Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Toldos
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- Death Wish (5785)
- The Search for Blessings (5784)
- Soul Food (5783)
- With Death Do Us Apart! (5782)
- From Soup to Nuts (5781)
- Sour Lentils (5780)
- Butter Battles (5779)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- Living for Toldos (5785)
- The Last Laugh of History (5784)
- The World Around Us (5783)
- Living for Toldos (5782)
- He Was What He Wasn’t (5781)
- Entirely Up to Us (5780)
- Continually Worthy of the Blessing (5779)
- The Original Fire (5778)
- The Main Thing (5777)
- The Last Laugh of History (5775)
- Done (5774)
- With Those Eyes He Smelled (5773)
- I Shall Move the World! (5772)
- You Have Potential! (5771)
- A Smart Bracha (5770)
- A Thousand Life Lessons (5768)
- Again and Again Rather Than… (5767)
- The Jewish Hall of Fame (5766)
- The Worst from the Best (5765)
- A Burning Heart (5764)
- The Tragic Flaw of Brother Esau (5763)
- Surprise, Surprise! (5762)
- Our Struggle (5761)
- What a Maroon! (5759)
- A Twin Study…. (5758)
- In the Face of Adversity (5757)
- Fear of Parents and Fear of G-d (5756)
Edutainment Weekly by Jon Erlbaum
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Appreciating the Value of Our Blessings (5782)
- It’s Never Too Late (5781)
- Removing the Shackles (5779)
- The Blessing of Blessing (5765)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Digging for Water (5785)
- No Bones of Contention (5784)
- A Question of Honor (5782)
- The Spur of the Moment (5781)
- Shifting the Blame Game (5779)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- All this, and no more (5784)
- Red, Red, His Name is Red (5783)
- Prayer Secrets from Jacob’s Masquerade (5782)
- Truly in Tents (5781)
- A Healthy Transmission (5780)
- Eat Your Heart Out (5780)
- G-d in the Numbers (5764)
- Don’t be Deceived, Or Deceitful (5763)
- No Regrets (5762)
- We Have No ‘Rights’ (5760)
- Never Lose Hope (5759)
- Esav! Have You Forgetten So Fast? (5758)
- Why is Bill Gates the Richest Man in America? (5756)
- Choose a Direction (5755)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Isaac Gave His Children Something to Remember (5782)
- Who is to Blame for Eisav? (5781)
- Healthy Competition (5780)
- Esau Trades Eternity for Ego (5779)
- Family Feud (5778)
- Raising Perfect Children? (5775)
- The Wayward Child (5774)
- The True Heritage of Israel (5773)
- Raising Children and Good Mazal (5772)
- No Two People are the Same (5770)
- The Inevitable Struggle (5768)
- You Threw it Out?! (5766)
- Where Did this Child Come From? (5762)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Intermediate Level
Beyond Pshat by Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- Un-natural (5785)
- Still Growing? (5784)
- Missions Possible (5783)
- Prayer Offerings (5782)
- Fear, Fear Not (5781)
- The Plan (5780)
- We Have a Share (5779)
- Comparison Shopping (5778)
- Like Father, Like Son (5775)
- Who deserves a blessing? (5774)
- New Week: New Blessings (5773)
- A Father’s Plan (5772)
- Parshas Toldos (5770)
- Fathers and Sons (5768)
- The Mystery of the Wells (5766)
- His Father’s Son (5765)
- Well, Well, Well (5764)
- Proud of Each Other (5763)
- Esav’s Game (5762)
- The Bravery of a Jew (5761)
- “Go to Peace” (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Coming in First Place (5766)
- Energy or Exhaustion – Eisav Shows His True Colours (5765)
- Fatherly Game (5764)
- Game Theory – Respectful Rebuke (5763)
- Trailblazing (5762)
- Keen Sense of Smell (5761)
- Staying Away! (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- The Power of the Voice (5785)
- Removing the Tags (5784)
- Fragrance of Our Actions (5783)
- Heaven on Earth (5782)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- What? (5785)
- My Own Eisav (5783)
- The Toldos Advantage (5782)
- Eisav and the World-to-Come (5781)
- Now Playing (5780)
- Worth The Cost (5779)
- Cleverly Raising Children (5778)
- Beyond Reason (5777)
- Corruption: Are You Floating or Drowning? (5775)
- Waiting for the Redemption (5774)
- Spiritually-sensitive (5773)
- The World-to-Come (5772)
- A Time to pray and A Time to Laugh (5771)
- Yaakov and Eisav Go Separate Ways (5770)
- An Ongoing Battle (5769)
- Naturally Supernatural (5767)
- Oh Brother! (5766)
- Sinai & Sina (5764)
- Look, Twins! (5763)
- Eisav the Businessman (5762)
- DeGeneration (5761)
- Two People, Two Views, Two Worlds (5760)
- Inside Outside (5759)
- A Meal for Eisav… a Fork for Ya’akov (5758)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- Teaching Redemption Teaching Truth (5765)
- Inreach + Outreach = Yakov (5764)
- The Purpose of Creation Part VI (5763)
- Old and Improved (5762)
- Inner Sanctity (5761)
- Finding the Lost Eisav (5760)
- Destiny For a Bowl of Beans (5759)
- G-d’s Desires (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- Yitzchak Learned the “Art” in His Father’s House (5785)
- A Person Can Get Used to Anything – An Advantage and a Disadvantage (5784)
- A Person’s Word Is His Word! (5783)
- The Value of Planning, Forethought, Process and Development (5782)
- The Difference Between a ‘Double-Life’ and a Broad Life (5781)
- The Challenge of Defying Natural Instincts (5780)
- Sometimes It Pays to Come from a Corrupt Environment (5779)
- Two Approaches to a Redundancy (5778)
- Don’t Take “No” for an Answer / Two Different Blessings (5777)
- The Long Lasting Impact Of Childhood Memories (5774)
- One Cannot Make Blanket Rules Concerning Telling The Truth (5773)
- Why Does “And G-d blessed him” Appear at the End of the Pasuk? (5772)
- Why Does “And G-d blessed him “Appear at the End of the Pasuk? (5772)
- Yitzchak Prayed…For She Was Barren: Baal HaTurim Notes Inverted Structure (5771)
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas Toldos (5770)
- Following In His Father (5769)
- Following In His Father (5769)
- Such Is The Power of Cynicism (5768)
- How Can The Oath of the Heretic Eisav Be Believed? (5767)
- Prayer and Domestic Tranquility Are The Secrets To Raising Good Children (5766)
- Who Cares About The Scoffers of the Generation? (5765)
- At Least We Should Try To Act Like Eisav! (5764)
- Why the Bicycle Riders? (5762)
- People Only Contemplate Life When Dying (5761)
- He Who Recognizes that He Was Stupid (5760)
- Clothing Alone Do Not Make the Man (5759)
- Worse than Color Blind (5758)
- What He is, Not What He’s Done (5757)
- 100% for the Sake of Heaven (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Advanced Level
Be'er Moshe by
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Haaros by Rabbi Yaakov Bernstein
- Toldos — To Give of Oneself (5785)
- Rivka Imeinu — The Danger of Anger and Hatred (5783)
- The Twins (5782)
- The Structure of Davening (5780)
- Parshas Toldos – The Three-fold Pattern of Jewish History (5771)
- Parshas Toldos – One Size Does Not Fit All (5770)