Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Devarim
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Speaking Louder (5784)
- A Meaningful Approach (5783)
- Paradise Lost (5782)
- Fear Itself (5781)
- The Usual Suspects (5780)
- Enough is Enough (5779)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- ABBA-ABBA (5784)
- We Can Be Closer (5783)
- That is the Question (5776)
- Replaced with Genuine Joy! (5774)
- They Can Assure a Cure (5773)
- Seeing HASHEM with Our Hearts (5772)
- All Israel (5770)
- What to Cry About (5769)
- What Are We Missing On Tisha B’Av? (5764)
- The Darkest Corner (5763)
- No Child’s Game (5760)
- Love Your Neighbor (5758)
- Taking Stock (5757)
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- In Our Best Interest (5783)
- Flight to Freedom (5782)
- Striving to Succeed (5781)
- Constantly Challenged (5778)
- Not To Worry, G-d’s In Charge (5765)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Petty Squabble to Baseless Hatred (5784)
- Eichah – How Did This Happen? (5781)
- Elusive Allusions (5764)
- Personal Judge (5762)
- Who will Remember? (5761)
- Unite! (5760)
- A Gift to Claim (5756)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Geography Lessons (5782)
- Book 5, Take 2 (5781)
- A Lasting Edifice (5780)
- Welcome Criticism (5778)
- The Recognition of Shame (5773)
- Shabat Outweighs the Ninth Day of Av (5772)
- Moshe’s Personal Assessment (5771)
- Review, Review, Review! (5770)
- Choosing a Vision (5768)
- The Pathway to Consolation and Redemption (5767)
- No Empty Matter (5766)
- Harsh Hugs (5765)
- The Speech That Never Ends (5764)
- A Good Eye (5763)
- Honesty (5761)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
- What Are We Mourning? (5771)
- What Are We Mourning on the Ninth of Av (5765)
- Utilizing our Gifts Properly (5764)
- What Causes One to be Appreciative? (5763)
- To See or Not to See – That is the Question (5762)
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- Review (5784)
- A Higher Purpose (5783)
- Be Happy (Even Now)! (5782)
- A Wise Rebuke (5781)
- Learning How to Cry (5780)
- The Torah for Eretz Yisrael (5779)
- Moshe Rabbeinu’s Love (5778)
- Before You Rebuke (5777)
- A Brighter Tomorrow (5776)
- Table of Contents (5774)
- The Foundation of Piety (5773)
- The Secret to Rebuke (5772)
- If only . . . (5771)
- The Purpose of the Fifth Book (5767)
- Look Deeper (5766)
- Rebuking 101 (5765)
- In Other Words (5764)
- Review (5763)
- Don’t Just Scratch the Surface (5762)
- So Much to Say (5761)
- By The Rivers of Babylon… (5759)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Gold Standard (5766)
- Getting Our Manners In Order (5764)
- Falsehood’s Foothold (5763)
- The Shepherd Sticks with His Flock (5761)
- The Bobover Rebbe Zt”l (5760)
- It’s Not What You Want – But How You Ask (5759)
- Wise Rebuke (5758)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- Sense and Sensitivity (5784)
- Shabbos Hosting (5783)
- The Way to a Person’s Soul is Through His Dignity (5782)
- How? (5761)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- What’s Missing (5783)
- Devarim – Chazon (5782)
- Racism or Anti-Semitism? (5779)
- A Tisha B’Av Message (5778)
- The God Experience (5777)
- Golden Opportunity (5776)
- The Laws of Kashrus: Is it techinical or something deeper? (5773)
- Appreciation (5772)
- Because of Us, not Through Us (5770)
- The World Within (5769)
- Rebuilding the Temple (5768)
- Born To Be Wise (5766)
- And So The Journey Continues (5765)
- Now I Know My Aleph-Bais (5764)
- The Eye Generation (5763)
- Shabbos Chazon (5762)
- Murphy’s Day (5761)
- Visions, Visionaries, and Holy Words (5760)
- Visionary Words (5759)
- Parshas Devarim – Eichah? (5758)
- The Real $24,000 Question (5757)
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- Words, Words, and More Words (5765)
- Only the Shadow Knows (5764)
- A Clash of Titans (5763)
- Of Prophets and Teachers (5761)
- Immortal Teacher (5760)
- Eisav’s Reward (5759)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- Small Favors (5772)
- Don’t Flaunt It (5771)
- Careful Consideration of Chinuch Concessions (5768)
- Children Are A Gift (5765)
The Shmuz on Marriage
Advanced Level
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- Work We Must (5773)
- Parshas Devarim – What Does Mishnah Torah Repeat (5771)
- Parshas Devarim – No Need For Senate Hearings (5770)