Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Terumah
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Job Placement (5785)
- Ark of Inclusion (5784)
- Give & Take (5783)
- A Vision Thing (5782)
- Support System (5781)
- Crowned Comestibles (5780)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- Torah with a MEM in the Mix (5785)
- Built with Heart (5784)
- From-Keit (5782)
- The Essence of the Holy of Holies (5780)
- Connecting with HASHEM (5778)
- Holy Meals / Give and Get (5777)
- Live in Our Midst (5777)
- No Force Could Ever Frustrate (5775)
- A Real Story in the Making (5774)
- Giving is Like Taking (5773)
- Taking in the Most Generous Way (5772)
- An Everlasting Impression (5771)
- What Life is Like in the Holy of Holies (5770)
- There’s No Place Like Home (5769)
- Sanctuaries Are Built (5768)
- In Rich Concentration (5767)
- A Real Place of Holiness (5765)
- From Without to Within (5764)
- It Will be Built Again (5763)
- If Properly Prepared (5762)
- Honest to G-d (5760)
- Sanctuary Sweet Sanctuary (5759)
- Can Anything Contain G-d? (5757)
- A Love Based on Nothing (5756)
Edutainment Weekly by Jon Erlbaum
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Seeing is Believing (5783)
- So Much Potential (5782)
- Divine Accounting (5766)
- For G-d’s Sake (5765)
- Guaranteed Dividends (5762)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- A Heart of Wood (5785)
- Asking the Impossible (5784)
- ‘Who Goes Hither…Friend or Foe’ (5783)
- Temples Without Walls (5782)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Uncommanded Greatness (5784)
- The Lofty Labor of Life (5783)
- Gifting Without Glory (5782)
- Heartily Giving (5781)
- Colors of Joy (5780)
- Half Measures (5779)
- In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld (5764)
- Honesty Comes First (5763)
- According to his Ability (5762)
- You Need a Partner (5761)
- Terumah (5760)
- Invest in Yourself (5758)
- Bring G-d out of the “House of Worship” (5757)
- The Bottom Line (5756)
- Equally Owned by All (5755)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Lessons in How to Take (5782)
- Parting With My Money (5781)
- The Wealth Challenge (5780)
- Synagogues Bear Witness (5779)
- Community Funds for Golden Vessels (5778)
- The First Building Campaign (5775)
- Elevating the Physical (5774)
- Use Your Giving Muscles (5773)
- The Symbol of the Tabernacle (5772)
- Tabernacle Building: Sharing Our Wealth (5771)
- Always Giving Charity with a Full Heart (5770)
- The Devil Is In The Details (5767)
- Torah – Blueprint for Life (5765)
- Intention Equals Value (5764)
- The Heart of Gold – Perceiving Amalek (5761)
- There are No Shortcuts (5760)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Thinking Outside the Box by Rabbi Jeff Kirshblum
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
- G’d’s Context in This Existence (5772)
- How Does One Perceive His Fellow Jew? (5764)
- The Power of Unity (5763)
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- In the Shadows (5785)
- The Third Leg (5784)
- Leave Egypt, Build Mishkan (5783)
- Make It Yours (5782)
- A Home for Us (5781)
- The Details Justify the Ends (5780)
- Give and Take (5779)
- Bet Hamikdash, Shabbat & Torah (5778)
- The Cure Before the Malady (5777)
- The World in Miniature (5775)
- A Tabernacle in Your Heart (5774)
- A Place for Holiness (5773)
- Symbols (5772)
- Studying the Mishkan (5771)
- The Secret of the Mishkan (5768)
- To Rest His Presence (5767)
- The Meaning of the Mishkan (5766)
- Do You Measure Up? (5764)
- Make a Home for G-d (5762)
- Feeling Inspired (5761)
- Vows in a Time of Distress (5760)
- Exchange Sacrifices for Torah Learning (5759)
- Build a “Cottage” for Hashem (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Where the Torah Does Dwell (5771)
- Saving Face (5768)
- Ring-Leader! (5766)
- Charity – A Lopsided Bargain (5765)
- Give and Take (5763)
- Doing What We Must (5762)
- Long-Term Payout (5761)
- The Other Half (5760)
- ‘Tapping’ into the Mishkan (5760)
- It’s the Thought That Counts (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- The Divine Expectation (5785)
- Individually Upholding the Torah (5784)
- Whole Life Insurance (5783)
- Grinding Ground Flour (5782)
- Filler Diamonds (5780)
- It’s All About the Effort (5779)
- Giving or Taking? (5778)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- Also With Heart (5784)
- Purim Terumah (5783)
- Eating Terumah (5782)
- A Question of Heart (5781)
- You, the Mishkan (5780)
- The True “Gift” of Life (5779)
- The True Terumah (5779)
- The Best Thing in Life is FREE (5779)
- Elevating A Gift (5777)
- Holiness: The Golden Calf and the Mishkan (5775)
- To Dwell Within You (5773)
- Put the Torah in Your Terumah (5772)
- The Perfect Giver (5771)
- The Famous Ark (5770)
- Part God, Part Us (5769)
- The Ultimate Elevated-Offering (5767)
- Where Heaven Meets Earth (5766)
- A Quantum Leap (5765)
- Looking a Gift House In The Mouth (5763)
- Going Up? (5761)
- An Offering We Can’t Refuse (5759)
- A Remedy Before Sickness (5758)
- Keruv or Karov? (5757)
- Making This World A Reflection Of The World To Come Part I (5765)
- It Will Be Fixed, Part III (5764)
- Expressed Faith (5763)
- Biblical Fund Raising (5761)
- Teaching Limits (5760)
- Escape into Shul (5759)
- The Inner Light (5758)
- Broken Measurements (5758)
- “And You Shall Take for Me Teruma” — Doing for Oneself (5785)
- Torah Is Like Both Gold and Silver (5784)
- When We Did Not Have the Kosel, We Still Had #12 Ibn Shaprut (5783)
- Once It’s Your Money, It Is Hard to Part With It (5782)
- Mishkan Boards Trace Their Yichus to the Family Trees (5781)
- Keruvim Embracing at the Churbon? (5780)
- Four “Takes” on the Strange Expression, “V’Yikchu Li Teruma” (5779)
- The Thought That Counts (5779)
- Instructions for the Miraculous Menorah (5777)
- Rabbeinu Ephraim Expands On The Idea of (5775)
- Symbolism of the Aron (5773)
- Materials Listed In Descending Order Until They Mention The Expensive Stones (5772)
- The Symbolism of the Keruvim (5771)
- Torah Comes Down From Between Two Child-like Figures (5768)
- Contradictory Descriptions As To How The Menorah Was Made (5767)
- Inspiration Needs To Be Translated Into Physical Action (5766)
- The Mishkan Gifts Are Listed In Descending Order (5765)
- We Should Take A Lesson From G-d (5764)
- The Only Thing You Can Take With You Is Your Dining Room Table (5763)
- Offer of the Princes (5762)
- A Special Collection for the Sockets? (5761)
- You Shall Have A Dream (5760)
- Placing Plaques on Shtenders and Benches (5759)
- Build Your Own Coffin (5758)
- Doing For Oneself (5757)
- Taking – not Giving (5756)
- The Mishkan: Hashem’s Self-Sacrifice (5777)
- Cutting A Decorated Cake On Shabbos (5779)
- Shabbos Morning Kiddush (5773)
- Visiting Graves Of Tzaddikim: How And Why? (5771)
- Reciting Sheva Berachos: Laws And Customs Part 3 (5770)
- Washing Before A Meal: Questions And Answers (Part 1) The Procedure (5767)
- She’ailos U’Teshuvos (5766)
- Business Competition Between Individuals: When Is It Proper? Part III (5758)