Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Yisro
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- What’s News (5785)
- Most Favored Nation (5784)
- No Justice No Place (5783)
- Man over Moses (5782)
- Shabbos Speak (5781)
- Return to Sender (5780)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- This Mitzvah is the Cure (5785)
- Join the Winning Team (5784)
- When the Student is Ready (5783)
- AHHHHHHHHH! (5782)
- Complain All You Want (5781)
- Against the Law (5780)
- To Dine with The Divine (5779)
- The Ultimate Orientation to the Ultimate Reality (5778)
- What We Owe (5777)
- The Illusion of Jealousy (5774)
- What Happened (5773)
- A Final Solution (5772)
- We Have to Do More! (5771)
- Tank-Full (5770)
- The Pleasure of the Treasure (5769)
- The Sweet Taste of Victory (5768)
- Where Honor is Due (5767)
- What to Answer! (5766)
- We Were There! (5765)
- Positive Pursuits (5764)
- The Birth of the Blues (5763)
- Begin With The End In Mind (5762)
- What Our Eyes Had Just Seen (5761)
- Divine Computers (5760)
- All or Nothing (5759)
- The Ten Commandments (5758)
- Earth-Shaking Event (5757)
Edutainment Weekly by Jon Erlbaum
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Mixed Emotions (5782)
- Back to Basics (5764)
- A Change Is In Order (5763)
- The Key to Jewish Continuity (5762)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Spontaneous Consensus (5785)
- To Capture a Feeling (5784)
- Earning The Celestial Academy Award (5782)
- Shearings and Shearlings (5780)
- Last But Not Least (5778)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- What Sets Jews Apart (5784)
- Delayed Gratitude (5781)
- Take the Next Step (5780)
- Ask First (5764)
- Can You Trust Man? (5763)
- Seeing the Sounds (5761)
- Get the Message? (5759)
- Always Go to Court Before Starting a Fight (5758)
- Only the Rabbi Works on Shabbos (5757)
- Man is Not to Be Trusted (5756)
- Save the Work! (5755)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- A Welcome Introduction (5783)
- Yisro’s Active Ingredient (5782)
- An Imperfect System (5781)
- Looking From the Outside (5780)
- A Nation Seeking Validation (5779)
- A Holy Nation (5778)
- Yisro and the Jewish People (5775)
- Finding Fullfilment at Sinai (5773)
- Proper treatment of the Convert (5771)
- Human Achievement Lies in The Ten Commandments (5770)
- Outsiders Looking In (5768)
- Yitro the Enigma (5767)
- A View From the Outside (5764)
- A Guest for a While Sees for a Mile (5761)
- A Society to Be Proud Of (5760)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
- Avodah Zarah: Of Idols & Ideology (5783)
- Talmud Torah: Learning for Life (5782)
- Two Tablets: Prescription for Jewish Observance (5781)
- Ten Commandments: Ten of the Best! (5780)
Thinking Outside the Box by Rabbi Jeff Kirshblum
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- What Changed? (5785)
- A New World (5784)
- Mistakes to Be Proud Of (5783)
- It’s All in the Details (5782)
- The Chosen (5781)
- In Search of the Truth (5780)
- Not for a Prize (5779)
- What Do You Fear? (5778)
- Two Aspects (5777)
- The Chosen (5775)
- Torah from Heaven (5774)
- The Misplaced Letter (5773)
- Torah from Heaven (5772)
- An Altar in Eretz Yisrael (5771)
- Parshas Yisro (5770)
- Two Types of Perfection (5769)
- Chosen People (5768)
- It Will Be Good For You (5767)
- G-d Cares (5766)
- Preparing to Receive The Torah (5765)
- What Does It Take to Change? (5762)
- Whose Torah? (5761)
- How Many Torahs are There Anyway? (5760)
- Standing on One Foot (5759)
- When the Soul Supply Ends… (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Torah Study and the New You (5769)
- Fear: Our Greatest Power (5768)
- Kingly Honour (5766)
- Taming The Lion’s Roar (5765)
- Doing Whatever We Can’t (5764)
- Growth in Torah – Getting Over the Baby Steps (5763)
- Baruch Hashem for Yisro! (5762)
- Echoes of Sinai (5761)
- The Dowry (5760)
- Sinai’s Lesson (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- Change of Heart (5785)
- Recognize the value of others (5784)
- Absolute Unity (5783)
- First Hand Experience (5782)
- Leave Him Out Of It (5781)
- The Bridge of Life (5779)
- Bacon and Eggs (5778)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- Reincarnation (5785)
- THE Big Reveal (5784)
- Mount of Hate? (5783)
- Elevated Eyes (5782)
- Yisro (5781)
- Torah & Mindfulness (5780)
- Wait for It (5779)
- Derech HaTorah (5778)
- Been There, Done That (5777)
- Shabbos: A Day to Teach Independence (5775)
- Torah is a Tree of Life (5774)
- Creating a Base to Attach to God (5773)
- Divine Authenticity of Torah (5772)
- The More You Give, the More You Get (5771)
- What a Difference a Choice Can Make (5770)
- With a Single Heart (5769)
- A Divine Presence of Mind (5766)
- Up A Tree (5765)
- The Path Up Sinai (5764)
- The Case For Achdus (5763)
- A Fair Hearing (5762)
- Hear Today, Here Tomorrow (5761)
- The Giving and Living of Torah (5760)
- Why 2K And Yisro (5759)
- A Matter of Priorities (5758)
- Once a Kohen, Always a Kohen (5757)
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- The Limits Of One (5765)
- A Question Of Perspective (5763)
- The Death Of Humanism (5762)
- Miracle VS Miracle: Part One (5761)
- Taken For Granted (5760)
- A Question of Justice (5759)
- Divine Reason Revealed (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- If They Were Just Rich Men, They Still Would Not Necessarily Be ‘Anshei Chayil’ (5785)
- Spilling Wine Like Water Is a Positive Omen for the Home (5784)
- “Lo Sachmod”: Two Approaches (5783)
- Torah is Acquired Through Effort, Not Brain Power (5783)
- Midah K’neged Midah Punishment is a Big Chesed (5782)
- Yisro Connected the Dots (5781)
- Midos Tovos Are The Key (5780)
- The Path in Which They Should Go… (5779)
- What Impressed Yisro the Most, and Why? (5778)
- Don’t Just Complain; Provide a Solution! / Tzelem Elokim Deserves Respect (5777)
- We Were Not Chosen For Our Brains (5775)
- What Prompted Yisro To Come? (5774)
- What Did Yisro Hear That Prompted Him (5773)
- Just Follow Orders: Advice for the Gabbai; Advice for the Jew (5772)
- Remembering from Whence One Came (5771)
- Not Just A Case of Politics Making Strange Bedfellows (5769)
- The Naming Sequence of Moshe’s Sons Seems Out of Order (5768)
- A Father-In-Law’s Gentle Reminder To His Son-In-Law (5767)
- Knowing The Difference Between A Complainer and A Truth-Seeker (5766)
- Men of Truth Recognize the Falseness of Honor (5765)
- Eliezer — The Son of Moshe Rabbeinu (5764)
- The Winner In A Court Case, Also Loses (5763)
- Keeping Idolatry Away (5762)
- Yisro’s Impressed (5761)
- Never Forget the Individuals (5760)
- Accepting Torah as a Command, not as a Choice (5759)
- Patience For One’s Parents (5758)
- In Money We Trust (5757)
- Make Kugel Not War (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Advanced Level
Be'er Moshe by
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- The Limits of Autonomy (5773)
- Parshas Yisro – Meet You At Sinai – From a Distance (5771)
- Parshas Yisro – Epilogue to the Decalogue (5770)
- Berachah Rishonah: Which One? (5780)
- Hagalah: A Koshering Process (5779)
- Tevilas Keilim – Immersing New Utensils (5773)
- Tosefes Shabbos: How And When (5772)
- Priority Rules For Chiyuvim (5771)
- Chasan And Kallah: The Seven Festive Days (5770)
- Which Occasions May A Mourner Attend? Part 1 (5761)
- Snow Removal Contracts: What About Shabbos? (5759)
- Business Competition Between Individuals: When Is It Proper? Part II (5758)