level Approach
- Against the Grain
- Behind Closed Doors
- Dusty Feet
- Homo Spiritus
- Just Say "Yes"
- Kind to the Cruel?
- Was Avraham a Hypocrite?
- When Fear is Required
- You're Only Fooling Yourself
- Astounding Surroundings
- For Goodness Sake
- FREE LAND *(40,000 silver coins, service charge)
- It's the Effort that Counts
- Keep the Silver!
- On the Highest Level
- Reasonable Repetition
- The Search for Unity
- The Water Test
- A Healthy Transmission
- All this, and no more
- Choose a Direction
- Don't be Deceived, Or Deceitful
- Eat Your Heart Out
- Esav! Have You Forgetten So Fast?
- G-d in the Numbers
- Never Lose Hope
- No Regrets
- Prayer Secrets from Jacob's Masquerade
- Red, Red, His Name is Red
- Truly in Tents
- We Have No 'Rights'
- Why is Bill Gates the Richest Man in America?
- A Legacy of Deceit
- How to Affect Your Enviroment
- Influences
- It Can Only Hurt Not to Ask
- Joining Together
- Never Give Up!
- Not Enough Time
- Penniless Donors
- Reaching Upward
- Stairway to Heaven
- Alone With Friends
- Continuity Crisis?
- Forcing the Issue
- I Have Everything
- Not Just Trappings
- Not Meditation Atop a Mountain
- The Battle of Everyday
- The Deserving Success Story
- This Is the Real Reason Jews Love Money
- A Peaceful Retirement
- A Plea For Shabbos
- Mirroring the Past
- Speak for Peace
- The Light at the End of the Tunnel
- The Spark that is the Key to Jewish Endurance
- Truth Does Mean Something
- Chanukah is Breaking News
- Don't Be Jealous!
- Estrangement from Siblings - A Kindness?
- Not a Minute Past the Expiration Date
- Balancing the Scale
- Driven to Givin'
- False Humility
- Hanging the Curtains
- Miracles and Free Choice
- The Name of the Game
- True Leadership
- What a Sight!
- Cats Vs.Kids
- Different Names, Different Natures
- Let's Talk About Retirement
- Like Dust in the Breeze
- Living in "DeNile"
- Out of Control!
- Pharaoh’s Secret Power
- Recognize the Hand of G-d
- YES Limits
- Aiming for the "Good Life?"
- Almost Midnight...
- Are You Really Listening?
- No Special Treatment
- Questions and Answers
- The New Moon With In Sight
- The Young and the Old
- We Are the Children
- What is Normal Life?
- When Free Will is Miraculous
- A Clean Break
- Disobedience for Its Own Sake
- Everyday Miracles
- Keep Singing
- Look Not at the Vessel...
- Moments of Inspiration
- No Need to Sell Yourself
- Reaching Out
- Rib Steak for Your Brain
- Turning the Gears
- Wise Water
- Always Go to Court Before Starting a Fight
- Ask First
- Can You Trust Man?
- Delayed Gratitude
- Get the Message?
- Man is Not to Be Trusted
- Only the Rabbi Works on Shabbos
- Save the Work!
- Seeing the Sounds
- Take the Next Step
- What Sets Jews Apart
- A Desperate Caller
- Don't Get Mad, Get Glad
- Finders Keepers?
- Good Judgment
- Humans Cannot be Trusted
- Lost Ring
- Not Our Own Rules
- Reflected in the Water
- Round Peg in a Round Hole
- Seeing Double
- The Higher Standard
- When Majority Doesn't Rule
- According to his Ability
- Bring G-d out of the "House of Worship"
- Colors of Joy
- Equally Owned by All
- Gifting Without Glory
- Half Measures
- Heartily Giving
- Honesty Comes First
- In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld
- Invest in Yourself
- Terumah
- The Bottom Line
- The Lofty Labor of Life
- Uncommanded Greatness
- You Need a Partner
- A Time to Speak Up
- Crushed for Brilliance
- Early Warning System
- Growth in Vestments
- It Shows on the Forhead...
- Master the Torah
- Remembering Amalek
- Rising from the Ashes
- Deadly Compromises
- Money is Like Fire
- Pocketbook Judaism
- Shabbos: Not All or Nothing!
- Sign of a Jew
- The Draw of Shabbos Dinner
- A Separated Shabbos, Together
- A Wise Heart
- Impressed by the Horses
- Mission Impossible
- Return: Always an Option
- There's Nothing Left to Give
- We Can Do Anything Together
- When the King Ignores the Queen
- Just Passing Through
- Moving Mountains
- The Shadow Knows
- We Can Do Anything Together
- When Everything Fits
- A Special Communication
- A Voluntary Offering, and a Second Chance
- Altar-ing the Flavor
- He Who Avoids Honor Finds Himself Honored
- Leaders - Reflection of the People
- Lessons from the Sacrifices
- Matzah Motivators
- Praying Makes Scents!
- The Battle Continues
- The Value of Good Advice
- Who Are YOUR Heros?
- "Where's The Beef?"
- A Jewish Identity
- Aaron was "Seeing" Things...
- Hippo Problems
- I Am Humble
- Real Spirituality
- Up and Out
- We Will Outlive Them, Too
- Above the Animals
- Hurdles that Heal
- Learning Through the Plague
- Little Prayers
- Living on the End
- One Step at a Time!
- Out-Pietizing the Rest
- Rabbi Israel Mayer Kagen, the Chofetz Chaim
- The Stain is Noticeable
- We Have the Manual for Life!
- You and the Mosquito
- Don't Gossip, Learn Torah!
- It's That Time of Year Again!
- The Servants of G-d
- Those who Think They Know Better, are No Better
- Don't Ignore History
- It's None of Your Business
- Lawfully Good
- Returning Home
- The Third Rail
- Guidance for Life
- Holiness Happens
- Holiness has but One Address
- In Hillel's Footsteps
- Love Humans. Dogs Are Too Easy.
- Mitzvah Impossible
- Self-Driving
- Stamped a Sinner
- A Weekly Holiday
- Actions Ripple Across the Masses
- Care and Share
- Forced to Be Holy
- Growth Period
- Reaping the Benefits
- The Day the Tears Dry
- The Gap Between Physical and Spiritual
- The Setting of a New Day
- All In Order
- Effort Counts
- Grabbing Hands
- Spirtuality Outside the Synagogue
- The Oral Law
- The Price of Tea in China
- The Promise of the Land
- After the Curses
- Blessings and Curses
- Countering Chaos
- Free of Spiritual Bonds
- Listen on Repeat
- Needless Love
- Payment for More
- What Difference Does it Make?
- You Can’t Google Torah
- A Whole Part of the Whole
- Counting Delight
- Don't Embarrass Your Ancestors
- Every Jew is Precious
- Everyone Counts
- Payback for Pain
- The Mushroom Experience
- The Ultimate Partnership
- A Promise of Good Will Not Be Retracted
- Beloved Broken Records
- Learned From Their Mistakes
- Manhole Madness
- Messiah, Can I Keep My Rolls?
- Rav Gershon Edelstein zt”l
- Spirituality Between People
- Striving for More
- The Blessing Which Can Never Be Retracted
- The Flavor That’s Forever
- A Manna of Perspective
- A Second Chance At Pesach
- Always on the Move
- Crowned With Humility
- Eternal Light
- Healthy Cravings
- Humble Lights
- Leadership Is Not About Me
- Pranks and Pride
- Share the Light
- The Torah is Not Just for Rabbis
- Was Moshe Really Humble?
- Fatherly Love
- Fishing in the Desert
- Heavenly Helper
- Learning from the Spies
- Listen for Your Prophecy
- Make a "See" Change
- One Step at a Time
- Raise the World
- Reaching for Perfection
- Would I Lie to You?
- Yosef’s Extra Punishment
- Divided Front
- From Behind the Furnace
- Holy Heirarchy
- Jealousy of Scholars
- Judicious Judgements
- Life is like a Ladder...
- Living and Learning
- Motivation Misdirection
- No Parallel
- Selfish Destruction
- 'Kill' Yourself for Torah
- Bilaam's Obsession
- Fine Lines
- Imaginary Fears
- In the Mind's Eye
- Time Out for Torah
- Towards What End?
- Conquer the Physical
- How Exciting!
- Preemptive Passion
- Take It From Truman
- The Good Tents
- Why was Balak Worried?
- A Gift to Claim
- Eichah – How Did This Happen?
- Elusive Allusions
- Personal Judge
- Petty Squabble to Baseless Hatred
- Unite!
- Who will Remember?
- A Hack for the Heart
- Command of Love
- Down to Earth Spirituality
- For Your Sake
- It's a Pleasure to Serve You
- No Disappointments
- The Foundation of Judaism
- The Soul Purpose
- Your Appointed Portion
- A Clean Slate
- All By Myself
- G-d Made Millionaire
- Glorious Food!
- He's Got the Goods
- Like a Fish Needs Water
- Superiority Complex
- To Heel the World
- Wear Your Shoes
- When Tragedy Strikes...
- Choosing Life, Every Day
- Olympic Success... or Failure?
- The Abundance Of Acts
- The Individual and the Nation
- The Street
- Try, or Try Not. There is no Do
- We Remain G-d's Children
- A Wake Up Call
- Accidental Manslaughter
- Bias in Belarus
- Blinding Bribery
- Command the King
- Fund the Police
- Judge Yourself Before Judging Others
- Personal Police
- The Power of a Bribe
- Time to Grow Up!
- Wives - Bad Influences?
- A Measured Approach to Change
- A Tap on the Shoulder
- After the Death Sentence
- Chase Away the Mother
- Life Between the Cracks
- Looking Down the Road
- No One Will Do it For You
- Oh, Brother...
- One Small Step from Man...
- Respect Every Neighbor
- The Everyday War
- Appreciating Gift and Giver
- Can We Face this Day Alone?
- First Fruits Forever
- Good, and Nothing but Good
- Insanely Sweet
- Jealous of a Bird?
- No Atheists in Foxholes
- Respect for the Dead
- That First Time
- The Stick Factor
- The World Was Created for Me
- Chanukah
- A Celebration of Spiritual Victory
- A Killing Prayer
- Chanukah Fun
- Chanukah is Breaking News
- The Angels are in the Details
- The Real Story
- The Spark that is the Key to Jewish Endurance
- What Miracle?
- Why the Miracle of Oil?
- ‘Sin… Don’t Laugh!’
- A Fresh Start
- Am I Fulfilling My Purpose?
- Are We listening?
- Be a New Person
- Call of the Shofar
- Looking to the Future
- The Long Distance Call
- The Time Is Now
- Break Free!
- Liberate Yourself!
- Matzah Motivators
- Thank You Note
- The Meaning of Freedom
- The Seder of an Eternal People
- The Servants of G-d
- There’s One in Every Generation
- When It All Began
- You and Your Sons
- Celebrate With Your Whole Self
- Do We Need a Queen Esther?
- It’s All in the Delivery
- Our Whole Selves
- Purim: A Celebration for Uncertain Times
- Remembering Amalek
- Sacrifice by Learning Torah
- The Elements of Purim
- What Ukrainian Victims Can Teach Us About Happiness
- Bond then Build
- Confirmation is Not a Graduation
- Divided Yet United
- Doing it Every Day
- Headline News
- If You Had Everything, Where Would You Put It?
- It All Comes From Sinai
- Take Your Portion in Torah
Articles on Terumah
- Temples Without Walls Rabbi Naftali Reich (5782)Level: Beginner
- A Question of Heart Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5781)Level: Intermediate
- Put the Torah in Your Terumah Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5772)Level: Beginner
- The Future Is Now Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein (5778)Level: Advanced
- Guaranteed Dividends Rabbi Pinchas Avruch (5762)Level: Beginner
- Hiddenness Is Not Only Divine Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein (5782)Level: Advanced
- What Life is Like in the Holy of Holies Rabbi Label Lam (5770)Level: Beginner
- Community Funds for Golden Vessels Rabbi Berel Wein (5778)Level: Beginner
- The Ultimate Elevated-Offering Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5767)Level: Beginner
- Placing Plaques on Shtenders and Benches Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5759)Level: Intermediate
- Parshas Terumah: To Me and For Me Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz (5767)Level: Advanced
- Torah Comes Down From Between Two Child-like Figures Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5768)Level: Intermediate
- It Will Be Fixed, Part III Rabbi Aron Tendler (5764)Level: Beginner
- From-Keit Rabbi Label Lam (5782)Level: Beginner
- Bring G-d out of the "House of Worship" Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5757)Level: Beginner
- Heartily Giving Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5781)Level: Beginner
- Making This World A Reflection Of The World To Come Part I Rabbi Aron Tendler (5765)Level: Beginner
- She'ailos U'Teshuvos Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5766)Level: Advanced
- Honest to G-d Rabbi Dovid Green (5760)Level: Beginner
- Part God, Part Us Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5769)Level: Beginner