Rav Frand
Rabbi Yissocher Frand, of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College, delivers a weekly class in Jewish law and ethics based on the Torah portion of the week. While the actual class contains an extensive discussion of Halachic [Jewish law] issues, these transcripts concern only the hashkafa section – that dealing with philosophical and ethical issues. These classes will leave you awe-struck with inspiration and motivation. Enjoy them with your family and friends.
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- "If He Does Not Merit", Then "Opposite Him"
- "Special Mitzvos" Earn Divine Favor
- A Mate, not a Maid!
- A Tale Of Two Wives
- A Time for Anonymity and a Time for Revelation
- Adam Regrets His Gift to Dovid
- Addressing the Jews
- An Enlightening Insight Into The Meaning of Gadol and Katan
- Between Light and Darkness
- Blessings Require Prayer & Appreciation / Building A Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisrael
- Division is not Good
- If He Couldn't Eat from the Tree, Why Was It There?
- Lessons from the Moon's Consolation Prize
- Midrashim Speak to Us in Code
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Bereishis
- The Clothes Make the Man After Man Makes Amends
- The Delayed "Ki Tov"
- The Final Letters Spell 'Emes'
- The Heavenly Truth and the Earthly Truth
- The Moon Provides an All-Star Example of Sincere Repentance
- The Sun Pioneers Gevurah - Self Control
- This Rashi Is Not For the United Nations – It is For Us
- Torah Must Begin With The Lesson of Yashrus ('Straightness')
- What are We, Dirt?
- A New Twist to the Story of the Flood: The Animals Saved Noach!
- A Tale of Two Teivah Riders
- Certain Things Noach Did Not Have To Worry About
- Compliments -- In The Presence And Outside The Presence Of A Person
- Definition of Tzadik Tamim
- Did The Animals Come Or Did Noach Have To Bring Them?
- Faxs vs. Kidney Stones
- Free Gifts for People Who Find Favor
- Free Time
- Great Is Peace
- Improving Our Own World
- Lesson of the Ravens
- Miracles Can Happen Slowly
- Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer
- Noach Did Not Become Wicked, He Just Became Plain
- Noach Invents Retirement
- Noach Was Righteous Because of His Generation / The Root Cause was 'Rabbah' - Insatiable Desires
- One for the Birds
- Priorities Define A Person
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Noach
- Send The Guinea Pig!
- Sins Committed In Private Ultimately Lead To a Violent Society
- The Connection Between Noach and Metzorah
- The Importance of Hope & the Strength of Willpower
- The Path to Decadence Begins Very Subtly
- The Primary Offspring / Torah Anthropology
- Three Philosophies at Bavel
- What Was Noach's Greatest Legacy?
- When the Illegitimate Becomes Legitimate
- "Pshat" in Rashi - Developing Potential
- A "Sneak Preview" of History
- A Tale of Two Journeys
- Avraham Foreshadowed Self-Sacrifice To Make Aliyah
- Avraham Initiated The 2000 Years of Torah
- Avraham Is Challenged To Wipe His Hard Drive Clean
- Avram Lifted Up His Hand...So That You Not Say
- Chumras and Hidurim Were Luxuries That Avram Could Not Afford in Mitzrayim
- Don't Doubt My G-d
- Dream the Impossible Dream
- Have Mission -- Will Travel, But Only Reluctantly
- Kiruv Success "On the Road," But Not at Home
- Lech-Lecha #1 or Lech-Lecha #2 – Which is the harder test?
- Location is Everything
- Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt"l [1920-2013]
- Neither a Thread Nor a Shoelace
- No Business As Usual
- Priorities Confused
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Lech Lecha
- Reward May Come
- So Too Will Your Offspring Act
- The Importance of Fairness / The Effect of a Negative Environment
- The Landlord Is Still Home
- The Lech Lecha Test Rates Higher Than The Ur Kasdim Test
- There's No Place Like Away From Home...
- Things Start With An Argument, And They Go Downhill From There
- Use Them or Lose Them
- What Happened To Lot?
- And Avraham Ran...
- Avraham and the Esrog Tree
- Avraham Provides A Little Water With A Lot of Bread and Meat. Why?
- Charity With Justice: Not Your Typical Knee-Jerk Liberalism
- Dont Look Back
- Feeling a Need to Do Chessed
- Judge a Man by His Wife
- Kofin Al Midas Sodom - Forcing Kindness
- Legacy of Avraham and of Yitzchak
- Lesson #1 In Hospitality: Don't Let Your Guests Feel Inferior
- Let Them Eat Leftovers
- Maintaining Inspiration
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vayeira
- Step One of Chessed: Seeing The Need
- Suspect Subtly, With Honor and Respect
- The Anonymous Host
- The Difference Between a 'Baal Chessed' and a Welfare Giver
- The Middle of the Road
- The Paradigm of Avraham Avinu / Marriages Are Dynamic Relationships
- The Person Who Conquers His Natural Instincts
- The Seeds Of Salvation Are Planted Within Situations of Despair
- The Tenth Test Validated The First Nine
- The True Proof That Avraham Was A True Baal Chessed
- Things Do Not Occur at Random
- Unanswered Prayers are Not Wasted
- Why Ask Mamre Whether to Fulfill G-d's Command?
- Why Did Avraham Consult With Mamrei Concerning The Mitzvah of Milah?
- "They Were All Equally Good"
- "We Will Take Care Of It" Does Not Satisfy Avraham
- A New Insight Into: Her Beauty at 20 Was Like That Of A 7 Year Old
- A Rare Biblical Hesped for a Rare Biblical Personality
- A Slip Of The Tongue Can Mean The Difference Between Life and Death
- Attitude & Expectations Are the Secret to Happiness & Contentment
- Avraham's Priorities
- Behind Every Successful Man is His Mother
- Being On Guard For the Satan Behind Us
- Charity Begins At Home
- Eliezer Journeys from Arur to Baruch by Bypassing Negiyus
- From Where Did Avraham Come?
- Looking Our Age / The Shidduch Crisis
- Maintaining Equilibrium
- No Golden Years of Retirement
- Nothing Would Have Interrupted Yitzchak On His Way To Service of G-d
- One May Live Many Years Without Having The Days Add Up
- Patriarchal Events Foreshadow History for Their Descendants
- Plan B
- Sarah Had It All Together – Throughout Her Life
- Sarah's Legacy Lives
- Stress or Trauma? You Can Handle It
- The Final Test
- The Reciprocal Nature of Personal Providence
- The Role of Beauty
- The Satan Had One More Trick Up His Sleeve
- The Trauma Of Dealing With A Grief-Stricken Person
- Why Must We Treat a Dead Body with Respect?
- Why Should Efron Suffer?
- 100% for the Sake of Heaven
- A Person Can Get Used to Anything – An Advantage and a Disadvantage
- A Person's Word Is His Word!
- At Least We Should Try To Act Like Eisav!
- Clothing Alone Do Not Make the Man
- Don't Take "No" for an Answer / Two Different Blessings
- Following In His Father
- He Who Recognizes that He Was Stupid
- How Can The Oath of the Heretic Eisav Be Believed?
- One Cannot Make Blanket Rules Concerning Telling The Truth
- People Only Contemplate Life When Dying
- Prayer and Domestic Tranquility Are The Secrets To Raising Good Children
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Toldos
- Sometimes It Pays to Come from a Corrupt Environment
- Such Is The Power of Cynicism
- The Challenge of Defying Natural Instincts
- The Difference Between a 'Double-Life' and a Broad Life
- The Long Lasting Impact Of Childhood Memories
- The Value of Planning, Forethought, Process and Development
- Two Approaches to a Redundancy
- What He is, Not What He's Done
- Who Cares About The Scoffers of the Generation?
- Why Does "And G-d blessed him "Appear at the End of the Pasuk?
- Why Does "And G-d blessed him" Appear at the End of the Pasuk?
- Why the Bicycle Riders?
- Worse than Color Blind
- Yitzchak Learned the "Art" in His Father’s House
- Yitzchak Prayed...For She Was Barren: Baal HaTurim Notes Inverted Structure
- "More Than I Deserve"
- "Now I Have Someone To Blame" – That's Just The Beginning
- A Respected Master of Deception
- Departure of the 'Tent Dweller'
- Eisav Had It Easy. Yaakov Travels a Different Path
- Giving Thanks to Hashem for His Past Kindness Is Not Sufficient
- Hashem Must Play The Role of Our First Love, Not Our Second Fiddle
- In the Merit of Yaakov's Walking Stick
- Inspiration Without Action
- It's a Match!
- Making A Deal With The Almighty In The Tradition of Yaakov Avinu
- Paying the Tribe of Torah Learners / “I Have Received More Than I Deserve”
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vayeitzei
- Reuven at Three Didn't Know Choshen Mishpat, but He Knew Right from Wrong
- Stagnation is Descent
- Thanking Hashem Must Also Include a Plea for the Future
- The Blessing Emerges From Lowliness
- The House of Yaakov
- The Merit of 20 Years of Honest Work Surpassed the Merit of the Forefathers
- The Simile of the Dust of the Earth
- The Twelve Stones Become One: Inverted Symbolism?
- The Tzadik Does Not "Flee" He "Leaves" (With Dignity and Confidence)
- Two Paradigms of Thankful Individuals
- What Took So Long for Yaakov to Remember to Daven on Har HaMoriah?
- Yaakov Ish Tam is Lavan's Equal In Trickery
- You've Got To Have Heart
- A Counter-Intuitive Reading of A Difficult Pasuk
- A Mixed Message or Two Sides of the Same Coin?
- A Name: The Definition of an Essence
- A Tale Of Two Philosophies
- Born to Lose
- Connection Between Kibud Av, Bechorah & Gid HaNasheh
- Doing Something is Better Than Nothing
- Don't Bother Asking For Its Name
- Huts For the Cattle
- I Truly Deserve the Bechora
- Know With Whom You Are Dealing
- Learning From Lavan, Succos, & Man is Like Stone
- Learning To Be "Stingy" With Our Words
- Neither Your Bite Nor Your Kiss
- Perspective on Possessions
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas VaYishlach
- The Antidote for "And Yaakov Remained Alone"
- The Attribute of Being "Alone"
- The Battle With Eisav's Angel Always Keeps Changing
- The Chochmas Adam Shares Wisdom of a (Former) Businessman
- The Glatt Yacht
- The Jug May Be Only Half Full, But It Will Never Be Empty
- The Key to Yaakov's Gratitude is Hayarden HaZEH
- The Significance of the Name Succos
- The Sun Also Rises
- The Torah Forbids Plowing With a Shor and a Chamor Together
- The Ultimate Antidote for Eisav
- Yaakov Avinu's Distress / Huts and the Little Vessels
- Yaakov Sent Malachim -- Literally
- "Mah Tevakesh": Keeping Focused On One's Goal In Life
- "Yaakov Loved Yosef More Than All His Brothers"
- A Test of Your Own
- All Good Characters
- An Iota of Jealousy
- Blood Libel
- Exact Measurements of Punishment
- G-d's Plans Will Happen
- Hashem's Puppet Show
- Hashem’s Wink, Reuven’s Jealousy & Shira on Chanukah
- Nice Guys Finish Second
- Nice Guys Finish Second -- Second in Command to Pharoah
- Of Fire and Money
- One Can Rely On The Gerer Rebbe
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas VaYeishev
- Special Privileges Bring Special Responsibilities
- The Brothers Went To Indulge Themselves
- The Danger Of Not Realizing When One Is A "Nogeah B'Davar"
- The Father Who Weeps Unceasingly for His Lost Son
- The Final Headlines
- The Image Of Father In The Window Saved Him
- The Lesson of Ki Im Zechartani – So That You Will Remember Me
- The Rokeach
- The Yetzer HaTov Is Not A Noodnik
- Three Lessons From the Story of Yosef and Potiphar's Wife
- What Was Yehudah Thinking? What Was Tamar Thinking?
- Why Binyomin Was Not Considered Yaakov's "Ben Zekunim"
- Yosef's Playing With His Hair Was Not A Juvenile Fixation
- "Your Servant, Our Father"
- Different Missions In Life Require Different Techniques of Living
- Essential Attributes of an Ish Chochom V'Navon
- Explaining the Rocky Road A Baal Teshuva Sometimes Encounters / Make A Kiddush Hashem!
- Help From Heaven - To Forget
- Help Wanted
- How Yosef Got His Job
- If You Have It, Don't Flaunt It
- It's Not the Lottery Number -- It's the Man
- Pharaoh Delivers A Not So Subtle Reminder: I Made You Who You Are
- Pharaoh's Advisors Bought Into Yosef's Interpretation Based on a False Assumption
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Miketz
- Really For The Sake of Heaven? / Don't be Conspicuous / Finding Makes it a Search
- Shehechiyanu in Bergen Belsen
- Straightening Out The Cause And The Effect
- The Fall of Communism
- The Many Into The Hands of the Few
- The Meaning of Yosef's Gratitude: "I Have Forgotten All About My Father's House"
- The Names Menashe and Ephraim
- The Sar HaMashkim’s Reward for Confessing
- The Sweetest Gift In Life: Peace of Mind
- Two Year Prison Extension
- We Should Not Assume What Happens Is Necessarily 'Bad'
- What Could Have Happened / Who is called a Tzadik? / Chanukah
- Why is Chanukah Hardly Mentioned in the Mishna and Talmud?
- Yosef Was Rushed From The Pit
- "No Man" Signifies That It Was All Part of a Divine Plan
- A Dialog That Got To The Heart of The Matter
- A Guarantee To Minimize Fights / The Gates Of Tears
- Alas! The Therapeutic Anguish Could Not Be Completed
- Don't Rehash The Story of My Sale To Egypt
- From the Mouth of a "Turned Off" Student
- Having Been Wrong
- Identity of a Jew
- It's MY Business
- Kingship = Responsibility
- Mystery of History
- Never Discount the Minority
- Nice Guys Finish Well
- Parents Love Children More Than Children Love Parents
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vayigash
- Sparing Embarrassment Of His Brothers Was Worth The Risk
- The Krias Shma Cover Up: When "Seeing" Is "Not Believing"
- The Profound Struggle Between Yehudah and Yosef
- The Rest of the Story
- The Sfas Emes Answers Some Old and Pressing Questions About the Story of Yosef
- They Weren't Just Learning Eglah Arufah By Coincidence
- Three Steps Forward Before Praying – Three Examples
- What Did Yosef Mean?
- What is the Crying All About?
- Where Was the Rebuke in the Words "I Am Yosef"?
- Why Didn't Yosef Send A Letter?
- Why The Shift In Attitude?
- Why Yosef Could Not Hold Back Any Longer
- Yehudah's Sudden Switch
- Yosef Provides Us With A Lesson In Etiquette
- "I Have More Than My Share"
- "Shoot From Hip and Ask Questions Later" – Is Not a Quality for a Jewish Leader
- Blessings Are "Between Man and His Fellowman"
- Chessed, Emes & Anava
- Dan and Rosh Hashana / G-d Who Shepherds
- Ephraim and Menashe: Role Models for Jews in Galus
- Humility Protects Against the Evil Eye
- Jews Are Named For Judah
- Kindness Towards The Dead
- King David Took His Precedent From Yaakov
- Private Conferences in Public
- Seeing An Intolerable Situation For What It Is
- Spiritually Productive
- The Angel Who Redeemed Him
- The Blessing of Exceeding Ones Potential
- The Blessing of Not Following The Pattern of Generational Descent
- The Children Will Return To Their Borders
- The Connection between Livelihood and Redemption
- The Shechina Is Not Only Present at the Kosel
- Too Much of a Good Thing
- Two Special Attributes of Yehudah
- We Try Harder When We Have Taken An Oath
- Why Was It Necessary To Rule Out The Various Excuses?
- Yisroel Bowed Down Towards the Head of His Bed
- Yosef and Yaakov Agreed On the Purpose of the Blessings
- Yosef's Motivation Reassures Yaakov; Yosef's Legacy Empowers Us
- Yosef's Three Treasures / Shechinah Above the Choleh
- A Miracle for Encouragement / Caring For Each Other
- Being Made Matriarchs Was The Reward For Acting As Mothers
- Coming To Egypt
- Dissension and Lashon Harah Undermine the Zechus of the Klal
- Fear of Heaven / Best Reward is Seeing Results
- Grandfather At The Table
- Hakaras HaTov and B'ni Bechori Yisrael
- Hakaras HaTov, Projecting Personal Shortcomings on Others; Humility
- Look Beyond Your Nose
- Man Toils and G-d Foils
- Miriam Taught The Lesson Of Not Giving Up Hope
- Modern Medicine Corroborates Medieval Doctors
- Now The Matter Is Known
- Participating With Someone Else
- Presenting the Names of an All-Star Lineup!
- Remove Your Shoes: The Place You Stand Upon Is Holy Ground
- Sequence Is Critical
- The Anonymity of Moshe Rabbeinu's Parents
- The Best of Personalities and the Worst of Personalities
- The Secret to Surviving Galus / You Never Know!
- The Symbolism of the Thorn Bush
- The Torah
- The True Reward For The Midwives
- Under the Carpet
- What Constitutes a "Gadol"?
- When You Are Raised As A Prince, You Act Like A Prince
- Work, Work, Work
- You are a Star
- From Beginning to End
- Holiness and Impurity - A Necessary Balance
- Instant Gratification vs Strategic Thought and Planning
- Listen To Your Messages
- Looking At Part Of The Picture
- Manipulation of the Dates of Exile
- Moshe and Aharon Never Let Their Mission Become Their "Career"
- Moshe Rabeinu Learns Levi's Lesson
- Moshe's 'Bad' Choice of Words
- Pausing To Think
- Pharaoh Underestimated Moshe's Empathy For His Brethren
- Prayer Is THE Key To Invoking Divine Assistance
- Reconsidering Long Held Beliefs Made Moshe Appropriate for Leadership
- Right Then and Now
- Showing The Nile The Gratitude It Deserved
- Suffering Sivlos with Savlanus
- Taking Concrete Action Leaves Strong Mental Impressions
- The Differential Between Potential and Realized Potential
- The Key to Solving Personal Challenges Is to Help Someone Else With That Challenge
- The Nation Empowers Its Leaders
- The Resume Of Moshe Rabbeinu
- The Symbolism of Covering Our Eyes During Shema
- The Wicked Deal In The Momentary Pleasure of Temporary Relief
- They Didn't Listen Because of "Shortness of Spirit"
- Those Little 'Yuds'
- Treating Torah Like An Heirloom
- What About Our Mortgages?
- What Was the Kal V'Chomer?
- "Approximately" Midnight?
- "Asking Their Egyptian Friends For Silver and Gold": Two Insights
- "Tomorrow" Is The Difference Between the Rasha and the Other Sons
- "Two Plus Two Equals Four" Is Not That Simple to Understand
- Choshech: Warning or a Punishment?
- Egyptians Rewarded For Being the Perpetrators of a Kiddush Hashem
- Emunah on Seder Night / The Moon and Rejuvenation
- I Have A Dream
- Inspiration From Below...
- Matzah - To Elevate and Conquer Areas of Spiritual Weakness
- One Gains Holiness By Schlepping For Another Jew
- Parents & Grandparents Brought Back to Witness the Results of Even Their Intentions
- Pharoah Was Wicked, but Astute
- Please Take the Gold and Silver!
- Potential is a Terrible Thing to Waste
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Bo
- Rambam Min HaTorah – Minayin? / Now You Are In Charge
- Schlepping For Someone Else / Hashem Took Us Out Himself!
- Tefillin: Na'aseh before Nishma / The Power of a Hint
- The Dogs Will Get Their Reward In The World To Come
- The Highest Form of Divine Service Is Going Against Your Nature
- The Importance of Eagerly Anticipating the Geula
- The Power and Potential of Group Collaboration
- The Stroke of "Around Midnight"
- We Cannot Tolerate A Chillul HaShem – Even For A Minute
- We Will Not Know How To Serve Hashem Until We Get There
- "Thanks for the Suffering" – A Profound Teaching of the Beis HaLevi
- A Three-twined Lesson About Shabbos and Parnassa
- Booty Is Risky
- Complaining About The Quality Of The Miracle
- Don't Squander It
- Empathy for Others -- A Great Quality in Both the Wicked and the Righteous
- Everyone Needs Attention
- G-d Rules Even In A Period In Which We Fail To See It
- Hashem Appreciates Jews Who Put Their Neck Out for Other Jews
- How to Always Be Happy
- Illogical Treatment May Yield Bonanza For The Nation That is
- In Shirah, the Emotions Surpass the Words
- Insight Into An Age Old Dilemma
- Living and Dying al Kiddush HaShem / Hashem's Presentation
- Mr. Forgetful
- No! The Jews Are Different!
- Separating the Men From the Boys
- Sweet' Can Emerge From 'Bitter
- Techiyas haMeisim Source / Az Yashir in Pesukei D'Zimra
- Test of Affluence
- The Orphans Were Not Forgotten
- The Reason the Jews were not led through the Land of the Plishtim
- The Splitting Of The Sea and the Concept of Hidur Mitzvah
- The Zechus of Suffering on Behalf of Others
- Tribes & Elders Given The Royal Treatment At Elim
- Wasting Precious Opportunities
- "Lo Sachmod": Two Approaches
- A Father-In-Law's Gentle Reminder To His Son-In-Law
- Accepting Torah as a Command, not as a Choice
- Don't Just Complain; Provide a Solution! / Tzelem Elokim Deserves Respect
- Eliezer -- The Son of Moshe Rabbeinu
- If They Were Just Rich Men, They Still Would Not Necessarily Be 'Anshei Chayil'
- In Money We Trust
- Just Follow Orders: Advice for the Gabbai; Advice for the Jew
- Keeping Idolatry Away
- Knowing The Difference Between A Complainer and A Truth-Seeker
- Make Kugel Not War
- Men of Truth Recognize the Falseness of Honor
- Midah K'neged Midah Punishment is a Big Chesed
- Midos Tovos Are The Key
- Never Forget the Individuals
- Not Just A Case of Politics Making Strange Bedfellows
- Patience For One's Parents
- Remembering from Whence One Came
- Spilling Wine Like Water Is a Positive Omen for the Home
- The Naming Sequence of Moshe's Sons Seems Out of Order
- The Path in Which They Should Go…
- The Winner In A Court Case, Also Loses
- Torah is Acquired Through Effort, Not Brain Power
- We Were Not Chosen For Our Brains
- What Did Yisro Hear That Prompted Him
- What Impressed Yisro the Most, and Why?
- What Prompted Yisro To Come?
- Yisro Connected the Dots
- Yisro's Impressed
- "If" It Is Not Really Your Money
- A True Friend
- Antonym or Synonym?
- Change of Vowels Provides Chassidic Insight
- Ethical Laws & Ritual Laws - They're All G-d's Laws
- Eved Ivri: Rehabilitation, Not Just Reimbursement
- Every Generation Has Its Own Test
- Helping Unload The Donkey of One's Enemy
- Honor Due to a Thief
- Mesiras Nefesh, Bringing Peace, Gilgul and Pure Chessed
- Miss Manners And Her Ilk Are A Far Cry From Divine Torah Ethics
- One of Us
- Our Neshama is a Deposit / Negative Events in Full Context
- Reading the Simple Interpretation Into
- Serving G-d with Haughtiness
- Story of Receiving The Torah
- The Emphasis on Mitzvos Bein Adam L'Chaveiro
- The Metaphor of Coming In and Going Out With His Coat
- The Needy do More for the Rich than Vice Versa
- The Sin of the Slave Owner
- The Thief Who Won't Climb Back Up
- Those in a Thankless Role Deserve A Thank-You
- Turning the Theory into Practice
- Two Promises You Can Bank On
- We Would Have Legislated Just the Opposite!
- Why Pick On The Ear?
- A Special Collection for the Sockets?
- “And You Shall Take for Me Teruma” — Doing for Oneself
- Build Your Own Coffin
- Contradictory Descriptions As To How The Menorah Was Made
- Doing For Oneself
- Four "Takes" on the Strange Expression, "V'Yikchu Li Teruma"
- Inspiration Needs To Be Translated Into Physical Action
- Instructions for the Miraculous Menorah
- Keruvim Embracing at the Churbon?
- Materials Listed In Descending Order Until They Mention The Expensive Stones
- Mishkan Boards Trace Their Yichus to the Family Trees
- Offer of the Princes
- Once It's Your Money, It Is Hard to Part With It
- Placing Plaques on Shtenders and Benches
- Rabbeinu Ephraim Expands On The Idea of
- Symbolism of the Aron
- Taking - not Giving
- The Mishkan Gifts Are Listed In Descending Order
- The Only Thing You Can Take With You Is Your Dining Room Table
- The Symbolism of the Keruvim
- The Thought That Counts
- Torah Comes Down From Between Two Child-like Figures
- Torah Is Like Both Gold and Silver
- We Should Take A Lesson From G-d
- When We Did Not Have the Kosel, We Still Had #12 Ibn Shaprut
- You Shall Have A Dream
- Allowing US To Leave The Light On For HIM
- At Least the First Time
- Betzalel Son of Uri Son of Chur (Son of Miriam)
- Brotherly Love at Its Best: Moshe and Aharon
- Cloth Bells Teach Humility in Kodesh; A Purim Lesson from Charvona
- Do it Right the First Time!
- Every Step Has An Impact
- G-d Sees Shades of Gray
- He Was Among His People
- Leaders Should Not Be Too Great for Their Generation
- Many Can Have "Urim" - Power; But Few Have "Tumim" – Power
- Many Can Have 'Urim' But Few Have 'Tumim'
- No One Runs for the Office of Gadol HaDor
- The Funds for Building the Mishkan Were Easier To Collect Than the Oil for The Menorah
- The Lesson of "Shmoneh Esrei" – 18 Repetitions of "As G-d Commanded"
- The Mind Can Be Trained To Look At Blue And See The Divine Throne
- The Omission of Moshe's Name is a Tribute to His Self-Sacrifice
- The Priestly Garments: For Splendor or For Service?
- The Spiritual Link / Mordechai's Powerful Concern
- Training One's Disciple So That The Teacher Becomes Obsolete
- Tribute of Anonymity
- Twisting The Word of Hashem Until We Believe We Are Righteous
- When is it Time to Start Worrying?
- When Someone Says "Don't Worry About It" It Is Time To Start Worrying
- Answering the Call
- Appreciate It While You Have It
- Closer After the "Fight" Than Before
- Do the Right Thing – Even If You Won’t Succeed
- Even If We Cannot Truly Emulate Hashem, Our Selflessness Invokes Hashem's Mercy
- Heavenly Omens vs. The Torah / Breaking the Glass and the Luchos
- If One Does Not Own Land, He Need Not Go 'Up' for the Festival
- Leave the Worrying to G-d
- Let The Cow Come And Clean Up The Mess Left By The Calf
- Let Them Eat Cake
- More Than Just a Play on Words
- Moshe Does Not Let Betrayal Infringe on His Love For The People
- Moshe's Finest Moment
- No Need to Go Anywhere
- Shabbos Comes Automatically; Yom Tov Requires Preparation
- Shabbos Is Both A Mitzvah And A Present
- Sneak Preview of Messianic Times
- The Generous of Spirit He will be Blessed
- The Lesson of the House of Avtinas: What is Destined to be Yours Will Always Remain Yours
- The Merit of Grandfathers At Work
- The Oil Of Anointing Was Meant To 'Light The Fire' of the Kohanim
- The Secret of the Kesher Shel Tefillin
- They Have Strayed QUICKLY
- Why Did Moshe Need A Visual Image of The Half-Shekel Coin?
- "Please Contribute" Preceded By The Command To Observe Shabbos
- A Good Name Is Better Than Good Oil
- A Tzadik on Someone Else's Back
- Bezalel's Ability To Share The Stage Made Him a Leader
- Commemoration of Creation
- Laziness May Be Lurking In Noble Decisions Not To Do Something
- Money Laundering: Making Sure Donations To The Mishkan Are
- No One Is Completely Immune From Envy
- Religion of Deeds
- Sanctifying the Mundane is Precious
- Story With Rav Chaim of Volozhin and the Meshullach
- The Key To Success Is Initiative
- The Name a Person Gives Himself Is His Most Important Name
- The Philosophical Implication of Carrying
- The Rich Get Richer and the Wise Get Wiser
- The Will To Do More Than Is Necessary Pleases the Almighty
- What Seems Futile Now May Have Results Later
- Why Did Moshe Save His Blessing For Parshas Pekudei?
- Why No Praise for the Acacia Wood Schleppers?
- Women and the Power of Renewal
- Labor of Carrying
- Parshas Pekudei's Positive Pride Preempts Previous Pernicious Pride
- Receive Reward -- For The Toil!
- Receive Reward — For The Toil!
- Shabbos -- Commemoration Of Creation And G-d
- Sunken Gates Will Be Appended to Prefabricated Third Temple
- Thanks from the Recipient's Perspective
- The Almighty Likes Humble Buildings and Humble People
- We Toil And Receive Reward -- For The Toil!
- We Toil and Receive Reward — For the Toil!
- You Don't Necessarily Get What You Pay For
- "Yitzchak Effect" Impacts the Mishkan / Scents of Sacrifice
- A Humble Man With a (Potentially) Not So Humble Childhood
- A Positive Choice
- A Spiritual Physical
- By the Heat of the Day
- Consolation Prize of Salt
- Destroying Trust is a Treachery Against Hashem
- Fortunate Is The Generation Whose Leaders Goof... And Then Admit It
- Hearing Voices from Heaven
- In Order To Be A Believer, One Must First Be Trustworthy
- Learning to be Happy with our Portion from an “Out of Order” Rashi
- Little Aleph Teaches Big Lesson
- Moshe Did Not Intend To Drop A Letter From The Torah
- Moshe Waited for the Call
- Parshas HaTamid and Akeidas Yitzchak
- Sanctifying Oneself Through The Physical
- Suffering In Lieu Of Sacrifice
- The Life of a "Moshe" Never Ends
- The Little Aleph and Lessons In Humility
- The Name Moshe Defined The Essence of Our Leader's Personality
- The Netziv and Lord Acton Convey The Same Idea
- The Plight of the "Flour People"
- The Relationship Between Leavening Agents and the Yetzer Hara
- The Superiority Of The Poor Man
- Whether It Makes Scents or Not!
- Zealotry Is Like Radiation: One Has To Know How To Use It
- A Segulah From Eliyahu To Protect From Evil Thoughts
- Aharon Was Hesitant To Spend Money On Koban Olah, So Hashem Charged It
- “Hoda’ah” and "Thank You!"
- Clean Up Your Mess
- Different Generations / Different Challenges
- Don’t Let It Go to Your Head!
- Double Entendre In the Word
- Expanding Upon A Thought From The Kli Yakar
- On All Other Nights We Eat Chametz and Matzah
- Taking Out the Garbage
- The Kohen Is Always A Rookie
- The Korban Olah Teaches A Fundamental Lesson in Fundraising
- The Torah is Concerned With the Pride of the Poor
- Why Are The Laws Of Korban Todah Found In Parshas Tzav?
- Willingness To Self-Negate Is The Prerequisite of Peace
- "Opening Day" is Day Eight
- A Story Stressing The Reward For Meticulous Kashrus Observance
- An Original Interpretation of "Through Those Near to Me I Will Be Sanctified"
- Every Generation is Different / Fish Fins & the Glory of the Torah
- Guarding Against Feeling Too Good About Oneself
- Humility Does Not Mean Believing Oneself To Be A Nothing
- Is Being Kohen Gadol a Punishment? / Hoisted with Their Own Petard
- It Is Certainly Not MY Fault!
- Moshe was A Kohen for Seven Days: G-d
- Moshe's Premonition That "Something Like This" Was Going to Happen
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Shemini
- Reward And Punishment
- Start Out Looking At The Positive
- Striking At the Heart of What the Jewish People are All About
- The Appropriate Time To Offer Atonement For The Sale of Yosef
- The Goat Atones For Yosef's Sale – But Why Now?
- The Impact of Holiness
- We Are All "Survivors"
- We Are All Survivors
- What the Jewish People are All About
- Without the Sages, The Torah Is A Closed Book
- "Something Like a Blemish..."
- A Blind Kohen Can
- A Frightening Idea by the Chovos Ha’Levovos Et Al
- A Joyful Time Should Be Had by All
- A Shmoozer Can Also Be Meticulous About the Laws of Lashon Hara
- Baal HaTurim's Insight Highlights The Torah's Sensitivity
- Changing the "Eye"
- Give the Critic a Taste of His Own Medicine
- Giving the Critic a Taste of His Own Medicine
- Guarding Against Feeling Too Good About Oneself
- Ignoramus Kohen: Fool or Am Haaretz?
- Lashon HaRah -- More A Problem of the Eye Than Of The Mouth Or Tongue
- Learning A Lesson From G-d Through Punishment
- Metzorah Brings Himself to the Kohen / Talmud in Seoul?
- Only You Are Called "Adam"
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Tazria-Metzorah
- The 'Eyes' Have It
- The Eye Represents Our Perspective
- The Key To Effective Prayers
- The Letters Of 'Nega' and 'Oneg' Are Identical
- The Torah Rewards Faithfulness
- Turtle Doves Do Not Have
- Turtle Doves Do Not Have "Second Marriages" – Appreciation for Loyalty
- Two Birds
- Tzaraas Teaches a Major Life Lesson About Negiyus -- Personal Bias
- Who Is The Man Who Wants To PRESERVE Life?
- Why Was the Metzorah Put Into Solitary Confinement?
- A Plague Becomes a Blessing
- A Plague Turns Into a Blessing
- Does Mussar Help?
- House With Tzaraas: Blessing or Curse?
- Lashon HaRah Begins Not with the Mouth, But with the Eye
- Learning A Lesson From G-d Through Punishment
- Remember What G-d Did To Miriam
- Something Like An Affliction Has Appeared On My House
- The Gossip of "Men of Distinction"
- The Lesson of House Tzaraas
- Two Birds: One For ‘Evil Speech’ and One For ‘Good Speech’
- "Peripheral Events" May be the Focus of Divine Providence
- A Kal V'Chomer From Kisuy haDam / Wait For 3 Years To Correct Adam's Sin Of Not Waiting 3 Hours
- Accountable for Our Priorities
- An Idolatrous Gimmick: Burn One; Get Five Trouble Free
- Get a Life!
- Hashem As Our Father
- It Is Easier To Overcome Physical Pain Than To Suppress The Human Psyche
- Jumping To Conclusions
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Acharei Mos
- Rav Chaim's Request For Forgiveness
- Rav Elya Meir Bloch Interprets Rashi
- Safeguards Against Assimilation to Prevent Intermarriage
- Servants of Hashem / Benefit of the Doubt / "Lo" and "Al"
- The Consultation That Never Took Place Could Have Made the Difference
- The Decline
- The Desecration of Molech: We Will Be Held Accountable For Our Priorities
- The Message of the Lottery of the Two Goats
- The Power of the People / Praying for True Needs
- The Reason The Torah Prohibits Marrying Two Sisters
- They Died And They Died Again
- Who Has To Honor Whom?
- Hate is Worse; Emunah Cures Envy
- Kedusha: A Personal Mitzvah that Needs the Community
- Not Every Thing is Spelled Out in Shulchan Aruch
- Power of Rabbi Akiva
- Role of Spouse in Loving One's Neighbor
- The Command To 'Be Holy' Was Given In A Mass Gathering
- The Mitzvah To ‘Be Holy’ Was Given in a Mass Gathering
- The Power of Speech—Rather Than Hurt Feelings—Is the Lesson of "Lo Sekalel Cheresh"
- Why Is this Parsha Different From All Other Parshios?
- Why Is this Portion Different From All Other Portions?
- Why is this Portion Different from Other Portions?
- Worse Than Lack of Mutual Respect
- A Privilege, Not a Burden
- A Talmid Chacham of Chilul Hashem
- Chinuch Begins at Home
- Compassion For the Blasphemer
- Congratulations, But...
- Customs Going Back To The Days of Pharisees and the Sadducees
- Deciphering The Medrash's Linkage of Omer, Milah, and Sotah
- Divine Justice and the Mysterious 'Vov'
- Even Admirable Midos Have Boundaries
- Giving Over One's Self for the Sake of Hashem
- Have No Regrets
- High Potential vs. High Risk
- Not Only A Mitzvah, But Good Financial Advice as Well
- Oh, Is That the Reason Why?
- One Who Curses The Name of G-d is Not An Atheist
- Perceptions Become Reality / All Blasphemies are not Equal
- Teaching Fear of Heaven by Example
- Teaching Our Children That We Are Different
- The Double Edged Sword of Mistaken Impressions
- The Poor Takes Only What Belongs To Him Already
- The Priest Does Not Perform 'Last Rites' in Judaism
- The Smell of the Esrog Is Equated With The "Smell of Torah"
- The Zohar Reveals the Blasphemer's Identity
- Two Dimensions In The Measure of Man
- We Need A Torah To Teach Us How To Treat A Human Being
- What Set Off The Mekallel [Blasphemer]? / Lag B'Omer
- Why Can't I Play Ball Near the Cemetery?
- A Blessing for Those Who Ask and a Blessing for Those Who Don't
- A Time for Belief and a Time for Heresy
- Aspiring to Be Not Normal
- Cheating is Forbidden -- Honesty is the Best Policy as Well
- Greatest Blessing of All
- How "Aliyah L'Regel" Sneaks In To Be One of the "Big Three"
- How Easy It Is To Forget Last Year
- Inappropriate Bitachon & A Story of Improper Farewell Gifts
- Let Him Who Is Without Guilt NOT Throw The Last Stone
- Make Peace and Greet Moshiach
- Minimize the Nisayon Wherever Possible
- Misery Loves Company
- Positive Peer Pressure
- Rebbi Teaches a Lesson So Clear That His Students Could Taste Its Message
- Shemittah, Bitachon & Learning Torah
- Shemittah, Mt. Sinai, and Life's Ultimate Challenge
- Shmitah and Cheating
- The Linkage Between Truth and the Exodus
- The Redundant Security Guarantee
- The Shofar of the Jubilee Year: Positive Peer Pressure
- The Shofar of the Yovel: Positive Peer Pressure
- The Tests of Chukim and Mishpatim
- Your Customer Has A Famous Father
- Yovel Is About Going Back to the Source
- Bechukosai and Destroying Chometz
- Focusing In on The Opening Words of the Parsha – Part 1: Teleichu
- I Love You and I Will Not Be Disgusted by You
- I Love You...I Will Not Be Disgusted by You
- Rains of Blessing: Getting the Most When the Farmer can do the Least
- The "Chok" Aspect of Diligent Torah Study
- The Inverted Sequence of the Patriarchs
- The Vav From Eliyahu's Name
- There's Good News, and Bad News
- There’s Good News, and Bad News
- We Toil and They Toil; We Run and They Run
- "Weighing Piety"
- A Man at 30 Days
- A Mystical Idea May Help Us Understand the Incomprehensible
- Becoming The Head of The Household
- Civility In Times of Duress
- Double-Edged Sword
- How Precious Life Is
- Lift The Heads Of The People... Not The Heads of The Levites
- Man Plans and G-d Laughs/Shavuos Reenactment
- Man Plans and The Almighty Laughs
- Mishkal HaChassidus -- Is This The Time And The Place To Be Pious?
- More Than Just Stars and Stripes
- One Of These Associate Tribes Is Not Like The Other
- Pagiel and Achira Took on Aliases to Remind Themselves They Were in a Bad Neighborhood
- Rallying Round The Flag
- Rallying Round the Mishkan Is a Prerequisite for Rallying Round the Flags
- Reward for Keeping Quiet
- The Almighty Employs A Different Set Of
- The Book of Numbers Teaches Us A Lesson in Counting
- The Hidden Message Telegraphed by the Word "Se'oo"
- The Power Of Group Identification: Both Positive and Negative
- The Scale of Piety
- Thoughts For Shavuos: I am "One Yosef" Because of the Power of Torah
- Transition Points in Jewish History
- Traveling In Formation
- What's in a Name
- When a Rebbe is Equal to a Father
- Why So Few Leviim?
- Yissachor-Zevulun: The Hyphenated Tribe / Lucky Strike? No Way
- "Your Money Or Your Wife?" and Other Such Life Decisions
- A Lesson in Community Service
- A Redundant Word
- A Source For The Singing of the Levites
- Achieving Sanctity
- Birkas Kohanim: Peace of Togetherness Vs. Peace of Separate Pieces
- Domestic Harmony and National Peace
- Just Say 'No'
- Keep This in Mind When Listening to Birkas Kohanim
- Lessons Learned From Gifts of the Nesiim
- Make Unpleasant Experiences as Pleasant as Possible / Hints to Love from Other Languages
- Message to Manoach and His Wife: Go Beyond The Letter of the Law
- Nezirus - the "Out of Body" Experience
- Nicknames for the Torah
- Now is the Time for the Kohein's Blessing of Peace
- People Need Protection From Their Own Wealth
- Relationship of Domestic Harmony to National Peace
- Strange Verbiage Contains A Beautiful Insight
- The Blessings Are Not for Free
- The Common Denominator Between Long Hair and A Shaven Head
- The Connection Between The Chapters of Sotah and Nazir
- The Dilemma of Nisanel ben Tzuar
- The Ideal Nazir Attacks the Illness Rather Than the Symptom
- The Paradox Of Keeping That Which He Gives Away
- The Ramban DOES NOT Contradict The Talmud
- The Role Of The Kohen: Agent of the Almighty / A Farewell to the Baer-Sterns Mincha Minyan
- Too Much "Ish"
- Why Are Children Called "Redeemers"
- Why Did The Younger Brother Get The Better Job?
- "Your Portion Is Greater Than Their Portion"
- A Depression That Impresses
- A Tale Of Two Lessons In Hakaras HaTov
- Aharon's Greatness: Forty Years of Consistency
- As the Cloud Moves On, So Does Life
- Ascending Three Steps
- Chumras Must Be Stage-in-Life Appropriate
- Definition of 'Chareidi' / Importance of Being Good
- Disappointment is More than an Offering
- Eldad and Meidad: The Rest of the Story
- Giving Klal Yisrael A "High Five"
- Her Husband's Modesty
- It Was Not the Cucumbers and Onions!
- It's Summertime, And The Parshiyos Are Depressing
- Payback Time Comes Years Later
- The Greater the Gavra, the Greater the Gratitude
- The Seventy Elders Come Well Prepared for Their Job
- They Were All Made 'Miksha'...
- Too Much Freedom Threatens Tranquility / Gossip Defies Logic
- Two Approaches for Staying Enthusiastic About Mitzvos
- Use Time Carefully / How You Ask Makes a Big Difference
- We Don't Even Understand Our Own Motives Without Wise Counsel From Others
- What Makes You Sad? What Makes You Happy?
- When One Is In Pain He Says "Ouch"
- Why Should We Be Denied?
- Why Wasn't Moshe Depressed?
- Why Wasn’t Moshe Depressed?
- Yours Is Greater Than Theirs
- A Similar Thought Found in Mussar and Chassidus
- Being Taught From The Get-Go: Eretz Yisrael Has Supernatural Requirements
- Borrowing From the Strength of Sarah
- Do it Right!
- Heading in the Right Direction
- Individuality and the Torah
- Is it Really a Mitzva or is it a Disguised Aveyra?
- Kalev's Side Trip to Chevron
- Knowing When Not to React
- Message of the Yud
- Moshe Was Confident that Calev's Wife Would Set Him Straight
- Nogeah B'Davar - Overcoming Bias
- One Can Recognize His Own Greatness Without Being Arrogant
- Our Survival in Galus is Kiddush HaShem Plan B / Why Tzitzis Is Voluntarily
- Seeing the Good in Jerusalem
- Sheva Brochos Material
- Sipur and Dibur in Saying Lashon HaRah
- Successful Mitzvah Agents
- Taking Spiritual Growth One Step At A Time
- The Connection Between The Beginning and the End of the Parsha
- The Gap Between the Roof and the Leg of the Letter 'Hey'
- The Gravity Of The Sin Of Not Learning From Mussar
- The Perfect Student
- The Power of Ulterior Motives
- The Price Of Seeking and Receiving Honor
- The Pull of Society and Social Pressure
- The Spies Were Anshei Midos / Why Forty Years for Forty Days?
- Two Types of Laziness
- Unsung Heroes
- What's The Connection Between the "Wood-Chopper" and Tzitsis?
- Why Not Hire a Babysitter for Hakhel?
- A Perception of Uncaring Leadership Fueled Korach's Rebellion
- A Person Can Gain or Lose His World in One Moment
- A Tale Of Two Evil Character Traits: Jealousy & Machlokes
- A Tale of Two Wives
- Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt
- Financially Independent
- Flowering Initially
- Forefatherly Foreshadowing
- Gifts From Heaven
- Korach Cashes In On The "It's Not My Fault" Syndrome
- Korach Got A Bad Deal
- Korach's Unique Punishment
- Look Who's Calling Moshe An Honor Seeker!
- Machlokes
- National or Personal Crisis
- Not Everything Is Black Or White
- The Brilliance of Common Sense
- The Measure of a Person
- The Mitzvah of Machlokes Is The Exception To The Rule
- The Most Effective Way of Avoiding Disputes
- The Power of Prayer
- The Symbolism Behind Keeping Hands and Feet Together During Prayer
- Torah the Great Unifier; Where Korach Went Wrong
- Where Korach Deserves Credit
- Where's the Lemon?
- Why is This Sin Different? / Holy, but Still Integrated
- Yaakov Recognized That Without Unity, The Jewish People Have No Hope
- A Perplexing Fast Day
- Aharon & Peace / Sichon & Cheshbon Hanefesh
- ALL the Silver & Gold
- Beginnings Are Important / The Mon Kept Us Connected to Hashem
- Departure of Israel's Peace-maker Triggers Cannanite Attack
- Kedusha Out — Tumah In
- Live the Lesson of the Snakes
- Man is Like an Earthenware Vessel
- Miriam's Death
- Never the Twain Shall Meet
- Red Heifer and the Death of the Righteous
- Red Heifer in the Garden of Eden
- Seeking Honest Advice is Key to Avoiding Monumental Mistakes
- Speculations on the Red Cow
- The Connection Between The Parah Adumah and the Golden Mean
- The Death of Miriam – Closure, But No Tears
- The Parah Paradox
- The Power of One to Purify the Many
- Those Who Will Not See
- Tumah and Taharah Defy Our Understanding
- Two Insights: Miriam Did Not Get Eulogized and Aaron Did Not Get Complaints
- Watch Out For Those Transitional Periods In Life
- We Should Appreciate People When We Have Them
- What Was Lost By Failing To Speak To The Rock?
- Why Aharon HaKohen Was Mourned by the Entire House of Israel
- A "Tense" Exchange and the Limitations of Bilaam's Power
- Bilaam Lost His Shock Value
- Bilaam's Blessing - Thanks, But No Thanks
- If It Can Happen To Bilaam, It Can Happen to Any of Us
- It Could Happen to You!
- Mistaking The Angel of Mercy For The Satan
- Not From Your Honey And Not From Your Sting
- The Apter Rav: How Do You Spell Ahavas Yisrael?
- The Apter Rebbe Bends The Rules For Ahavas Yisrael
- The Best Things In Life Are Different When They Come For Free
- The Best Things in Life Are Different When They Come for Free
- The Nations' Non-Prophet
- The Power of Lishma: Doing it For ‘The Cause’ vs. For the Money
- The Sin of "Not Getting It"
- Three Differences Between Bilaam and Rabbi Yosi ben Kisma
- Two Interpretations of Why Bilaam Could Not Curse ("Mah Ekov Lo Kabo Kel")
- Was G-d Bilaam's Agent?
- A Paradigm Incident Which Teaches: The Ribono Shel Olam Has a Grand Plan
- Altruism or Nepotism / A Jewish Leader Needs More Than Just G-d Given Talent
- Been There, Done That
- Don't Be Frumer Than the Shulchan Aruch
- Down In The Rankings
- Grandson of Aharon -- The Lover of Peace
- Grandson of Aharon -- The Lover of Peace & Pursuer of Peace
- If A Person Sees Himself As Wicked, He Is Easy Picking For the Yetzer Horah
- Interpreting the Motivation for Kanaus [Zealotry]
- Moshe Demonstrates The Priorities Of A Leader Of Israel
- Never Too Old to Improve
- Peace Pursued
- Picture The Scene of The Petition of Tzelofchad's Daughters
- Pinchas Did Not Daven – He Engaged in Argumentation
- Pinchas: A Man For All Eras And All Places
- Playing It Safe By Doing What The Torah Commands
- Revenge of A Talmid Chochom / Thinking Differently / Rewarding Effort
- Second Guessing Pinchas
- Standing Up to the Prevailing Winds
- Summer Vacation Begins With a Reminder: No Vacation from Divine Service
- The Pitfall of Consistency: Been There; Done That
- The Unpredictable Development of the Tribes of Dan and Binyomin
- Torah-Sanctioned Zealotry
- Tzelafchad's Daughters Were Motivated By The Land, Not The Money
- Vov of Connection-Vov of Division
- Why Did Pinchas Deserve The 'Peace Prize'?
- Zealotry is Like Radiation - It Can Be Useful But It Is Very Dangerous
- A Stinging Demotion
- Listen to the Mussar
- Money And The Kids
- Money and the Kids
- Passion for Kavod
- Power of Speech More Powerful than the Stick / Learn From Our Experiences
- Ramban: Why was Parshas Nedarim given over specifically to
- Ramban: Why was Parshas Nedarim given over specifically to "Roshei haMatos?"
- The Joy Of Mussar
- Where Firstborn Rush In. . .
- Confusing Causation
- Ramban: Why was Parshas Nedarim given over specifically to
- Ramban: Why was Parshas Nedarim given over specifically to "Roshei haMatos?"
- "I Should Accept Him As My Rabbi?"
- An Inappropriate Judge
- And It Shall Be When He Sits (K'Shivto)
- Appointing An Unworthy Judge = Planting An Ashera: Why?
- Discharged from Service for Talking While Donning Tefillin?!
- Elul – An Ir Miklat in Time
- Enticement To Worship Avodah Zarah Is Worse Than The Act Itself
- Home is Where the Bais Din Is
- Innocence in the Hand Is Better Than Two Birds In The Bush
- Judging My G-G-Generation
- Just Say "No"
- Life Without Parole
- Listening to the Torah and the Rabbis
- Matters of Dispute in Your Cities
- One Corrupt Judge May Blind Two Wise and Righteous Judges
- Pursuing Truth and Justice
- Temimus: Wholeheartedness Is Necessary To Build Torah Institutions
- The Double Language: Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof
- The Dual Personality of the Jewish Monarch
- The Epiphany of Rabi Yishmael ben Elisha: How Great Are the Words of the Sages!
- The Measure of A Person Is His Sense of Gratitude
- The Special Role of the Kohen Who Reminds Us of the Source of Success at War
- The System Must Prevail – Right Or Wrong
- The Tactics of the Satan
- The Underlying Motivation
- Time Zone of Refuge
- Torah is Talking to YOU
- Words of Exhortation
- "Easiest of the Easy" and "Hardest of the Hard"
- A "Beautiful" Insight
- A "Tense" Struggle with the Yetzer HaRah
- A Tzadik Has the Same Yetzer HaRah as Everyone Else, But…
- Addressing the Evil Inclination / Beginnings -- Critical at Every Stage
- Amalek and the Worst of the Three Cardinal Sins
- Better Innocent than Guilty
- Better Let Him Die Innocent...
- Doing A Mitzvah With Regard for Another's Feelings
- Don't Take Advantage of People's Compassion
- Future-Based Judgement or Present-Based Judgement: The Ben Sorer U'Moreh vs. Yishmael
- Just Because they "Weren't Nice"
- Or HaChaim Retrieves Hidden Message from Mitzvah of Returning Lost Objects
- Parents Need To Speak To Their Children With A Unified Voice
- Parshas Ki Seitzei
- Putting The "Snap Crackle and Pop" Into One's Marriage Relationship
- Sending Away the Mother Bird – Cruelty with a Purpose
- Shiluach Hakan & Kibud Av V'Aym: Opposite Mitzvos Demonstrate the True Mission of Man
- The Crime of Ammon and Moav Was Not About Bread and Water
- The Distance
- The Power of Prayer / A Bird Created B'Tzelem Elokim?
- The Reward for Shiluach haKen Is the Inverse of the Reward For Kibud Av v'Em
- The Reward of Learning About the Rebellious Son
- The Torah Introduces The Concept of "Tough Love"
- Unusual Spelling
- Wayward Son
- Yefas Toar: The Exception Proves The Rule
- You Can
- "Do you learn?" "Whenever I have time"
- A Person Must Find Pleasure In Mitzvos
- A Religion Becomes a Religion When Passed on to the Next Generation
- A Tale of Two Speeches—One Out Loud and One in Silence
- Blessings that Reach / Curses Forever?
- Don't Invite An Audit
- Effects of Our Enemies
- Gratitude -- A Key Torah Principle
- Gratitude Makes the World Go Round
- It's a Mitzvah to Be Happy
- Needless Hate and Absence of Joy
- Not Being An Ingrate Is Not Quite The Same As Being A
- Personal Time & Effort / Be Happy
- Selichos: It Pays to be 'First in Line'
- Sensitivity to the Needs of the Poor
- Showing Spiritual Maturity After 40 Years
- Staying On Top of One's Blessings
- The "Tithing Confession"
- The Ball is in Our Court
- The Basket Too Has Holiness
- The Bigger the Mensch, the Bigger the Hakaras Hatov
- The Connection Between Amalek and the First Fruits
- The Curse of Madness / The Ultimate Curse
- The Egyptians Made Us Evil
- The Gain is Proportional to the Pain
- The Kids On Yeshiva Lane Are Different
- Understanding A Bold Proclamation: "I've Done My Part; Now, G-d, You Do Yours"
- Vidui for What Could Have Been and Should Have Been
- What's The Big Deal About the "First Fruits"?
- "The Man Who Blesses Himself In His Heart Saying..." Wasn't Totally Wrong
- An Enigmatic Medrash Explained
- Approaching the Day of Judgment: Fear - Yes; Hopelessness – No
- Blessing As A Precursor of Teshuva
- Centrality of Torah
- Encouraging News Before Rosh Hashana
- Giving in to the Dictates of One's Heart
- Grabbing The Conductor's Hand
- HaNiglos Lanu U'Levaneinu: Talking The Talk and Walking The Walk
- No Excuse Not To 'Do Teshuvah'
- Our Connection to the Sefer Torah
- Parshas Netzavim - No Excuse Not To “Do Teshuvah”
- Paying Attention to the Voice of the Almighty
- Rav Chaim Saw In The Pasuk What We See With Our Eyes
- Serenity at the Extremes: We All Struggle—But That's a Good Sign
- Taking Stock Of The Nation When The Time Comes For Transfer Of Power
- Teshuva is Cumulative / We Try, Hashem Helps
- Teshuva Must Take Into Account the Root Cause of Sin
- The Difference Between The Two Tochachas
- The Need To Be Warned Against Idolatry
- The Sound of a Shofar or a Donkey?
- Why Bring the Children?
- Worrying About Our Souls
- "G-d Is Not In Our Midst" Is An Inappropriate Response
- A Person Thinks... and G-d Laughs
- Hakhel Demonstrates the Centrality of Torah
- Lessons to be Learned from the Jealousy of Moshe Rabbeinu
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vayelech
- Repentance or Excuse?
- Reward To Those Who Brought The Children / Write This "Song"
- Chanukah
- “Your Servant, Our Father”
- Analyzing The Imagery of A Familiar Chanukah Poem
- Hashem’s Wink, Reuven’s Jealousy & Shira on Chanukah
- How Yosef Got His Job
- Into the Hands of the Few
- Nice Guys Finish Second — Second in Command to Pharoah
- Of Fire and Money
- Shehechiyanu in Bergen Belsen
- Straightening Out The Cause And The Effect
- Why is Chanukah Hardly Mentioned in the Mishna and Talmud?
- A Thought From the Haftorah of the First Day of Rosh Hashana
- Blowing Shofar
- Elul – An Ir Miklat in Time
- Encouraging News Before Rosh Hashana
- Giving in to the Dictates of One’s Heart
- Hanging onto Holiness by a Thread
- Paying Attention to the Voice of the Almighty
- Prepare… With a Little Kindness
- Rabbi Frand on Rosh HaShana
- The Connection Between Peah and Malchiyos
- The Sound of a Shofar or a Donkey?
- The Uniqueness Of Rosh HaShana
- Thoughts for Erev Rosh Hashana
- Thoughts for Pre-Rosh Hashanah
- Worrying About Our Souls
- Hagaddah Insights
- Matzah – To Elevate and Conquer Areas of Spiritual Weakness
- Next Year In Jerusalem – If…
- On All Other Nights We Eat Chametz and Matzah
- Pesach: Reaching the Level of Ahavas Chinam
- Reaching the Level of Ahavas Chinam
- Allowing US To Leave The Light On For HIM
- Cloth Bells Teach Humility in Kodesh; A Purim Lesson from Charvona
- Greatest Accolade Given To Mordechai
- Haman’s Offer of Silver Shekels
- Sanctifying Through The Physical
- Rabbi Akiva’s Students Did Not Die for the Crime of Disrespectful Behavior
- Worse Than Lack of Mutual Respect
- A Man at 30 Days
- A Mystical Idea May Help Us Understand the Incomprehensible
- Anonymous Jews Produce Redeemers
- Keep This in Mind When Listening to Birkas Kohanim
- Knowing Your Tachlis and Purpose In Life
- Man Plans and G-d Laughs/Shavuos Reenactment
- Not Just Another Joe
- Preface to the Story of the Moshiach
- The Power Of Group Identification: Both Positive and Negative
- The Preface to the Story of the Moshiach
- The Ramban DOES NOT Contradict The Talmud
- Thoughts For Shavuos: I am “One Yosef” Because of the Power of Torah
- Why So Few Leviim?
- Yissachor-Zevulun: The Hyphenated Tribe / Lucky Strike? No Way
Articles on Terumah
- Built with Heart Rabbi Label Lam (5784)Level: Beginner
- Business Competition Between Individuals: When Is It Proper? Part III Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5758)Level: Advanced
- You, the Mishkan Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5780)Level: Intermediate
- Instructions for the Miraculous Menorah Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5777)Level: Intermediate
- Visiting Graves Of Tzaddikim: How And Why? Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5771)Level: Advanced
- Live in Our Midst Rabbi Label Lam (5777)Level: Beginner
- Grinding Ground Flour Rabbi Yisroel Ciner (5782)Level: Intermediate
- Leave Egypt, Build Mishkan Shlomo Katz (5783)Level: Intermediate
- When We Did Not Have the Kosel, We Still Had #12 Ibn Shaprut Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5783)Level: Intermediate
- Expressed Faith Rabbi Aron Tendler (5763)Level: Beginner
- Holy Discord Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein (5781)Level: Advanced
- A Real Story in the Making Rabbi Label Lam (5774)Level: Beginner
- According to his Ability Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5762)Level: Beginner
- The Details Justify the Ends Shlomo Katz (5780)Level: Intermediate
- The Cure Before the Malady Shlomo Katz (5777)Level: Intermediate
- Part God, Part Us Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5769)Level: Beginner
- A Tabernacle in Your Heart Shlomo Katz (5774)Level: Beginner
- The Best Thing in Life is FREE Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5779)Level: Intermediate
- Rabbeinu Ephraim Expands On The Idea of Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5775)Level: Intermediate
- The True "Gift" of Life Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5779)Level: Intermediate