Shavu’os is on the fiftieth day of the Omer counting. This holiday, is the anniversary of our acceptance of the Torah at Mount Sinai. On this day, we celebrate the fact that we have the Torah, and we acknowledge that we received all of the Torah, both oral and written. In the days of the Temple, this is one of the three holidays for which we are commanded to make the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. On Shavu’os we would bring of the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple.
- Shavuos: Craving to See Hashem By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
- Twins – People, United By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Self-Evident Lessons By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- One for All and All for One By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Growth Through Reading By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The Final Countdown By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Ruth – The Mother of Loyalty, The Mother of Spin By Rabbi Aryeh Winter
- Torah – What We See Is What We Get By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- A Lesson from a Date By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Shavu’os and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Megillas Rus – A Lesson About the Basics By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Shavu’os and Megillas Rus By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The Customs of Shavuos By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The Names of Shavuos By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The “Two Breads” By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- A Celebration of Preparation By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- The Material of Spirituality By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
- Shavuos: Seven Special Weeks By Rabbi Naphtali Hoff
- The Giving of the Torah By Rabbi Dr. Meir Tamari
- How Women Pave the Way By Rabbi Yehudah Prero
Other Classes on Shavuos by Torah.org's Parsha Authors
- Accepting the Gift
- Dairy on Shavuot
- Post-Shavuos Thoughts
- Preparing for Shavuos
- Shavuot is a holiday, isn’t it?
- Summer
- The ‘Week’ Link
- The Supremacy of Reason
- The Word of Torah
- The Month Has Arrived Hamaayan (5776)
- A Man at 30 Days Rav Frand (5757)
- A Mystical Idea May Help Us Understand the Incomprehensible Rav Frand (5772)
- Achieving “Nishma” Perceptions (5778)
- Ah, It’s Nothing… Really. Perceptions (5767)
- Any For Some Desert? Perceptions (5775)
- Clothe The Needy Dvar Torah (5761)
- Count Us In! Hamaayan (5775)
- Everyone Counts Hamaayan (5782)
- Five Unique Books Mikra
- Going to the House of Hashem Hamaayan (5779)
- Just Deserts Perceptions (5761)
- Kabbalas Dignity Perceptions (5781)
- Man Plans and G-d Laughs/Shavuos Reenactment Rav Frand (5778)
- MiMohorat HaShabbat (I) – The Boethusian Dispute (I Mikra
- Of Trees, Men, and Receiving the Torah Hamaayan (5776)
- Shavuos: Questions And Answers Weekly Halacha (5782)
- Shavuoth Connection Rabbi's Notebook (5763)
- That Golden Peace Treaty Dvar Torah (5778)
- The Antidote Perceptions (5777)
- The Nachash Was Wrong Mei Marom (5779)
- The Power Of Group Identification: Both Positive and Negative Rav Frand (5767)
- The Teacher Class Hamaayan (5781)
- Thoughts For Shavuos: I am “One Yosef” Because of the Power of Torah Rav Frand (5782)
- Torah and PTA Olas Shabbos (5758)
- When It Really Counts Perceptions (5759)
- Whose Torah? Hamaayan (5777)
- Why So Few Leviim? Rav Frand (5780)
- Yissachor-Zevulun: The Hyphenated Tribe / Lucky Strike? No Way Rav Frand (5775)
- In the Wilderness Hamaayan (5768)
- Keep This in Mind When Listening to Birkas Kohanim Rav Frand (5781)
- My Torah Kol HaKollel (5765)
- Naso – Shavuos Perceptions (5783)
- Not The Same Table Talk (5765)
- Parshas Naso and Chag Shavuos Short Vorts (5767)
- The Ramban DOES NOT Contradict The Talmud Rav Frand (5773)
- The Sotah In Us All Perceptions (5766)
- Who Loves You! Dvar Torah (5765)
- “THE SIXTH DAY” Dvar Torah (5779)
- 3327 Years Later! Dvar Torah (5775)
- A Dose of Our Own Medicine Dvar Torah (5763)
- A Kiss Is Not Enough Legacy (5769)
- A Real King Dvar Torah (5780)
- A World of Kindness: An Analysis of Megillat Ruth (II) Mikra
- A World of Kindness: An Analysis of Megillat Ruth (III) Mikra
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (V) Mikra
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VI) Mikra
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VII) Mikra
- Analysis of Megillat Ruth (VIII) Mikra
- Anonymous Jews Produce Redeemers Rav Frand (5763)
- At Any Given Moment Dvar Torah (5762)
- “I Wouldn’t Want to Be the One to Break that Chain!” Dvar Torah (5766)
- Back to the Present Kol HaKollel (5763)
- Birchos Ha-Shachar On Shavuos Morning Weekly Halacha (5772)
- Birchos Ha-Shachar On Shavuos Mornings Weekly Halacha (5761)
- Bittersweet Perceptions (5784)
- Bond then Build Lifeline (5780)
- Candle – Lighting On Shavuos Weekly Halacha (5777)
- Class 68 – Shavuos Jerusalem Views (5762)
- Class 9ᅠ- Shavuos Jerusalem Views (5759)
- Confirmation is Not a Graduation Lifeline (5762)
- Confusion! Parsha Insights (5782)
- Difference of Night and Day Hamaayan (5780)
- Divided Yet United Lifeline (5756)
- Doing it Every Day Lifeline (5759)
- Eat, Drink, and Receive the Torah Parsha Insights (5759)
- Elixir of Life or Death Perceptions (5777)
- Headline News Lifeline (5783)
- If You Had Everything, Where Would You Put It? Lifeline (5779)
- It All Comes From Sinai Lifeline (5760)
- It’s the Time… Hamaayan (5759)
- Just for You! Dvar Torah (5772)
- Knowing Your Tachlis and Purpose In Life Rav Frand (5783)
- Megillat Ruth (I) Mikra
- Megillat Ruth (IV) Mikra
- MiMohorat HaShabbat (II) Mikra
- More Clear Year After Year Dvar Torah (5777)
- New Meaning Dvar Torah (5776)
- Not Just a History Lesson Dvar Torah (5767)
- Not Just Another Joe Rav Frand (5761)
- Now It’s Our Turn Kol HaKollel (5762)
- NU!? Dvar Torah (5769)
- Our Business/Our Blessing Olas Shabbos (5760)
- Personal Acceptance Parsha Insights (5760)
- Preface to the Story of the Moshiach Rav Frand (5760)
- Prophecy Requires Preparation Hamaayan (5760)
- Raising Sinai Drasha (5757)
- Seeing the Bigger Picture Olas Shabbos (5763)
- Sefer Rus — Loss and Redemption Haaros (5779)
- Shavuos Rabbi Wein (5765)
- Shavuos — The Compulsion to Accept the Torah Haaros (5783)
- She’ailos U’Teshuvos Weekly Halacha (5766)
- Souler Musings Legacy (5780)
- Take a Deep Breath Olas Shabbos (5762)
- Take Your Portion in Torah Lifeline (5763)
- The Basis of Marriage Dvar Torah (5759)
- The Conversion at Mount Sinai Haaros (5780)
- The Heart Really Matters Dvar Torah (5768)
- The Mitzvos Transform Us Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha (5782)
- The Path to Pleasure Kol HaKollel (5766)
- The Preface to the Story of the Moshiach Rav Frand (5766)
- The Proof’s in the Off-Putting Olas Shabbos (5766)
- The Untouchables Drasha (5759)
- The World Stands on This Pillar Dvar Torah (5782)
- There’s No Place Like Home Dvar Torah (5783)
- Thunder and Lightning Legacy (5767)
- Torah’s Security Bais! Dvar Torah (5771)
- Two Halves/One Whole Table Talk (5763)
- Using One Oven For Meat And Dairy Weekly Halacha (5771)
- Walking The Walk Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha (5770)
- We’re Still Talking About It! Dvar Torah (5781)
- You Can’t Take It With You Kol HaKollel (5764)
- Shavuos Sfas Emes (5765)
- Shavuos – The Giving of the Torah Shem MeShmuel (5762)
- Shavuos Part I Shem MeShmuel (5764)
- Shavuos Part II Shem MeShmuel (5764)
- Shavuous Part III Shem MeShmuel (5764)
- Relating the Power of the Evening Nesivos Shalom (5768)
- You Can’t Do it Alone Nesivos Shalom (5769)
- Two Loaves, Two Methods Nesivos Shalom (5769)