Priceless Integrity
By Rabbi Daniel Travis
The word “priceless” immediately conjures up a number of images: Rembrandt’s paintings, the Hope diamond, and Ming vases, among others. Most people do not associate “priceless” with value systems, however the Gemara speaks of an exceptional individual named Rav Tovyomi who would never tell a lie even if he was offered “all of the world’s treasures” to do so. For Rav Tovyomi, integrity was a priceless commodity.
In order to strive to attain the exalted level of Rav Tovyomi, we must first define integrity. Children everywhere are reared on the virtues of telling the truth. In most instances “the truth” is conveyed as a direct repetition of the facts, allowing for no deviation whatsoever. As children mature, they come to the realization that it is impossible to live in accordance with this definition of truth. Often enough, they are expected to say the opposite of what they feel, to compliment things they think deserve criticism, and to act courteously to people they do not like. Compounding the intrinsic difficulty of functioning on a totally truthful level, they see that almost no one lives according to this principle. In a recent poll of 40,000 Americans, 93% admitted that they lie regularly. Integrity is quickly discarded as an ideal that no longer applies to our generation.
The purpose of this class is to kindle a desire in readers to investigate the beautiful, yet intricate, nature of integrity.
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- Preface
- In The Beginning…
- The Claims Upon Israel
- A Fresh Start
- Flattery
- Wasting Time
- Petty Larceny
- Insider Trading
- Accepting the Blame
- Council
- Life Or Death
- Life Or Death II
- For the Sake of Peace
- For the Sake of Peace II
- For The Sake Of Peace III
- Distanced From Falsehood
- Obviously False
- How’s He Doing?
- Sales Talk
- Defamation
- Hospitality
- Fear Induced Lies
- Fear Induced Lies – Response to Question
- Signs of Truth I
- Signs of Truth II
- Lashon Hara
- Eternal Truth
- Eternal Cycles
- Burnt Offerings
- Purim
- Waking Up
- Spoils of War
- Let Us Make Man
- Pluralism
- Partners In Creation I
- Partners In Creation II
- Emotional Realities
- Good Intentions
- Kosher Gelt
- A Full Time Job
- Fallen Glory – The Message of Tisha B’Av
- Guard Your Lips I
- Guard Your Lips II
- Wrong Turns
- The Five Days of Yom Kippur
- Eulogies
- Hypocrisy
- Lashon Harah – Gossip
- To Save a Life
- A Moment of Exhilaration: Understanding the Brachos on the Menora
- Tax Evasion
- Individual Truth
- Cry to Hashem
- Foundations Part I
- Foundations Part II
- Bias
- Integrity Personified
- Act Your Age
- Name Withheld I
- Name Withheld II
- Facing the Truth
- Private Repentance
- The Truth Can Hurt
- Above the Eye
- Grammatically Correct
- Fleeing From Honor I
- Fleeing From Honor II
- Inflated Titles
- The Meaning is Clear
- Early Training I
- Early Training II
- Adding is Subtracting
- Breaking the Ice
- Never Assume
- A Leg To Stand On
- Financial Prosperity
- Crime and Punishment
- Verbal Agreements
- Unanswered Prayers
- Clean Speech
- The Purpose Of Falsehood I
- The Purpose of Falsehood II
- Death By Water
- What’s Yours is Yours
- The Punishment For Theft
- Small Oaths I
- Small Oaths II
- Good Humor
- Looking Out for the Other Guy
- Bad Credit
- Rightfully Mine
- Land Theft I
- Land Theft II
- Forbidden Pastures I
- Forbidden Pastures II
- Stinginess
- Exaggerations
- Fringe Benefits
- Taking Truth To Heart I
- Taking Truth To Heart II
- Taking Truth To Heart III
- Masters of Disguise
- Talk Is Cheap
- The Punishment Fits The Crime
- Keep Your Distance I
- Keep Your Distance II
- Upside Down
- Truth And Justice
- But It’s True!
- Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
- True Love
- Consumer Protection
- Dual Meanings
- Verbal Promises I
- Verbal Promises II
- Price Hiking
- Weights and Measures
- Ambiguous Statements I
- Ambiguous Statements II
- Ambiguous Statements III
- Inconsistencies
- Torah Battles
- Breaking The News
- The Boy Who Cried “Wolf!” I
- The Boy Who Cried “Wolf!” II
- The Boy Who Cried “Wolf!” III
- To Yourself Be True
- Human Nature
- Beyond Our Control
- Matchmaker
- Short and To The Point
- Switching
- Educational Tools
- Truth Tested
- Behind Closed Doors
- Mother Knows Best
- Ends and Means
- Power Struggle
- The Promise of a Thief
- Sticking Up For Mom
- Concealed Falsehood
- False Accusations
- Wisdom or Deception
- Relatively Speaking
- Lying Down On The Job
- Double Talk
- The Father of Deceivers
- Guilty Parties
- Equal Opportunity
- Rescue Mission
- Deception
- Spies
- Defensive Maneuvers
- Don’t Ask
- Deceiving Non-Jews
- An Eye For Deception
- Cursed Be
- Lost in Translation
- Dreams
- Nightmares
- Jealousy
- Persuasion
- Living Truth
- Confessions
- Exceptions to the Exceptions
- Credit Where Credit is Due
- Signatures
- Precision In Prayer
- Practical Jokes
- Free Gifts
- Beyond Suspicion
- The Best Policy
- Coming To Me