Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Beshalach
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Words of Remembrance (5785)
- Pride and Prejudice (5784)
- Input…Output (5783)
- Clear Instructions (5782)
- Leap of Faith (5781)
- Out of Bounds (5780)
- Yield Right of Way (5779)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- Constant Miracles (5785)
- It’s Dr.’s Orders (5784)
- Our Capable Partner (5783)
- Galloping to Mount Sinai (5782)
- His Noble Essence (5781)
- Amongst the 20% (5780)
- HASHEM is With Us! (5779)
- The WAZE of HASHEM (5778)
- The True Spice of Life (5777)
- Essentially New Again (5775)
- Those Who Help with Mitzvos (5774)
- The Plague of Darkness of Every Generation (5773)
- Like a GPS (5772)
- Guaranteed Results! (5771)
- I Am a Soul (5770)
- Enjoy the Ride (5769)
- We Pay for Everything (5768)
- “What” is Beyond Our Realm! (5767)
- My “My” (5766)
- Think Again! (5764)
- Ultimate Victory is Promised (5763)
- Split-Sea Soup (5762)
- Rough Beginnings (5761)
- Closer to the Source (5760)
- The Heart of the Matter (5759)
- The Essence of Song (5758)
- Understanding Injustice (5757)
- Thanks for the Suffering (5756)
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Divine Multitasking (5766)
- Never Forget (5765)
- The Strength of Diversity (5764)
- Israel’s Secret Weapon (5763)
- Following Orders (5762)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- A Seamless Integration On A Higher Plane (5785)
- The Gateway to Freedom (5784)
- An Eloquent Silence (5783)
- A Cry from the Heart (5782)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Disobedience for Its Own Sake (5784)
- Rib Steak for Your Brain (5782)
- Keep Singing (5780)
- Reaching Out (5763)
- Moments of Inspiration (5762)
- A Clean Break (5761)
- Wise Water (5760)
- Look Not at the Vessel… (5759)
- Everyday Miracles (5758)
- Turning the Gears (5757)
- No Need to Sell Yourself (5756)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- From Fading to Forever (5783)
- Miracles Gone Stale (5782)
- Interactive Miracles (5781)
- They Come in All Sizes (5780)
- Are Free Gifts Really Free? (5779)
- Appreciation in Times of Pain (5778)
- Pharaoh’s Folly (5777)
- Song of Moses and Isreal (5774)
- Seeing the Hand of God (5773)
- The Spiritual Effect of Tasting the Manna (5772)
- The Great Song (5771)
- Victories and Triumphs (5768)
- Nature is Miraculous (5767)
- The Song That Never Ends (5766)
- Jewish Survival (5765)
- A Stiff-Necked People (5761)
- Planting Our Song (5760)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Thinking Outside the Box by Rabbi Jeff Kirshblum
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- Seeing the Big Picture (5785)
- Bitter + Bitter = Sweet (5784)
- Discovering Hashem (5783)
- The Bread of Bitachon (5782)
- What We Take for Granted (5781)
- Why Are You Praying? (5780)
- What Is It? (5779)
- The Torah’s Answer (5778)
- The Land of the Living (5777)
- What He Really Wants (5775)
- A Time to Sing (5774)
- The Two Loaves (5773)
- The Test (5772)
- Hashem Tests Hearts (5769)
- Every Good Deed Rewarded (5762)
- Song of Truth (5761)
- Better to Be the Pursued Than the Pursuer (5760)
- It’s Raining Bread! (5759)
- A Table in the Wilderness (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Parnasah: Wherein the Toil? (5768)
- Taking Matters Into One’s Own Hands (5767)
- Mon or Man? (5766)
- Leaving Egypt – No Regrets (5765)
- Putting Pizazz Into Our Mitzvos (5763)
- Back-Seat Driver (5762)
- The Essence of Song (5761)
- A Good Night’s Sleep (5760)
- Building a Spiritual Pipeline (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- The Great Mirror in the Sky (5785)
- Masterplan (5784)
- Mazal Tov! (5783)
- A Wise Person Takes Bones (5782)
- Moshe’s Incredible Humility (5781)
- Nothing’s More Natural Than Nature (5780)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- At What Cost? (5785)
- A Song and a Fruit (5783)
- Different Pharaoh (5782)
- What do You Want From Me? (5780)
- Making a Good ImPRAYsion (5779)
- Freedom Costs (5778)
- Leaving Mitzrayim For Good (5777)
- Response to Pain (5775)
- Leaving Mitzrayim: It Is All For OUR Good (5774)
- Bitachon in Redemption (5773)
- The Perfect Script Writer (5772)
- Patience (5771)
- Life is a Stage (5770)
- Spiritual and Physical (5769)
- A Matter of Will (5766)
- Walls of Water (5765)
- Was It Really Fair-oh? (5763)
- Heaven-Sent (5762)
- Well-Bread Jews (5761)
- On the “Sent” of Freedom (5760)
- Erev Rav: Return to Sender (5759)
- The Enemy Within and Without (5758)
- Name That Tune (5757)
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- Seamless Song (5766)
- How Did Pharaoh Do It? (5764)
- Miraculous Nature (5763)
- Sole Survivor (5762)
- Freedom Revisited (5761)
- Dignity and Differences (5760)
- The Illusion of Independence (5759)
- So Much for Miracles (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- The Zechus of Suffering on Behalf of Others (5785)
- “Thanks for the Suffering” – A Profound Teaching of the Beis HaLevi (5784)
- A Three-twined Lesson About Shabbos and Parnassa (5783)
- Hashem Appreciates Jews Who Put Their Neck Out for Other Jews (5782)
- Wasting Precious Opportunities (5781)
- No! The Jews Are Different! (5780)
- Techiyas haMeisim Source / Az Yashir in Pesukei D’Zimra (5779)
- The Reason the Jews were not led through the Land of the Plishtim (5778)
- Complaining About The Quality Of The Miracle (5778)
- In Shirah, the Emotions Surpass the Words (5778)
- Living and Dying al Kiddush HaShem / Hashem’s Presentation (5777)
- The Orphans Were Not Forgotten (5775)
- The Splitting Of The Sea and the Concept of Hidur Mitzvah (5773)
- Empathy for Others — A Great Quality in Both the Wicked and the Righteous (5772)
- Tribes & Elders Given The Royal Treatment At Elim (5771)
- Illogical Treatment May Yield Bonanza For The Nation That is (5770)
- Don’t Squander It (5768)
- G-d Rules Even In A Period In Which We Fail To See It (5764)
- Everyone Needs Attention (5763)
- Sweet’ Can Emerge From ‘Bitter (5762)
- Separating the Men From the Boys (5761)
- Booty Is Risky (5760)
- Insight Into An Age Old Dilemma (5759)
- Mr. Forgetful (5758)
- Test of Affluence (5757)
- How to Always Be Happy (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Advanced Level
Abarbanel by Rabbi Dr. Meir Tamari
Be'er Moshe by
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- Precursors To Torah (5773)
- The Power of Miracles (5779)
- Parshas Beshalach – Don’t Be Skeptical About Skepticism (5777)
- Parshas Beshalach – Why Amalek Hates Us (5771)
- Bal Tashchis: Preservation Of Fruit Trees (5780)
- Opening Cans, Bottles And Boxes On Shabbos (5779)
- Eating Meat And Fish Together (5771)
- Tu Bishvat Fruit (5770)
- Hilchos Yichud: Rulings Of Harav Moshe Feinstein (5766)
- A Non-Kosher Sefer Torah (5761)
- Business Competition Between Individuals: When Is It Proper? Part I (5758)