The Shmuz on the Parsha
What if there was a Parsha series that…
was interesting, intriguing, insightful, and helped you focus on real priorities?
What if it were written in a clear, straightforward manner that was profound, yet easily understood?
What if the message resonated so deeply that you could say it over to your children, yet Torah scholars would find it meaningful?
Now there is!
Let’s face it, finding something in each week’s Parsha that’s meaningful and significant isn’t that simple. Most of us barely have time to go through the Parsha, but then to delve into things, and find something that impacts our life isn’t easy. And even if we do find something noteworthy, to then explain it to the people at our Shabbos table, is a whole other story. The Shmuz on the Parsha, fills this gap.
- Pesach – The Season of Emunah
- Pesach: Kindliness is G-dliness
- Purim — The Joy of Life
- Rosh Hashana: Diamond With a Flaw
- Yom Kippur: Yonah, Getting the Message
- Believing and Not Believing
- The Greatness of the Avos
- An Act that Echoes Through Time
- Everyone Views Things Just As I Do
- I Have Yichus
- The Sensitivity of a Tzadik
- An Accomplice to Evil
- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
- Chanukah – G-d Fights Our Wars
- Gedolim Had It Easy
- The Greatness of Man
- Your Middos Are Killing You
- Parshas Vaera- Kindliness is G-dliness
- The Measure of Man
- Do We Need to Respect the Institution?
- Parshas Bo: I’m Never Wrong
- Parshas Beshalach: The Merit of Trusting Hashem
- The Merit of Trusting Hashem
- Parshas Yisro: The Astonishing Potential of Man
- The Astonishing Potential of Man
- Learning Torah, That Was Easy
- The Effect of an Action
- Due Diligence For a Dvar Mitzvah
- Parshas Terumah: Hishtadlus for a Dvar Mitzvah
- Parshas Zochor: Seize the Moment
- For the Love of Money
- Parshas Ki Sisa- The Merit of Others
- Parshas Vayakhel: Laziness or Lack of Motivation?
- Columbus Discovered America – HASHEM Invented It
- VaYikrah- With a Small Aleph
- Vayikrah: Things I Do and Things I Don’t Do
- HASHEM and Man: Master and Servant
- Parshas Tzav: HASHEM and Man: Master and Servant
- Food for the Soul
- Parshas Shemini: A Leopard Can’t Change its Spots, But a Man Can…
- Warning: Loshon Horah Kills!
- Parshas Metzorah: Loshon Harah- Stopping the Mindless Chatter
- Rebuke – The Malpractice of a Mitzvah
- Sefiras Ha’Omer- Why We Count, What We Count
- If You Will Labor in Torah Study
- Choose Your Friends Wisely
- It’s Not Where You’re at Now — It’s Where You’re Coming From
- I Never Do Anything Wrong
- Listening to Your Messages
- Pushing the Limits for a Mitzvah
- Why We Hate the Jews
- The Power of the Spoken Word
- The Darkness of Physicality
- Earning a Living Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult
- The Extent of Reward
- Through the Eyes of History
- The Responsibilities of a Jew
- The Voice Inside
- A Land that Grows Immorality
- Two Elements to a Sin
- Being Part of the Winning Team
- Cognitive Restructuring
- The Middah of Rachamim
- Earning a Living: The Great Life Test
- Limiting Beliefs
- Consumerism and the Overspent Generation
- Life: The School of Growth
- If I Were a Rich Man
- The Religion of Evolution- Just Keep the Faith
- The Greatness of Man
- The Mitzvah to be Happy
- Using Visualizations
- The Eternal People