Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Mishpatim
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Sealed and Delivered (5785)
- Facing the Enemy (5784)
- Growth Investment (5783)
- Position Impositions (5782)
- One Step Back – Two Steps Forward (5781)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- Teaching Torah (5785)
- Without Interruption (5784)
- Holy People (5783)
- How Holy People Live (5782)
- That’s Way Too Costly (5781)
- How Sweet It Is! (5780)
- Just Not Rich Enough (5779)
- The Nose Knows (5778)
- See the Symphony (5777)
- Incredibly Credible! (5775)
- It Is a Chessed (5774)
- Another’s World! (5773)
- Teachable Moments (5772)
- Expect Nothing! (5771)
- That’s the Truth (5770)
- A Giant Step Toward Holiness (5769)
- A Holy Man (5768)
- Make Yourself- at Home (5767)
- With Infinite Patience (5766)
- Aha! (5765)
- Volumes in Volume (5764)
- Where the War is Fought (5763)
- What is Torah? (5762)
- The Perfect Blend (5761)
- To Choose to Choose (5760)
- Honesty is More Than a Policy (5759)
- Are We Men, Or Are We Angels (5758)
- Help the Donkey (5757)
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Swimming Against the Current (5783)
- Head and Shoulders Above the Rest (5782)
- Divine Trustee (5766)
- Honesty Is The Divine Policy (5765)
- The Battle Plan (5764)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Climbing Unto Love or Falling into Lust (5785)
- The Slavery Riddle (5784)
- Gilded Bondage (5783)
- Old Memories (5781)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Not Our Own Rules (5783)
- A Desperate Caller (5782)
- Round Peg in a Round Hole (5781)
- Good Judgment (5779)
- The Higher Standard (5764)
- Lost Ring (5763)
- Don’t Get Mad, Get Glad (5762)
- Seeing Double (5761)
- Reflected in the Water (5760)
- Finders Keepers? (5759)
- When Majority Doesn’t Rule (5758)
- Humans Cannot be Trusted (5757)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Awl in for Freedom (5783)
- Built on a Solid Foundation (5782)
- When Will People Follow the Rules? (5781)
- Still Human (5780)
- Don’t Cross the Line (5779)
- Correct Interpretations (5778)
- Slavery (5775)
- The Torah is a Book of Reality (5774)
- The Details Before the Acceptance (5773)
- We are God’s Servants (5771)
- Jewish Law in Society Today (5770)
- Introduction to Jewish Law (5768)
- Jews and Slavery (5766)
- Realizing Idealism (5765)
- Beyond the Letter of the Law (5761)
- The Devil is in the Details (5760)
- Law Brings Holiness (5755)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- A Higher Standard (5785)
- Free At Last! (5784)
- Uplifted (5783)
- A Higher Standard (5782)
- A Ton of Bricks or One Brick Worth a Ton? (5779)
- Six vs. Seven (5778)
- Torah That Keeps on Giving (5777)
- Forever Free (5775)
- No Favorites (5774)
- The Two Sabbaths (5773)
- A Divine Law (5772)
- Might Through Justice (5770)
- Number Seven (5768)
- Laws and Attitudes (5767)
- Why? Because I’m Your Father – That’s Why! (5766)
- This Is Also Torah (5762)
- Are Your Eyes Open? (5761)
- Pleasant Rebuke (5760)
- A Right for Reasons (5759)
- The Invisible Heart (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Learning from the Enemy—It’s a Steal! (5766)
- Swapping Places with the Poor (5764)
- Live and Learn (5762)
- Another Time – Another Place (5761)
- There’s No Compromise in Compromise (5760)
- Be There! (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- The True Value of Five Times (5785)
- Power of Prayer (5784)
- In the Business of Challenges (5783)
- Remember the Feeling (5782)
- Murder and the Super Bowl (5781)
- The Meat of the Meeting (5780)
- Help! (5779)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- Good Education (5785)
- Divine Objectivity (5784)
- Open Our Eyes (5783)
- Hillel-Shammai Approach (5782)
- Fifty Gates of Understanding (5781)
- In Search of Da’as (5780)
- Bigger Parenting Picture (5779)
- It Only looks That Way (5778)
- Right On The Money (5777)
- Tug of War (5775)
- Mishpat (5774)
- Discipline (5773)
- Keeping the Bar Raised (5772)
- Reincarnation (5771)
- Talk About Overkill (5770)
- Man, What An Angel (5767)
- Servant of Master? (5766)
- Laying Down The Law Forever (5765)
- To Catch A Thief (5764)
- Table With A Torah View (5763)
- Is Life like an Onion? (5762)
- The Complete Body Of Mitzvos (5761)
- The Nitty Gritty of Torah (5760)
- Sound Judgement (5759)
- Judgement to the Side of Merit (5758)
- Education of Dedication (5757)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- The Stuff Of Unity (5765)
- The Truth About Freedom (5763)
- Setting Norms (5762)
- Miracle VS Miracle: Part Two (5761)
- Values We Can Trust (5759)
- Jewish Slavery? (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- Eved Ivri: Rehabilitation, Not Just Reimbursement (5785)
- “If” It Is Not Really Your Money (5784)
- The Emphasis on Mitzvos Bein Adam L’Chaveiro (5783)
- The Thief Who Won’t Climb Back Up (5782)
- We Would Have Legislated Just the Opposite! (5781)
- Ethical Laws & Ritual Laws – They’re All G-d’s Laws (5780)
- Two Promises You Can Bank On (5779)
- Mesiras Nefesh, Bringing Peace, Gilgul and Pure Chessed (5778)
- Our Neshama is a Deposit / Negative Events in Full Context (5777)
- A True Friend (5775)
- Reading the Simple Interpretation Into (5774)
- Miss Manners And Her Ilk Are A Far Cry From Divine Torah Ethics (5772)
- The Needy do More for the Rich than Vice Versa (5771)
- The Metaphor of Coming In and Going Out With His Coat (5770)
- Every Generation Has Its Own Test (5769)
- Every Generation Has Its Own Test (5769)
- Helping Unload The Donkey of One’s Enemy (5768)
- Those in a Thankless Role Deserve A Thank-You (5766)
- Change of Vowels Provides Chassidic Insight (5765)
- The Sin of the Slave Owner (5764)
- Serving G-d with Haughtiness (5763)
- Story of Receiving The Torah (5762)
- Honor Due to a Thief (5761)
- Why Pick On The Ear? (5760)
- Antonym or Synonym? (5759)
- Turning the Theory into Practice (5758)
- One of Us (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Advanced Level
Be'er Moshe by
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- Completing The Set (5773)
- Redundancy and Fear of Heaven (5779)
- Parshas Mishpatim – Cheeseburgers for Dummies (5771)
- Parshas Mishpatim – The Punishment For Theft (5770)