Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Vaera
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Hail to the Chief (5785)
- Hitting Pay Dirt (5784)
- Guts and Glory (5783)
- Proof in the Putting (5782)
- Sour Milk (5781)
- Raise the Baton! (5780)
- Lost in Egypt (5779)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- A Shower of Goodness (5785)
- OMG (5784)
- At What Cost? (5783)
- HASHEM’s Law (5782)
- The Milkman (5781)
- The Flavor of Freedom (5780)
- Something as Fluid as the Nile River! (5779)
- When the Student is Ready (5778)
- Sooner Rather than Later (5777)
- Hiding in the Open Daily (5775)
- Dare Not Be Fooled (5774)
- A Knowing Heart (5772)
- Feeling Human Beings (5771)
- Commmmmunication (5770)
- To Fix Our Attention (5769)
- That’s My Eliahu (5768)
- What Time It Really Is (5767)
- Exodus from Stuck-ness (5766)
- A Global Catastrophe (5765)
- To Sinai and Beyond (5764)
- A Real Human Being (5763)
- Hidden Identity (5762)
- Buy Low, Sell High (5761)
- Let My Person Grow! (5760)
- Making Bad Bearable (5759)
- International Debt (5758)
- The Olive’s Traumatic Experience (5757)
Edutainment Weekly by Jon Erlbaum
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Impact of the Senses (5783)
- The Effort Department (5782)
- Give It Your All (5765)
- Genuinely Jolted (5763)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Don’t Flog the Frog (5785)
- A Bloody Mess (5784)
- Coming to Terms with Exile (5783)
- Thanking the River (5781)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- Out of Control! (5782)
- Pharaoh’s Secret Power (5781)
- Let’s Talk About Retirement (5780)
- Like Dust in the Breeze (5778)
- YES Limits (5764)
- Living in “DeNile” (5762)
- Recognize the Hand of G-d (5760)
- Different Names, Different Natures (5757)
- Cats Vs.Kids (5756)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Gradual Change (5783)
- Moshe Holds Heaven Accountable (5782)
- Forever Relevant (5780)
- No Answer (5779)
- Belief Comes from Within (5778)
- Superhuman vs Humility: Pharaoh and Moshe (5775)
- Faith and Patience (5774)
- Pharaoh (5773)
- Moses’s National Complaint Verses the Patriarchs’ Personal Complaints (5772)
- Our Long Term Family Relationship with God (5770)
- A Hard Heart (5768)
- Miracles (5767)
- Patient and Personal (5766)
- Faith and Tsunamis (5765)
- Stubborn Leaders (5764)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Thinking Outside the Box by Rabbi Jeff Kirshblum
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- What’s in a Name? (5785)
- The Four Cups (5784)
- Who Knows Four? (5783)
- Lesson in Leadership (5782)
- A New Kind of Miracle (5781)
- The Role of Faith (5780)
- Subconsciously (5779)
- Why Don’t They Listen? (5778)
- Articles of Faith (5777)
- Shabbat, Emunah (5775)
- Justice (5774)
- Shabbat: Source of Faith (5773)
- It’s All Part of the Plan (5772)
- The Merit of the Patriarchs (5770)
- Design and Implementation (5768)
- Four Expressions of Redemption (5767)
- The Slavery in Egypt (5765)
- A Slave’s Ransom (5762)
- Gratitude to a Plant (5760)
- Returning to Equilibrium (5759)
- The Righteous Warrior (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Exceptional Deeds, Exceptional Rewards (5771)
- Believe, And It Will Come True (5768)
- Remembering the Exodus—Hard to Swallow! (5766)
- Good Things Come… (5765)
- Who’s Short of Breath? (5763)
- Beware to Compare (5762)
- What’s in it for Him? (5761)
- Never Again! (5760)
- Lesson of the Snow (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- Feeling Ones Pain (5785)
- Torture Not Required (5784)
- Of Limitless Ability (5783)
- Ask! Please… (5782)
- In DeNile (5780)
- The Source and Sorcerers (5779)
- Doctor, why? (5778)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- Not What It Looks Like (5785)
- Name That Name (5784)
- Name That Name (5783)
- Hidden Antisemitism (5782)
- The Making of an Evil Leader (5781)
- Faith & Redemption (5780)
- You Want to Lead? (5779)
- For the Name of G-d (5778)
- Redemption, Take 2 (5778)
- The Names of Hashem (5775)
- Snow, Asara B’Teves and Geula (5774)
- Suffering from Love (5773)
- The Right Side of the Line (5772)
- The Plague of Darkness and the Light of Redemption (5771)
- All we have to do is Ask (5770)
- Revelation of the Divine (5769)
- Another Lesson or Two (5766)
- Systems Analysis (5764)
- Now Appearing: G-d! (5762)
- V’Chein L’Yemos HaMoshiach (5761)
- Not For Appearance Sake Only (5760)
- Freedom-Speak (5759)
- Revelation and Redemption (5758)
- Wake Up and See the Aleph (5757)
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- Secrets of Survival Part III (5766)
- The Unity Series Part Two – The Power of One (5765)
- The Conversion Factor (5764)
- Show Time! (5763)
- The Greater Miracle (5762)
- To Ask or To Trust? (5761)
- True Gratitude (5760)
- Enough With the Miracles (5759)
- Afflicted (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- The Key to Solving Personal Challenges Is to Help Someone Else With That Challenge (5785)
- Reconsidering Long Held Beliefs Made Moshe Appropriate for Leadership (5784)
- Holiness and Impurity – A Necessary Balance (5783)
- The Symbolism of Covering Our Eyes During Shema (5782)
- What Was the Kal V’Chomer? (5781)
- They Didn’t Listen Because of “Shortness of Spirit” (5780)
- Instant Gratification vs Strategic Thought and Planning (5779)
- Prayer Is THE Key To Invoking Divine Assistance (5778)
- Suffering Sivlos with Savlanus (5778)
- The Resume Of Moshe Rabbeinu (5775)
- Taking Concrete Action Leaves Strong Mental Impressions (5774)
- Looking At Part Of The Picture (5773)
- The Wicked Deal In The Momentary Pleasure of Temporary Relief (5772)
- Pharaoh Underestimated Moshe’s Empathy For His Brethren (5770)
- Listen To Your Messages (5769)
- Treating Torah Like An Heirloom (5768)
- Showing The Nile The Gratitude It Deserved (5767)
- The Differential Between Potential and Realized Potential (5766)
- Moshe and Aharon Never Let Their Mission Become Their “Career” (5765)
- Manipulation of the Dates of Exile (5764)
- From Beginning to End (5763)
- The Nation Empowers Its Leaders (5762)
- Pausing To Think (5761)
- Moshe’s ‘Bad’ Choice of Words (5760)
- Those Little ‘Yuds’ (5759)
- What About Our Mortgages? (5758)
- Right Then and Now (5757)
- Moshe Rabeinu Learns Levi’s Lesson (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
- The Measure of Man (5778)
- Parshas Vaera- Kindliness is G-dliness (5777)
- Justice in Mercy (5783)
- Moshe the Levi (5781)
- Parshas Vaera – Four and a Half Cups (5772)
- Visiting The Graves Of Tzadikkim: How And Why? (5782)
- The Yoledes In Halacha (5779)
- Contemporary Kitchen Issues (5773)
- Women And Prayer: Obligations And Priorities (5772)
- Shabbos Morning Kiddush In Shul Part 1 (5771)
- Cleaning Help On Shabbos (5770)
- She’ailos U’Teshuvos (5766)
- Consumer Competition (Part 1) (5764)
- Listening To Kerias Ha-Torah (5761)
- Medications On Shabbos: A Follow Up (5758)