Dvar Torah
Dvar Torah is your opportunity to read fascinating insights on the weekly portion of the Torah. Many of the great commentators of the past and present are quoted. The contributors are various rabbis in cyberspace. Rabbi Label Lam moderates this list.
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- A Final Solution
- A Heart that Wants HASHEM
- A Superior Primary Education
- Bereishis Tidbits
- Can You Have a Bigger Sign Than That!?
- Either You're With Us, Or...
- How Very Good It Is
- In the Garden Where We Live
- Meaning and Purpose: A Good Beginning
- The Easy Way Out!
- The Illusion of Nothingness
- The Oldest Lesson in History
- The Spiritual Universe to Come
- This Time
- A Flood of Something...
- A World is Built!
- Before It Rains
- Beyond Youth
- Chapter 11
- Constant Taking is Self Destructing
- From Life
- Hide the Shame
- How to Live
- Husband and Wife
- In a Heartbeat
- In His Generation
- In Man's Diminished Image
- It's All True
- Join the Voices in the Ark
- Law and Order
- Leave They Must
- Maybe
- Now -A Hopeful Place
- Passion, Pageantry, & Purpose
- Something’s Lost in the Translation
- The Choosing People
- The Din of the Din
- The Koach of Noach
- The Name of HASHEM
- The Safest Place
- The Whole World Was Created
- The World is a Symphony
- A Giant in Generosity
- A Life of Blessing
- A Self-Starter
- An Uplifting Experience
- And Swing with All Your Might
- As HASHEM Spoke to Him…
- “The Place That I Will Show You!”
- Beyond Words
- I Too Was Struck
- If You Keep On Going
- Living Miraculously
- Lot’s and Lots of Opportunities
- Make It Real
- One Step Better
- Out of This World
- Paradoxical Lot
- That Fire Within
- That's Tzedaka!
- The Eternal Port of Entry
- The House that Truth Built
- The Mind
- The Mind's Eye
- To Hear with Our Heels
- To the Land That I Will Show You
- When He Eventually Arrives
- Worthy of the Brocha!
- 100% of His Heart!
- A Plan Called “Kindliness”
- Abraham & Sons, Inc.
- Actual Angel Food
- Amongst the Ten
- Big Talk
- HASHEM Hears the Difference
- His Super Human Achievement
- Holy Potato Kugel
- It's Day in the Sun
- It’s Everlasting
- Newer Than News
- Our Akeidas Yitzchok
- Potential!
- Put G-d On Hold
- Questions? or Answers!
- Share This Secret with the Whole World
- Still Doing a World of Good
- The Choice Way
- The Secrets of the Soul
- To Found a World
- To Know The Difference!
- Water Shortage
- We Are Never Alone
- What was Theirs was Theirs
- When the Heart is Full
- Where Are You?
- Worth Celebrating
- A Camel - on the Moon
- A Good Life
- A Portrait of the Teacher
- All the Good that Was Done
- Be a Window Not a Pane
- Bigger FROM the Akeida
- Drawing Closer To The Life of Sara
- Elevate Everything About Him
- Forever Blessed
- Found Greatness
- He Really Lived
- Like Rivka by the Well
- Make Every Day a Jewish Holiday!
- Say Little, and Do Much
- That’s How it Begins
- The Challenge of Today
- The Dignity of the Stranger
- The Foundation of Marriage
- The Gift that Keeps on Giving!
- The Life He Lived
- The Value of His Parking Place
- Today!
- Torah is Real Gemilas Chassadim
- Vested Interests
- When I Was Your Age....
- Zero
- A Burning Heart
- A Smart Bracha
- A Thousand Life Lessons
- A Twin Study....
- Again and Again Rather Than…
- Continually Worthy of the Blessing
- Done
- Entirely Up to Us
- Fear of Parents and Fear of G-d
- He Was What He Wasn’t
- I Shall Move the World!
- In the Face of Adversity
- Living for Toldos
- Our Struggle
- Surprise, Surprise!
- The Jewish Hall of Fame
- The Last Laugh of History
- The Main Thing
- The Original Fire
- The Tragic Flaw of Brother Esau
- The World Around Us
- The Worst from the Best
- What a Maroon!
- With Those Eyes He Smelled
- You Have Potential!
- A Diamond of Holiness
- A Pillar to Mankind
- As Long as the Candle is Burning
- Caught Not Taught
- Every Nana Second
- Everything at Risk
- His G-dly Image
- I Did Not Know
- In All Honesty
- Just Like His Name
- Left to Chance - Yields Chaos
- Modeh Ani… I Am Thankful!
- Now More Than Ever!
- See What Will Be
- Seekers of HASHEM
- That Fallen Tree
- That Ladder of Potential
- The Challenges Ahead
- The Fools of the World
- The Reality of Realities
- The Rest of His Life
- There to Share
- Welcome To The Middle East
- What’s a Meta-phor?
- Whats Holy?!
- Whew! What a Message!
- Why Rachel Was Remembered
- Your BFF
- A Brotherly Embrace
- A Huge Goal!
- A Mountain of Scandal
- A Spell of Brotherliness
- A Strategy Born From Strength
- Aroma of Calm
- Because of Them
- Before Our Very Eyes
- Face to Face
- Filters
- For Him the Sun Shone
- Heart To Heart
- Honor And Suspicion
- Not Good Enough
- Our Stronger Than Iron Dome
- Prayer Pointers
- The Enormity of that Truth
- The Four Cubits We Occupy
- The Job of the Av
- The One for Whom the Sun Shines
- To Charm and Disarm
- What are You Worth?
- When it Doesn't...
- Yaakov Truly Had Everything!
- Your Yetzer Hara!
- A Blessed Business
- A Good Interpretation
- A Great First Move
- Development of a Visionary
- Garments of Betrayal
- How Does a Nation Survive?
- How Extrordinary The Result
- Improbable Approaches
- Just as Promised
- Looking for Our Brothers
- Our Greatest Resource
- That’s How He Got Out of Jail
- The Fear of Fear
- The First Dreamer
- The Truth of Torah
- There Is No One Greater Than I
- To Prepare… Prepare… Prepare!
- To See the Good
- What Matters!
- Who Are We Trying To Fool?
- Wisdom in Action
- It’s Caught!
- Just Say No
- The Good Times are Rolling
- The Ideal Answer, or the Answer of Ideals
- The World of Learning
- Unsolicited Advice
- Waning or Waxing
- Where Good Times Are Found
- With a Little Bit of Light
- A Portrait of Emunah!
- As Amazing as Yosef HaTzadik
- Before the Picture is Complete
- Beyond Our Imagination
- Family Values
- Forever Youthful
- He Could Be Himself Again
- He Could No Longer
- His True Identity
- Is He Still my Father?
- Is My Father Still Thinking About Me
- My Master Is In Me
- Not Just a Nutshell
- Number One Priority
- Such a Fragile Fiction
- Tests Big and Small
- That Teachable Moment
- That’s Worth Fighting For
- The Aleph-Beis of Relationships
- The Eventual Good
- The Right Size Portion
- The Top Knot
- This Nation to That Notion
- Those Who Know
- To Love Me is to Hate Me
- To Reveal Its Deeper Meaning
- We Cannot Hide
- Win the War
- A Golden Ray of Hope
- A Nation of that Notion
- A Strong Dose of Truth
- A Work in Progress
- Blessing Not in Disguise
- Blessings Are Not Always in Disguise
- Brochos Can Be Found!
- In an Ocean of Blessing
- In That Way He Never Died
- In the Quiet of Shabbos
- It's A Jungle Out There
- Know and Take Heed
- Living the Life
- Mixed Feelings
- Plan To Be Spontaneous!
- Practiced-for Eternity
- Realize the Blessing
- Reason to Live
- Shhhhhh… The Secret of Immortality
- The Bread-Eating Jew
- The End of Days
- The Gravity of His Concerns
- The Naked Truth
- To Pack Your Parachute
- True Peace of Mind
- Week -After- Week
- Worthy of a "Zechus Torah"
- A Holy Place
- A Nation is Launched
- A New Chapter in Life Begins
- A Real Nothing
- About One Thing
- Already Destined for Greatness
- Being a G-dly Being
- Exactly Why He Was Chosen
- Exodus
- Genesis of Exodus
- In Germany!
- In Preparation- to Save a Nation
- My Heavy Brother
- Never Lose a Holy Curiosity
- No Old Friends
- Out of Time
- Rise to the Challenge
- Something Astonishing
- The Anatomy of an Exile
- The Birthing of a Nation
- To Be Caring…To Be Daring
- What's In A Name?
- What's New?
- What’s Possible- In a Name!
- Who Helps the Most
- Who We Might Be!
- Within a Child’s Reach
- A Global Catastrophe
- A Knowing Heart
- A Real Human Being
- A Shower of Goodness
- At What Cost?
- Buy Low, Sell High
- Commmmmunication
- Dare Not Be Fooled
- Exodus from Stuck-ness
- Feeling Human Beings
- HASHEM’s Law
- Hidden Identity
- Hiding in the Open Daily
- International Debt
- Let My Person Grow!
- Making Bad Bearable
- Something as Fluid as the Nile River!
- Sooner Rather than Later
- That’s My Eliahu
- The Flavor of Freedom
- The Milkman
- The Olive's Traumatic Experience
- To Fix Our Attention
- To Sinai and Beyond
- What Time It Really Is
- When the Student is Ready
- A Family
- A Generous Dose of Encouragement
- A Jolt of -Oy Gevalt!
- A New Now for You
- Alive Today!
- Back to the Future
- Guaranteed--Overnight--Delivery
- Heavy Heart
- How We Are Really Doing
- Humble Opinions
- In The End
- Kids Play
- Know HASHEM!
- Lurking Within
- No Child’s Play
- Not Lonely- Only!
- Our Reason for Being Here and Now
- Out of the Frying Pan and onto the Fire
- Spectator Sport
- The Brightest Light
- The Reality of Realities
- The Rich Flavor of Achievement
- The White Teeth of a Dead Dog
- There's a Future in Farming
- To Choose to Be Chosen
- We Have Time
- Amongst the 20%
- “What” is Beyond Our Realm!
- Closer to the Source
- Constant Miracles
- Enjoy the Ride
- Essentially New Again
- Galloping to Mount Sinai
- Guaranteed Results!
- HASHEM is With Us!
- His Noble Essence
- I Am a Soul
- It’s Dr.’s Orders
- Like a GPS
- My “My”
- Our Capable Partner
- Rough Beginnings
- Split-Sea Soup
- Thanks for the Suffering
- The Essence of Song
- The Heart of the Matter
- The Plague of Darkness of Every Generation
- The True Spice of Life
- Think Again!
- Those Who Help with Mitzvos
- Ultimate Victory is Promised
- Understanding Injustice
- We Pay for Everything
- A Final Solution
- Against the Law
- All or Nothing
- Begin With The End In Mind
- Complain All You Want
- Divine Computers
- Earth-Shaking Event
- Join the Winning Team
- Positive Pursuits
- Tank-Full
- The Birth of the Blues
- The Illusion of Jealousy
- The Pleasure of the Treasure
- The Sweet Taste of Victory
- The Ten Commandments
- The Ultimate Orientation to the Ultimate Reality
- This Mitzvah is the Cure
- To Dine with The Divine
- We Have to Do More!
- We Were There!
- What Happened
- What Our Eyes Had Just Seen
- What to Answer!
- What We Owe
- When the Student is Ready
- Where Honor is Due
- A Giant Step Toward Holiness
- A Holy Man
- Aha!
- Another’s World!
- Are We Men, Or Are We Angels
- Expect Nothing!
- Help the Donkey
- Holy People
- Honesty is More Than a Policy
- How Holy People Live
- How Sweet It Is!
- Incredibly Credible!
- It Is a Chessed
- Just Not Rich Enough
- Make Yourself- at Home
- See the Symphony
- Teachable Moments
- Teaching Torah
- That’s the Truth
- That’s Way Too Costly
- The Nose Knows
- The Perfect Blend
- To Choose to Choose
- Volumes in Volume
- What is Torah?
- Where the War is Fought
- With Infinite Patience
- Without Interruption
- A Love Based on Nothing
- A Real Place of Holiness
- A Real Story in the Making
- An Everlasting Impression
- Built with Heart
- Can Anything Contain G-d?
- Connecting with HASHEM
- From Without to Within
- From-Keit
- Giving is Like Taking
- Holy Meals / Give and Get
- Honest to G-d
- If Properly Prepared
- In Rich Concentration
- It Will be Built Again
- Live in Our Midst
- No Force Could Ever Frustrate
- Sanctuaries Are Built
- Sanctuary Sweet Sanctuary
- Taking in the Most Generous Way
- The Essence of the Holy of Holies
- There’s No Place Like Home
- Torah with a MEM in the Mix
- What Life is Like in the Holy of Holies
- 60,000 Golden Thoughts
- A Deeply Personal Way
- A Lasting Flame
- A Model of Possibility
- Anywhere Else?
- Brighter is the Result
- Can Span Generations
- Easy Come, Easy Go
- Enlightened Actions
- If the Analogy Fits
- L'Chaim
- Oil and Incense
- Our Story is History
- The Genesis of the Shmatta Business
- A Moment Too Long
- A Stiff Necked-Nation
- Can You Have a Clearer Sign than That?
- Freedom of Religion
- How Powerful “I” Can Be
- In Deep Deep Trouble
- Keeping the Holy Holy!
- Let Us Not Break Those Too!
- Living Up to the Highest Standards
- Open for Business
- Serious After Effects
- Shabbos Forever
- Shabbos Has Kept the Children of Israel Holy
- Shabbos: A Time to Be…
- The Birthplace of Idolatry
- The Cause of the Pause
- The Golden Thread of Our Existence
- The Most Magnificent Mosaic
- The Oreo Cookie
- To Put the Picture Back Together Again
- A Real Story in the Making
- Actoverts
- At the Speed of Thought
- Backed Up by Action
- Endless Value to All We Do
- Excited by a Sacred Fire
- HASHEM Commanded to Do!
- Hearts of Gold
- If He Could Do It…
- It's Not What You Do, It's How you Do It
- Perfectly Believable Stories
- Removing Our Social Mask
- Shabbos Will Cure This Ill!
- Spiritual Regeneration
- Taste and See HASHEM is Good!
- The Deepest Desire in the Universe
- The Gift of Desperation
- The Job of the Jews!
- The Secret of Shabbos Delight
- Vanquishing The Enemy
- What Can Be Seen in a Mirror
- When Would We Be?
- Yours Truly
- An Original Thought
- Human Sanctuary
- Intellectual Reasoning and Spiritual Development
- Non-Profit Prophet
- Not more! Not less. Not easy!
- Taste the One-Ness
- The Game is Over
- The Job of the Jews
- Utterly Artistic
- A Complete Recovery
- A Healthy Appetite for Mitzvos! AHHHH!
- Author! Author!
- Eliminate All the Bugs in the Pesach Program!
- Flowing with Chometz and Honey
- How Beloved is the Beloved
- How Do We Approach This Child?
- Humble Perceptions
- Just a Coincidence?
- Not Just Sacrifice
- Team Meeting
- That’s The One
- The Big Mirror!
- Torah Education--Caught Not Taught
- We Have the Scars to Prove It!
- Authorizing an Authority
- Being His
- Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread
- Golden Apples
- Great Expectations
- I Am a Soul
- If You’re Not in the Mood of It
- Might We Be Whole
- Oceans of Holy Energy
- Passover Never Passes Over
- Self-Serving
- Soundness of Silence
- The Reward for Silence
- The Stuff on Which the World Stands
- To Do and Do and Do as Commanded
- To Say Nothing
- Up and Up
- What a Terrible Mistake!
- What I Was Chosen To Do
- Who Are We to Disagree?!
- Why would G-d create the world?
- 100%
- A Career of Mitzvos
- A Community Opportunity
- A Connected Jew
- Anyone Can Find
- Bringing the Baby to the Bris
- Constant Pressure To Improve
- Dense with Gemilas Chassadim
- Good News and Bad News
- If Only!
- NEGA-tivity
- Speaking Ill of Others
- That Kiss
- The Best Medicine
- The Eye of a Microscope
- The Good The Bad And The Ugly
- The Meaning of Life
- The Power to Repair
- To Continue to Continue
- To Fix the World
- To Not Get It
- Tons of Love
- You Have Potential
- All Israel
- Imagine That!
- Jogging Ancient Memories
- The Power of Words
- What a Difference a Night Makes
- ...And Hear It We Must
- A Deafening Silence
- A Reservoir of Love
- A Sacred Appointment
- Changing the World
- Days of Knowledge
- Do it Because I am Holy
- From the Inside Out
- Just Like Me
- Live in Them
- Love Your Neighbor
- Shock Treatment
- The Holy Pickle
- The Land of Israel Will Flow with Milk and Honey
- The Shepherd’s Shepherds
- Who Made Ears to Hear
- A Good Place to Begin
- A Tremendous Mitzvah
- All the Rest is Commentary!
- Encouraging His Children to Climb
- From the Profanity of Profanities
- He Is US
- Holy Nation
- Justice Must Be Carried Out
- Now Become Holy!
- Or Does it Explode?
- The Clock is Ticking
- Unspoken Words
- We Too Are Holy
- Your Creative Energies
- Your Whole Being is Holy
- A Kiddush HASHEM
- A Lasting Impression
- Beginning With The End In Mind
- Coin Exchange
- Davening
- Don't Settle For Imitations
- In a Moment of Truth
- In a World - Minus Peace
- Judaism 101
- Just Follow the Leader
- Leadership By Example
- Like an Angel
- More Precious than Life
- Nonnegotiable Boundaries
- One Incredible Act
- Our Friend, Shabbos
- Preparing to Live for Kiddush HASHEM
- Seven Perfect Weeks
- Sieze the Moment
- Strength Like That!
- Superhuman Strength
- The Important Seat We Occupy
- The Impression He Made
- There We Will Find HOLINESS!
- To Move the World
- What is "Holy"!?
- What We are Living For
- Worthy of the Title “Holy”
- A Heavenly Land
- Always On
- Back To Sinai
- Every 7th Year
- Gainless Cheating
- Germany
- If Only
- Masters of the Obvious
- Plugged In
- Repay Kindness
- Savor the Flavor
- The Birthday Card
- The Formula for Success
- The Long Short Way
- The Peace We Seek
- Then Peace Has a Chance
- This Very Earth
- To Fill That Void
- Well Worth the Effort
- What We All Really Want!
- Your Genius for Helping
- A Bill of Goods
- A Devastating Error
- A Most Beautiful Orchard
- Direction! Not Perfection!
- IF…
- It Still Whispers, “Shabbos”
- It Tastes that Great
- That Demands Effort
- That’s Worth Everything
- The Gift of All Gifts!
- Understand it Very Well
- A Powerful New Beginning
- Clothe The Needy
- Eventually, We Get There!
- Fatherly Guidance
- Fruitful Living
- G-d Doesn't Count Jews
- Like Cheese Cake
- Order in the Camp
- Separate But Together
- Taming The Beast
- That Golden Peace Treaty
- The Best Hotel Ever
- The Son of Your Friend
- The Sparkle of Truth
- There's No Place Like Home
- Torah-Like Water
- Unique Appreciations and Accomplishments
- A Life Saving Lesson
- A New Found Freedom
- A Powerful Lesson in True Humilty
- An Ever Growing Badge of Courage
- Authentic Shalom
- …So We Are Blessed!
- Bring Blessings to the Children of Israel
- Echoes of Shavuos
- From the Depths of the Heart
- Harmonizing Without Homogenizing
- How Much They Count
- Just to Silence the Mind
- Keep the Focus Inward
- Rashi and the Four Minute Mile
- The Flavor of Favor
- The Source of All Blessing
- The Torah Within
- Through Thick and Thin
- Who Loves You!
- A Bed of Potential Roses
- A Selfless Self-Esteem
- A Yomi Guy
- Anbody Anybody
- …And the Rest is History
- Daily Preparation
- Don't Be Naive!
- Easy!
- Encouragement!
- Leadership
- Learn to Thrive
- Missing Much More than Half
- More Than the Hand of Man
- Must Not Bust the Trust
- Never Lose that Sense of Wonder
- No Modification Necessary
- Our Daily Challenge
- The Cure for Something
- The Ear That Hears
- The Ever New in the Never Old
- The Most Important Person
- The Most Sublime Light
- The New Now!
- The Paradigm of Strength
- The Way Way-Up
- To Regain What Was Lost and More
- A Powerful Message about Our Power!
- A Sacred Date
- A Shattering of Their World
- A Wave of Destruction
- Bring Us Closer to the Land of Our Dreams
- Jewish Guilt
- Just Don't Rebel...
- Make Your Self Available…
- More Fragile Than Glass
- Responsible
- So Reliable
- The Common Thread
- The Honey in the Promised Land
- The Journey Home
- The Profundity of Profundities
- The Soundness of Silence
- The Utmost Importance
- To Link, I Think
- To that Degree They Could See
- Trust Vs. Human Effort
- Volumes in Volume
- What We Came Here For…
- What's Really Going On
- Where The Heart Leads
- Who Is The Boss Here?
- Why We Are
- "Pi" in Hebrew
- A Priceless Coat
- All is at Risk
- All We Can Take From A Taker
- “HEY” What Happened!
- Be Warned
- Borrowed Time
- Friends Don't Let Friends Think and Bribe
- Friendships and Associations
- His Final Undertaking!
- I’m a Big Man!
- Korach Minus Hubris
- More Tempting than a Twizzler
- Moshe Was Right!
- Not Said
- Not Who Does It, But that It Gets Done
- Of Mice and Men
- Silence
- That’s No Small Point
- The Difference
- The First Thought
- The Jealous Soul Can Find Peace
- The Ultimate Price
- Up In Smoke
- Where is Here?
- Who Owns the Problem?
- Worth the Price
- A 'Well' Learned Lesson
- A Different Type of Strength
- A Real Yiddishe Kup!
- A Taste of the Ocean
- “Chok” is the Real Thing
- Creating Peace in the World!
- Educated Taste Buds
- Everything!
- Guided Through Darkness
- In Order for Nothing to Happen
- Incomprehensible
- It Works for Us Too!
- Open to Receive
- Our Hope
- Subtle But Sublime
- The Gravity of Gravity
- The Price
- The Sacred Opportunity to Serve Greatness
- The Ultimate Cure of the Ultra-Curious
- There Was Water
- Utter Honesty
- What Are You Doing?
- A Candidate for Blessings
- All Day Long
- Another Productive Day!
- Before it’s Too Late
- Bilaam was a 'Spiritual' Man
- Coincidence?
- Found In Contempt
- It Will End for Good
- Not Racist but Reishis
- Prophet Motive
- Straight From The Heart
- Such a Rebbe!
- The Blessedness Continues
- The First Cup of Coffee
- The Lingering Evil
- Victory is With-in-Reach
- We Dwell Alone… (With HASHEM)
- Wrinkles!
- Zeidy
- Born Of Clarity
- Dare to Care
- Eisav and Shalom
- Forever Sensitive
- Healing Wonders
- How Was Your Day in School?
- I’m Afraid!
- It Takes a Family…
- Keep the Peace
- Much Louder Than Words
- Paradigm of Peace
- See, Hear, Observe, and Emulate
- Seeing the Symphony
- Self-Worship
- The Right Thing
- The Sword is Mightier than the Pen
- Time, Effort and Money
- To Win the Baal Game!
- Truly Humane
- We Sweeten Each Other
- What One Person Can Do!
- Who Cares to Care that Much
- A New Direction
- “You’re Doing the Right T(h)ing!”
- His Private Path
- His Word Was Pure Gold
- How Far it Might Travel
- In Our Hands
- More Generous Thoughts
- One Word: Plenty!
- Our Consolation
- Our Universe Small
- Stuck with a Stick
- The Future Comes First
- Traveling from Shabbos to Shabbos
- We Are Climbing Continuously
- What to Make of My Summer Break?!
- With A Kiss
- You Can’t Get More Local or Global Than That!
- A Divine Kiss
- A Fresh Look – at Life
- Close Enough?
- Following Instructions!
- History and Your Story
- The Next Giant Step
- Which is the Bigger Wonder?
- All Israel
- Love Your Neighbor
- No Child's Game
- Replaced with Genuine Joy!
- Seeing HASHEM with Our Hearts
- Taking Stock
- That is the Question
- The Darkest Corner
- They Can Assure a Cure
- We Can Be Closer
- What to Cry About
- Desire of the Fire Within
- Get the Messages
- How Ironic
- How Powerful We Are
- How Wise We Would Be
- Infinitely More Meaningful
- Judaism 101
- Never Lost
- No Joke
- Only with Honest Work
- Our Family Business
- Simply- a Symptom of Love
- Step ONE
- The Long Journey to the Heart
- The Wiser We Will Be
- Where Torah Resides
- Why Should I Just Believe?
- All But One
- ALL We Do
- Always Within Reach
- Even More Mitzvos
- Every Day and Night
- Everything
- Heart Work
- Important Life Decisions
- It Sure Feels Like a Blessing
- Laughing All the Way to the Bank
- Nobody's Neutral!
- Royalty in Training
- That's Heavy!
- The Ante-Room
- The First Commandment of Parenting
- The Heart of Hearts
- The Prelude to All That is Good
- The Work of the Heart
- What Had to Be Said
- When Serving Dinner
- Who is Your Favorite Artist?
- Within and Beyond You
- ... Of Course
- A Blessed Adventure
- A Blessed Universe
- Blessings Today!
- Daily Blessings
- Even Closer to HASHEM
- In Our Mind’s Eye
- It is Caught with Two Hands
- Our Chosen Mission
- Prophet-ism
- See What Can Be Seen
- Seeing is Believing
- The Biggest Possible Present
- The Blessed Present
- The Most Uplifting Experience
- The Only Reason I Have Eyes Is For You!
- The Raging Battle for the Mind
- There Must Be an Anochi in Here Somewhere!
- To Produce the Blessing
- To Reach The Stars
- Tomorrow - Today
- Written Today
- A Passion for Justice-Justice
- As Easy As 1-2-3
- Fear is Contagious
- If the Shoe Fits Much Better…
- Objectively Honest
- Persuaded by Ourselves
- Priceless Advice!
- Satisfaction Can Bring Him Back
- Second Pincher
- That Prescient Moment of Pause…
- The Bribe of Frankenstein
- The Most UN-Just
- The Real Question!
- The Tzedek Needs to Be with Tzedek
- There is So Much More We Don’t Know
- There Was the World
- To Be Exalted - Not Halted
- We Are Sanctified
- What Makes Us Holy
- With Eyes Open Wide
- A Dvar Torah
- A Nice Disguise
- A Party to the Problem
- All Israel!
- An Invitation to Attack
- As Long as It Takes
- Time Would Tell
- Choose Your Battles
- Doing Time
- Foolish Philosophers
- However Long it Takes
- In A Theatre Near You
- Mount-Up to a Mountain.
- Possessions Belong to People
- Share a Face
- The Battle of Our Lives
- The Choosing People
- The Same Voice
- To Be Respected
- To Do The Impossible
- Under One G-d
- 100%
- A Dose of His Own Medicine
- A Kindly Glance or a Penetrating Stare
- A Labor of Love
- And Neither Would We!
- Beyond Words
- Complain All You Want
- Everything Depends on Our Teshuvah
- From the Very First Breath…
- Fruit of Gratitude
- Get the Merchandise
- Healthy and Productive Living
- It's All About The Relationship!
- Makes Everything Worthwhile
- Soldiers in G-d's Army
- Striving For Simplicity
- The Depth of the Hidden Heights
- The First of Our Fruits
- The Spark is There
- We Need Lots of Help!
- What We Really Think
- WOW - How Thankful We’d Be!
- Chanukah
- 8 – The Symbol of Eternity
- A Double Loss!
- A Great First Move
- A Little Light Chases Away a Lot of Darkness
- A Point Small and Pure
- After All These Years
- Bonding Time
- Days of Eight
- Glowing in Your Heart
- Growing Forever
- Holy Eyes
- How Extrordinary The Result
- Just the Beginning
- Light Up Right
- Majesty Resides Within!
- Oh Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel!
- Our Noble Mission
- Our Power is Found
- Paint the World with Light
- Some on Chariots, and Some on Horses
- That’s Chanukah
- The Essence of Chanukah
- The Key To Something More
- The Light at the End of the Tunnel
- The Miraculous Jar
- The World of Learning
- Waning or Waxing
- Where Good Times Are Found
- A Time of Introspection
- And Straight Again!
- Automatic
- Everything Depends on Our Teshuvah
- Fill It Up with Super
- First in the Mind!
- Giving to HASHEM Tzedaka
- Happy New Yira
- Healthy and Productive Living
- How Sweet It Is!
- In A Theatre Near You
- It’s a Nice Soft Suicide…
- Judge Me Tender, Judge Me Sweet
- More and More Ourselves
- Saying A Lot
- So It Is Written
- Such an Attitude
- Sweeter Than Honey
- That Ancient Memory
- The ‘New’ of the New Year
- The Beginning of a New Beginning
- The Blessings We All Hope For
- The Ever-Present
- Truly a Blast from the Past
- WOW – How Thankful We’d Be!
- Wake Up!
- What We Have to Look Forward To
- “HaKol B’Seder!”
- 15 Steps To Freedom
- All The Days of Your Life
- Amongst the 20%
- Chased by the Taste
- Delicious Answers
- Good ‘Till the Last Drop
- How Do We Approach This Child?
- In the Heart of “This Night”
- Is There an Expiration Date on Gratitude?
- Its Day in the Sun
- Jogging Ancient Memories
- Maybe Next Year, in Jerusalem!
- Now, Chew on That
- One by One
- Out of Order
- Passover Never Passes Over
- Pesach: The Obligation of Profound Appreciation
- Satisfied- We Sing!
- Shabbos Hagadol
- Something Great and Awesome
- Team Meeting
- That’s Our Story and We’re Sticking to It!
- The Exodus from Egypt Today
- The Marshmallows of the Future
- The Master Key to Door after Door
- The Real Us!
- These Really Are The Good Old Days
- This Night
- To Be Chosen Again
- To Express a Higher Yes!
- What is the Question?
- Who Knows One?
- Who We Work For
- Who’s Listening
- Worth the Struggle
- A Cheerful Heart
- A Major Player
- A Place Called Purim
- Absolutely
- An Original Purim Poem: Turnabout!
- Await the Dawn
- Beyond Words
- Complete Dedication
- Did Esther Succeed
- Fear of What?
- HaMelech – The King
- Hey! You Never Know!
- Hidden to the Yidden
- Hiding in Plain Sight
- His Worst Nightmare Realized
- His Worst Nightmare Realized
- In Defense of Haman
- Just a Coincidence?
- Living Witnesses to His Story
- Master of the Obvious
- Of Mice Traps and Men
- Our Greatest Source of Joy
- Our Story is History
- Perspectives on Trouble
- Taste the One-Ness
- The Ballad of Mayer
- The Game is Over
- The Job of the Jews
- The Reality of the Day
- Troubles Aren’t Just a Good Reason to Pray
- We Don’t Know!
- We Revel in Reality
- We are All in This Crock Pot Together
- When Things Look Bleak
- Who Knows?!
- 3327 Years Later!
- A Dose of Our Own Medicine
- A Real King
- At Any Given Moment
- Clothe The Needy
- Just for You!
- More Clear Year After Year
- NU!?
- New Meaning
- Not Just a History Lesson
- That Golden Peace Treaty
- The Basis of Marriage
- The Heart Really Matters
- The World Stands on This Pillar
- There’s No Place Like Home
- Torah’s Security Bais!
- We’re Still Talking About It!
- Who Loves You!
- “I Wouldn’t Want to Be the One to Break that Chain!”
- — And Some Good Food, Too!
- Certainty From Uncertainty
- Learn to Love from the LULOV!
- Making It Real
- Miraculously the Streak Continues
- Not Competition, Composition!
- The Happiness Box
- The Source of Our Blessings
- The Truth Warms a Sukkah!
- Thinking Inside the Box
- To Draw Even Closer
- …In His Sukkah
- A Day of Rebuilding
- A Great Day
- A Mistake is Made Holy!
- About This We Cry!
- Direction Not Perfection
- Everything Humanly Possible
- Hope to Be Found
- In a Month We Call -“Av”
- Kinah for Tisha B’Av Revised
- Learning to Love What Is!
- One Heart
- The Birthing Room of History – Inspiration for Tisha B’av
- The Darkest Corner
- The Nine Days of Mourning
- They Can Assure a Cure
- To My Very Last Breath
- We Can Be Closer
- What Are We Missing On Tisha B’Av?
- When Moshiach Comes
- Where Are You?
- “We Are Here -Entirely!”
- A Fast –Fast Day
- A Blast from the Past
- A Holy Motive
- A Masterpiece
- Avinu Malkeinu
- Choosing Life
- Don’t Feel So Bad When I Feel So Bad
- Guilt is Good!
- I Was Wrong
- I am a Work in Progress
- Our Next Big Move!
- Our Ticket to the Hall of Fame
- The Biggest Hit of All
- The Holy of Holies
- Timely Instructions
- To Avoid the Rough Road!
- To Choose Life
- To Put the Fire Out
- To the “Seat of Mercy”
- What the Whole Day is About
- “What Make and Model is My Kikayon?”
Articles on Pekudei
- Sanctifying the Mundane is Precious Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5778)Level: Intermediate
- A Light Onto the Nations Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5773)Level: Beginner
- Bal Tashchis: Preservation Of Fruit Trees Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (5774)Level: Advanced
- Shabbos Will Cure This Ill! Rabbi Label Lam (5773)Level: Beginner
- Shabbos -- Commemoration Of Creation And G-d Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5768)Level: Intermediate
- When Would We Be? Rabbi Label Lam (5772)Level: Beginner
- Impressed by the Horses Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5759)Level: Beginner
- Soul Occurence Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5761)Level: Beginner
- A House of Hearts Rabbi Naftali Reich (5784)Level: Beginner
- Parshas Pekudei: May the Divine Presence Rest in the Work of Your Hands Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz (5767)Level: Advanced
- Room for Improvement Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann (5762)Level: Beginner
- Utterly Artistic Rabbi Label Lam (5765)Level: Beginner
- Taking an Accounting Shlomo Katz (5763)Level: Beginner
- Siyyum on Sefer Sh'mot Rabbi Yitzchak EtshalomLevel: Advanced
- When the King Ignores the Queen Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5762)Level: Beginner
- Columbus Discovered America – HASHEM Invented It Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier (5778)Level: Intermediate
- On Account of the Mishkan Rabbi Pinchas Winston (5760)Level: Beginner
- Thanks from the Recipient's Perspective Rabbi Yissocher Frand (5763)Level: Intermediate
- When Everything Fits Rabbi Yaakov Menken (5760)Level: Beginner
- Human Sanctuary Rabbi Dovid Green (5757)Level: Beginner