In Perceptions On The Parsha, Rabbi Pinchas Winston provides subtle but important insights that pertain to everyday life. Rabbi Winston tries to reveal the genius of Torah, by showing how the obvious is a camouflage for the hidden, and actually demands deeper investigation into the Torah. In addition, it is Rabbi Winston’s goal to address important issues that people wonder about, using nistar [hidden aspects of Torah] as well as niglah [revealed aspects of Torah] to provide satisfying and uplifting answers. Rabbi Winston’s parsha class includes four separate sections, providing divrei Torah for Friday night, Shabbos day, Seudah Shlishis, and Melave Malkah.
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- A Beginning With No End
- A Deeper Look at Creation
- A New Beginning
- And What a Beginning it Was!
- Breakdown
- Challal: On Many Levels
- Chaos From The Beginning
- Creation: A Veil for the Reality of God
- Eating from the Tree; A Deeper Look
- Fixerupper
- From the Beginning, Again
- Here We Go Again—Differently
- In Light of Creation
- Moshe Rabbeinu Forever
- New Test, Same Struggle
- One Word, One World
- The Choas of Creation
- The Condition of Creation
- The Great Opportunity
- The Secrets of Creation
- Vanity of Vanities
- Beshegam Hu Moshe?
- Chayn
- Choosing Sides
- Comforting
- Consumer's Report
- Drowning in a Lack of Heaven
- Generation to Generation
- Gevuros and History
- Hashem's Promise
- Let's Get This Straight
- Love Starved
- Meaningful Speech
- New Stage, Old Actors
- No Fear, No Fair
- Of Showers, Towers, and False Powers
- On A Mission
- Perceptions - Noach
- Saved From a Rainy Day
- Taking the Initiative
- The Perfect Storm
- What Goes Around Comes Around
- What's His Secret?
- Who By Fire, Who By Water
- Why We Keep Sinning
- "Steps" in the Right Direction
- A Request
- Bordering on the Holy Land
- By Invitation Only
- Divine intervention in Our Wars Against Our Enemies
- Exile and Redemption
- Go to the Land of Canaan
- He Thinks Highly of You
- Hey, Hey, Hey!
- Inside Lech-Lecha
- Learning How To Walk
- Lech Lecha
- Lech-Lecha In Discussion
- Legacy
- Location, Location, Location
- Participating in G-ds Master Plan
- Straighter than Straight
- The Beginning & End of the Journey
- The Internal Journey
- The Perfect Covenant
- The Treaty
- To The Place G-d Will Show Us
- Your Lot In Life
- A Binding Light
- A Good Laugh
- Age of Old
- Avimelech vs. Pharaoh
- Blow Our Own Horns
- Decisions
- Historical Bookends
- In G-d We Trust
- In the Merit of Bris
- Infamous
- Journey To Truth
- Key To Heaven
- Leave The Tests Up To Him
- Making Quite A Seen
- No Longer See Minor
- Not Only as it Appears
- Only Dust (And Ashes) In The Wind
- Parashas Vayaira / 5769
- Sickness & The Divine Presence
- Standing Firm
- Taking God's Commandments Seriously
- The Akeidah: Heaven-Bond
- The Free-Will Issue (Again)
- The Perfect Covenant (Part 1)
- The Perfect Covenant (Part 2)
- The Yishmaelian Exile
- Why Yishmael?
- A Good Chof
- A Wife for Yitzchak
- A Woman of Valor, Who Can Find?
- All From God
- At The Right Time
- Avraham's Choice
- Caving In to Truth
- Check Mate
- Doing Your Part
- Eliezer's True Odyssey
- Facing God's Challenges
- Give Us A Break
- Helping Your Spouse Reach His/Her Goals
- Heter-Yiska
- Life After Death
- Made In Heaven
- MeChaye Sarah
- Of Life and Legacy
- Redemption Under Wraps
- Right and Wrong
- Smarter but Not Wiser
- Spiritual Beauty
- The Power of Chinuch
- The Small Chof
- Too Far East
- What a Pair!
- A Meal for Eisav... a Fork for Ya'akov
- A Time to pray and A Time to Laugh
- An Ongoing Battle
- Beyond Reason
- Cleverly Raising Children
- Corruption: Are You Floating or Drowning?
- DeGeneration
- Eisav and the World-to-Come
- Eisav the Businessman
- Inside Outside
- Look, Twins!
- My Own Eisav
- Naturally Supernatural
- Now Playing
- Oh Brother!
- Sinai & Sina
- Spiritually-sensitive
- The Toldos Advantage
- The World-to-Come
- Two People, Two Views, Two Worlds
- Waiting for the Redemption
- What?
- Worth The Cost
- Yaakov and Eisav Go Separate Ways
- A Lesson In Exile & Redemption
- Angel or Demon?
- Anti-Semitism, Again
- Being The Vav
- Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora, Part 1
- History Ajar
- Leaving Ya'akov for Yisroel
- Leaving Ya’akov For Yisroel
- Leaving... a Good Impression
- On The Way Out
- Out of Luck - Into G-d
- Out, Up, and On His Way
- Parshas Vayeitzei
- Phenomenon & Miracle
- See Yaakov Run
- Simple But Unbreakable Faith
- Spreading the Word
- The Journey Continues
- The Transformation
- Those Small Jars
- Well-Fare of a Tzaddik
- Why Be Jewish?
- World Rectification
- Ya'akov's Journey
- Yaakov’s Journey
- Yesurim (Suffering) is Good For Our Souls
- 'On the Sent' of Chanuka
- A Better Smelling "Sent"
- An Even Longer Journey
- Divine Plan
- Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora, Part 2
- Fixing Ourselves First Before Our Enemies Do
- God Watches Over Yisroel
- Good and Eternal Company
- Help!
- Im Lavan Garti
- Loving Help
- Monthly Statement
- Oh Brother
- On the Way to Yisroel
- Perceptions: Vayishlach
- Power and Anti-Semitism
- The Last Straw
- The Real Fight
- The Vision Thing
- Those Little Things
- To Win By A Hairsbreadth
- Unconditional Love
- War of Mentalities
- Worried?
- Yearning for Redemption
- An Old Flame
- Beyond The Hints
- Bless You!
- Chanukah - A Conduit for His Light
- Dream Role
- Dreaming of Reality
- Final Years
- God is Always Close
- Immaculate Deception
- Jealousy and Yosef
- Join the Dots
- Not Done Yet
- Promises
- Remorse Now
- Suffering and Tohu
- The Dream Team
- The Flame of Yosef
- The Greatest Miracle of all Times
- The Page Of Enlightenment
- The Shame Of It All
- The Vision Thing, Part 2
- To Struggle, Or Not To Struggle, Part 2
- Yaakov's Solution to Suffering
- Yesod HaOlam
- At The End
- Backwards Moshiach
- Chanukah Message
- Climactic Chanukah
- Divine Providence
- Holiday in Waiting
- Just in Keitz
- Light From Darkness, Take Two
- Living In Exile
- Look Again
- Miketz - Preparing for the End
- O Chanukah, O Chanukah . . .
- Of Endings and Beginnings
- Repent! For the End is Dear
- Shabbos Chanukah
- The Inside Story Revealed
- The Miracle of the Oil
- They Dance to God's Music
- Thinking Deeper
- Turning Points
- A Fundamental of "Foundation"
- A Matter of Approaches
- Achdus Again
- At Last, The Final Approach
- Battling Jelousy
- Brotherly Love
- Closed Minded
- Di-vision
- Don't Look A Gift-Donkey In The Mouth
- Doorway to Jewish Destiny
- Fire! Fire!
- Getting Together Again, For Good
- Lasting Impressions
- Leadership Pains
- Light Burst
- Reading the Signs
- Redemption At A Moment's Notice
- Rough Beginning, Easy Ending
- Seeing and Believing
- The Final Approach
- The Ultimate Pawn Shop
- Wait Just A Moment
- What's G-d's plan?
- Wondrous in Your Eyes
- A Life Unto the Nations
- Casting Parts In The Play
- Do You Anticipate the Redemption?
- Emunas Chachamim
- Giving Criticism
- Interpreting Signs
- Journey Without A Passport
- Life After Death
- Living for Tomorrow
- Lost Prophecy
- Lost, But Not Found
- Making Redemption Happen
- Need to Know
- Pakod Yifkod
- Ready...Set...
- Rectification
- Straight Away
- The Bessing of Ephraim and Menashe: A Spiritual GPS
- The End of the Beginning, the Beginning of the End
- The End of the End?
- The Snake, Lashon Hara, Moshiach and Yosef Hatzadik
- To Be Enlightened
- Why 210 Years?
- Yaakov's Blessings