Learn about this week's Torah Portion:
Parshas Vayishlach
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Drasha by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky
- All… Most (5785)
- Big Returns (5784)
- The Kiss of Dot (5783)
- Landmark Decision (5782)
- Ask Me No Questions (5781)
- No News is Jews News (5780)
- Jewish Observer (5779)
- Animal House (5778)
Dvar Torah by Rabbi Label Lam
- A Brotherly Embrace (5785)
- Yaakov Truly Had Everything! (5784)
- MALACHIM MAMASH – Real Angels (5783)
- The One for Whom the Sun Shines (5782)
- Because of Them (5781)
- For Him the Sun Shone (5780)
- The Enormity of that Truth (5779)
- A Mountain of Scandal (5778)
- When it Doesn’t… (5777)
- Filters (5774)
- Our Stronger Than Iron Dome (5773)
- A Huge Goal! (5772)
- A Spell of Brotherliness (5771)
- Your Yetzer Hara! (5770)
- Not Good Enough (5769)
- Before Our Very Eyes (5768)
- A Strategy Born From Strength (5767)
- The Job of the Av (5766)
- The Four Cubits We Occupy (5765)
- To Charm and Disarm (5764)
- Aroma of Calm (5763)
- Honor And Suspicion (5761)
- Heart To Heart (5760)
- What are You Worth? (5759)
- Face to Face (5758)
- Prayer Pointers (5757)
Edutainment Weekly by Jon Erlbaum
Haftorah Commentary by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Haftorah Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Kol HaKollel by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch
- Feeling the Impact (5782)
- Maintaining Balance (5781)
- It’s Never Too Late (5780)
- Giving Satan What He Really Wants (5763)
- Confrontation Management (5762)
Legacy by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Heart to Heart (5784)
- Freeing the Spirit (5783)
- Lets End The Blame Game (5782)
- The Roots of Strength (5781)
- A Few Small Jugs (5780)
- Diminishing Returns (5778)
Lifeline by Rabbi Yaakov Menken
- This Is the Real Reason Jews Love Money (5782)
- Alone With Friends (5779)
- Continuity Crisis? (5764)
- Not Just Trappings (5762)
- Forcing the Issue (5761)
- The Deserving Success Story (5759)
- The Battle of Everyday (5758)
- Not Meditation Atop a Mountain (5757)
- I Have Everything (5756)
Parsha Halacha for the Shabbos Table by Joshua Kruger
Parsha Summary by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Rabbi Wein by Rabbi Berel Wein
- Time to Face Your Eisav (5782)
- Making Peace with the Past (5781)
- Facing the Enemy (5780)
- Standing Strong in the Face of Esau (5779)
- Conquering the Land (5778)
- Yaakov vs Eisav Throughout History (5774)
- We Are All the Children of Yaakov (5773)
- Yaakov Did Not Rely Solely on Prayer (5772)
- Just Say No (5771)
- Human Effort and Supernatural Help (5770)
- Find Serenity (5768)
- Creating Holiness (5767)
- Angels and Agents (5766)
- The New Eisav (5761)
Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Short Vorts by Rabbi Chaim Flom
Table Talk by Rabbi Raymond Beyda
The Living Law by Rabbi Osher Chaim Levene
Intermediate Level
Hamaayan by Shlomo Katz
- How to Enjoy This World (5783)
- The Reunion (5782)
- It’s Okay to be Afraid (5781)
- All on Shabbat (5780)
- Alone on That Day (5779)
- The Heritage of Yaakov (5778)
- Shabbat Shalom (5777)
- In His Image (5775)
- This Land Is My Land” (5774)
- Shabbat Shalom (5773)
- In G-d We Trust – But How Much? (5772)
- Devising Strategies (5769)
- G-dliness (5768)
- Achieving Balance (5767)
- Pray for Me (5766)
- You’ve Earned It! (5763)
- How Free Is Your Will? (5762)
- Remaining Whole (5761)
- Messenger Mitzvos (5760)
- Let Sleeping Fogs Lie (5759)
- A Good Name Forfeited in a Moment (5758)
Olas Shabbos by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann
- Ya’akov/Yisrael – What’s in Two Names? (5768)
- Stripping Life Down to its ‘Bear’ Minimum (5766)
- Blessings and Omens – Wrestling with Angels (5765)
- Getting to Know Rivkah – Through Devorah (5763)
- The War Against Error-ism (5762)
- Life of the ‘Garti’ (5761)
- Yetzer Hara – Friend or Foe? (5760)
- Our Brother, Eisav (5759)
Parsha Insights by Rabbi Yisroel Ciner
- I Have It All! (5784)
- Standing Firm (5783)
- Keep the Change (5782)
- The Face Reflecting in the Water is Yours (5780)
- Gifts, Prayer and War (5778)
- A Generous Eye (5762)
Perceptions by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- The Real Fight (5785)
- Those Little Things (5784)
- Help! (5783)
- War of Mentalities (5782)
- Loving Help (5781)
- The Vision Thing (5780)
- Worried? (5779)
- Monthly Statement (5778)
- Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora, Part 2 (5777)
- Perceptions: Vayishlach (5775)
- Power and Anti-Semitism (5774)
- Yearning for Redemption (5773)
- Fixing Ourselves First Before Our Enemies Do (5772)
- Good and Eternal Company (5771)
- God Watches Over Yisroel (5770)
- Divine Plan (5769)
- Im Lavan Garti (5766)
- Unconditional Love (5765)
- To Win By A Hairsbreadth (5764)
- The Last Straw (5763)
- An Even Longer Journey (5762)
- A Better Smelling “Sent” (5761)
- ‘On the Sent’ of Chanuka (5760)
- On the Way to Yisroel (5759)
- Oh Brother (5758)
Rabbi's Notebook by Rabbi Aron Tendler
- Reuven’s Lesson (5766)
- Non-Negotiable Part I (5765)
- Your Mission — If You Should Accept PLUS The Laws of Chanuka (5764)
- The Purpose of Creation Part VIII (5763)
- All For The Children (5762)
- The 4th Strategy (5761)
- Battle and Survival (5760)
- The Passions Of Youth (5759)
- Destiny vs. Human Action (5758)
Rav Frand by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- The Key to Yaakov’s Gratitude is Hayarden HaZEH (5785)
- The Chochmas Adam Shares Wisdom of a (Former) Businessman (5784)
- I Truly Deserve the Bechora (5783)
- The Torah Forbids Plowing With a Shor and a Chamor Together (5782)
- A Mixed Message or Two Sides of the Same Coin? (5781)
- Connection Between Kibud Av, Bechorah & Gid HaNasheh (5780)
- Doing Something is Better Than Nothing (5779)
- Learning From Lavan, Succos, & Man is Like Stone (5778)
- Yaakov Avinu’s Distress / Huts and the Little Vessels (5777)
- Know With Whom You Are Dealing (5775)
- The Antidote for “And Yaakov Remained Alone” (5774)
- The Jug May Be Only Half Full, But It Will Never Be Empty (5773)
- Don’t Bother Asking For Its Name (5772)
- A Counter-Intuitive Reading of A Difficult Pasuk (5771)
- Rabbi Frand on Parshas VaYishlach (5770)
- Yaakov Sent Malachim — Literally (5769)
- The Significance of the Name Succos (5768)
- Born to Lose (5767)
- The Attribute of Being “Alone” (5766)
- Learning To Be “Stingy” With Our Words (5765)
- The Battle With Eisav’s Angel Always Keeps Changing (5764)
- A Tale Of Two Philosophies (5763)
- Huts For the Cattle (5762)
- The Glatt Yacht (5761)
- The Sun Also Rises (5760)
- Perspective on Possessions (5759)
- The Ultimate Antidote for Eisav (5758)
- Neither Your Bite Nor Your Kiss (5757)
- A Name: The Definition of an Essence (5756)
The Shmuz on the Parsha by Rabbi B. Shafier
Advanced Level
Abarbanel by Rabbi Dr. Meir Tamari
Be'er Moshe by
Be’eros by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Gal Einai by Gedalia Litke
Growing with the Parsha by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Gur Aryeh by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Haaros by Rabbi Yaakov Bernstein
- The Sleeping Bandit (5785)
- Removing the Idols (5780)
- What Klal Yisrael’s Unity Says About Hashem (5784)